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Hey Y'all

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gods_Princess, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Gods_Princess

    Gods_Princess New Member

    I...I don't know what to type... so, ano... Hi

    Jus to let y'all know, I may not be on much. I've got cheerleading practice. and no internet at home. A mobile edition would be loved, but later people!
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YOUR NAME IS PRINCESS GOODY!! ^_+^ I am Brandon. Nice to meet you. Tell us what you like to do and what are your favorites.
  3. Axl

    Axl New Member

    Hey, welcome, I'm Axl. I hope that we can be friends (I think something is wrong whit that... Excuse me, I speak spanish, not english and y' know, translator sucks and this is a good exercise for my english). Well, tell us something about you ^^
    I hope to read you soon =D
  4. Noir


    Do not double post, try editing.
    Welcome to KHPlanet. Enjoy your time here!
  5. Gods_Princess

    Gods_Princess New Member

    lol But... let's see... I love drawing, reading and writing. I love my friends and fam to death. I have a tendancy to wear my love for Jesus on my sleeve, so if annoy anyone, let me know. As far as sports the look good on college app, lol. That's all I can think of right now... Oh and I'm Angelica ^_^

    Oh, and it's wonderful to meet y'all. Eep sorry!
  6. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

  7. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Welcome to the site Angeli'! I think you'll fit in around here :3
  8. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Welcome to the forums ^_^ i think i'll call you Angel.
    Read the rules, post often, have fun and enjoy ya stay!! ^_^
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Angelica...that's a very nice name. People here call me Knight. but only two here no my true name. (sorry guys, privileged information ;p) anyway, welcome to the site. You may want to read the rules...seeing as you've double posted here twice. Best if you don't do that, you wouldn't want to get into trouble with The Powers That Be, AKA The Admins.
  10. Gods_Princess

    Gods_Princess New Member

    Thanks. ^^

    Thank you. ^^ Yeah... Heh heh my bad... Don't plan on that happenin' again. eh... oops I really gotta start paying more attention, gosh. oh and my double posting won't a huge issue , cuz well, uber busy.
    But I'll get into the swing of things soon, haven't been on one of these in, like, five years.
    It won't take long, I promise y'all that!
    Oh and let me apologize. I did not see the edit button until, around one-ish. so... It's not that I didn't SEE it I didn't read it. Being VI the color scheme kinda blends a little. so... um sorry.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ^.^ I wear Jesus on my sleeves too. That part is very very nice. XD Ok. Princy Angelica or Princess Goodies. You better know those two nicknames. ^__^ LALALALALALALALAALA! D: OH NO~ I need to take my bath for school!!!

  12. HalvertHitsTheroad

    HalvertHitsTheroad New Member

    welcome to site! hope you enjoy your time here :)
  13. Gods_Princess

    Gods_Princess New Member

    Lol that's awesome and it's nice to know I'm not the only one, who wears Him on my sleeves , and I'll remember the nicknames lol
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum! Follow the rules (cough*quitdoubleposting*cough) and have a nice time here.
  15. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Well hey Angelica, I'll call you Angel like Blackrose is.
    So welcome to the forums :)
    You can call me Ven or Vani, few know my real name...*Imitation of Knight*
    So enjoy your time Angel, post often and follow the rules.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2011

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