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Discussion in 'Archive' started by ~When It Rains~, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. ~When It Rains~

    ~When It Rains~ New Member

    my usual name was taken (Storm) Q.Q so i used this :D

    well honestly, i don't know why i'm here. I know nothing about KH, little about FF. but this looks like a cool forum so ill poke about a lil :)
    Napoléon likes this.
  2. Noir


    You should know something about KH. This forum is a forum for the series, but you can hang out around though.
    A lot of people including me knows about FF too.

    Anyway, welcome to KHPlanet. Enjoy.
  3. ~When It Rains~

    ~When It Rains~ New Member

    well i know SOME stuff, just very basics. I've never been big on console games, never had the money for em until the recent few years. but I'm just here to hang, ill pick things up as i go :p
  4. Hi Storm! Welcome to KHP~
    Nice to see you over here. :3
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Howdy storm
    nice to have you with us!
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD And that makes five!!!!
  7. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Well I guess you joined the right place to learn some things about those games ;D

    Welcome to the site Rain, I hope you end up liking it here ~! (Sorry, I had to create a shorter name for you n.n)
    This may sound random, but is that Sasuke in your avatar ? It looks so much like him.
    My Naruto senses are tingling ! Or I may need to just use the bathroom >_<

    Yeah, I got this post off to a good start >_>;
    Stick around, read the rules, write to me (if you darn ! MWAHAHA) and I'm clearly sleep deprived today.
    If I didn't have an exam tomorrow, I would just give up and go for a nap. Other people my age take naps too, right ?

    Anywho, have fun poking around ~!
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. Hope you have a nice time here.
  9. ~When It Rains~

    ~When It Rains~ New Member

    ahah its fine ^^ i don't mind at all :)

    haha! :D my signature and avatar are both sasuke, i looveeeeee naruto :p

    THANKS Kitty

    thanks :)

    @before i decay - HEY
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  10. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    *Thinks for a minute about the name Storm* Oh Its you, well Its nice to have you here with us! ^.^ Welcome to the forums, I hope you like It here and remember to post and make lots of friend! :3
  11. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    OH. hai Storm~~ :DD

    welcome to KHP~~
  12. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Hi and welcome to the forum!

    And as for not knowing much about KH or FF, don't worry. I've known a lot of people over the years who've come here without knowing anything (some even left not knowing anything). But there are a lot of other things to do and discuss on here, so enjoy your time here!
  13. ~When It Rains~

    ~When It Rains~ New Member

    hey khroma!

    ikr ü, i figured id do fine here either way XD

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