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How do you level up faster?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by RoxasxKairi, Feb 9, 2009.

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  1. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member

    Okay I really want to level up Sora like really high but when I try to level him up, it doesn't seem to work. Like in the Olympus Collisium, like you know those small light things? when you hit those, do they level you up? I always thought that and I hit them alot, like the ones in the underworld. Whenever those green orbs drop, do they level you up?

    Plus, I train alot with that short guy from the Collisium too (forgot his name) and it doesn't help either. D:

    Right now I am on level 38 and I want it higher. Is there any other places that are good to train at?
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well in Kingdom Hearts 2, you get no expierience posts at teh coliseum, have you unlocked The World That Never Supose to be? By fighting the simple heartless there you lever up quickly.

    Also the green orbs do absolutely nothing to your level. They heal you that why it's green like your health bar.

    Training with Phil is just a mini game which you can do to completely unlock your journal and eventually unlock a secret video.

    Ok back on your question though, like I said above, you can also level up if you don't have that one, by going to teh world with the highest level listed and training there. To determine the highest level world you take your gumi ship up to a world, you hit triangle and you should get the little info box up well around there you should see the level for that world. Now I haven't played the game in like forever do to playing it so many times and pratically mmemorizing every line in the game, but it might pop up as well by just flying near that world. The highest worlds those is the one I mentioned above, Radiant GArden/ Hollow Bastion, and Twilight Town, taht's what wiill give you the most exp, but double check the levels because for a while because Hollow Bastion might still be low, once you go on like your third visit and it becomes Radiant Garden, that's when it becomes like the third highest world.

    Anotehr place to train I did in one of my accounts if going to teh pride land, go through simba's kings den to the very top where you fought Scar, and you'll see many yellow creatures, there's alot for at your level you should be able to get at least 3 level ups there.
  3. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    First of all, the green orbs does nothing to your exp. It heals you when your health is low. Now for leveling up go do what Kairi Star said, just fly around worlds on the gummi ship map or whatever and see if you can find a high level place, go there and train like crazy. A easier place to level up is very simple, go to pride land and level up where all those thunder bugs are, just keep going back and out in there, and you should level up very fast. That's what I did when I was very low level.
    Another place is if you have world that never was unlocked, then I suggestion you go there. *But make sure your atleast level 40 something.*

    Good luck! :D

    P.S: Working with that little guy breaking boxes and stuff don't work.
  4. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    -The Peak in Pride lands (place where you fight Scar) there are many Rapid Thruster there, so you have to quick leveling up use magnega
    -Yen Sid Tower
    -Twilight Town
    -World That Never Was
    -Cavern of Remembrance (if you playing KH2FM)
    Well, that's pretty same as Kairi Star.
  5. kh2fan

    kh2fan New Member

    i keep go to the world that never was and pawn the heartless there
  6. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    One of my file I use cheat code
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    cheats are lame. Fastest way for me is get the Ultima, then go to the place Kairi star told you about were the thunder bugs are. By then you should have Magnaga. Task that to your custom menu, then begin running around casting magnaga. The heartless have little hp so it kills around 10 at a time at minimum. DO NOT LOCK. if you do that, the spell will only hit 1 area. Because there are so many heartless, it generally stays above you with each cast. Once you mp runs out, start attacking the old fashioned way. Ultima makes you mp come back really fast so when it does, go back to magnaga. I got 40 levels doing this in about 30 minutes. Once you run out, go two area's away so the heartless come back, then go up there. Bringing ether is fine, but it's a waste of money. Thats the fastest way to level in KH-2. I have yet to find another method that can come even close to compairing.
  8. kh2fan

    kh2fan New Member

    if u want to lvl up faster in that area what i do is i get final form maxed! and then i got to pride rock at the top where all the heartless the place ur talking about and i change to final form and put thundaga and that magnet spell maxed! in ur quik spell use then use that magnet spell to gather a bunch of them and then thundaga this will kill so fast that by the time u run out of guage the last blast will give u enough drive guages as soon as u change bak to go bak into final form! i lvl so fast with that trick.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    You fail to see my point. You might spend days on getting final form, cause it's random. Also, Magnaga can kill those thunder bugs outside of a form with no prior damage. Thunder bugs are weak, and you should be about 40 or so by the time you get that spell. It's an auto kill to take out a ton. Plus, everytime 1 of them die, another tries to take it's place, but gets sucked into the spell so it dies to. They pretty much rush to their deaths until the spell goes away, but by then you'll be able to get another one out unless you mp charge. Don't be sparing with it, just try not to cast in the same place twice while another one is going. Thats a waste of mp. Thats why i run around while casting, an advantage to being in Lion form.
  10. kh2fan

    kh2fan New Member

    well actually no cause u wont have to waste money of ether's because u can revert right bak to fina form after the last blast because it gave u enough drive guage to do so and u usually get it at the gun guy that works for the organization
  11. crazykh

    crazykh New Member

    leveling up

    i tried the ones above the rock in simba's world where you battled ghost scar there i go there all the time
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Xigbar, i didn't get it at him. I had to go to Olympus Collisium and use the retry trick to get it. Here's how it works for those of you who don't know.

    First, get to the point in the game were the Cerberus Cup and Master Form are available. Make sure you have full drive before you go to this.
    Next, enter the Cerberus Cup challenge. Because of the rules you can use Master form in this challenge.
    Then, Use Master Form the instant the challenge starts. If you do not get Final Form, restart the challenge by hitting start and selecting Retry. Because of the rules, you will end up with full drive. Repeat until you get Final.
    Finally, in order to keep Final form, you must complete the Cerberus Cup. This won't be hard, because you can use Final form a lot. Make sure you can use it for the final round, cause its Cerberus. In Final Form, he's childs play =).

    If you don't believe this works, try it for yourself. It takes a bit, but the results are rewarding.
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