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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Yukie, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    After a long time away from the forums, I finally prioritize my shit. Now I am back, so Hiya.
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  2. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    Hey! Welcome back!
    you alright?
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome back.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    WHEE!! I'm glad that you is back Yukou! Nice to see you. How's college?!
  5. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Welcome back, hasn't been the same without ya xD
  6. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yo man,good to cya here agin!
  7. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    Welcome back!!
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Your an ass Pulse. Haha, but w/e. I am special....

    So thanks, and college is stressful, don't go! xD
  9. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Hey glad to have you back. :D
  10. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    ahaha lol at rhys

    welcome back
  11. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Welcome back, mate.

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