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Hey everyone :)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kileandra, Aug 19, 2007.

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  1. Kileandra

    Kileandra New Member

    Hey everyone :)

    I have to admit, I completely forgot about this forum until today when I found a reminder e-mail in my e-mail box... I had joined thinking; cool! And then got completely distracted :eek:

    Well, anyways here I am :p - and who is I; lol, my name is Kileandra, I'm 21, and since shortly a KH fan. My younger sister and I discovered the game (KH2), and immediately fell in love with it. I have to admit that it is not as cool as the normal FF games, I'm not a big Disney fan :)rolleyes:), but the other characters like Sora and Roxas just make up for that big time!

    I love reading, I'm writing a sci-fi/fantasy novel in my sparte time, am a movie addict and a great lover of music. But to go into detail about all that will take ages, so if you have a question, shoot and I'm happy to answer it :D


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