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How to be like Vincent Valentine

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy VII' started by Kyuu, Aug 4, 2008.

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  1. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.


    1. Be quiet. Don't go around acting like a clown. Vincent is always quite and hardly ever talks unless spoken to.
    2. Make a light sarcastic comment to someone when somebody talks to you (as seen in Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children when Marlene requests from both Cloud and Vincent a phone to call Tifa and Cloud tells the phone-less Vincent that he'll give him a call, with Vincent later asking Tifa where he can find a phone shop when entering the battle with Bahamut SIN. In the Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII featurette, he speaks on the phone with Cloud, telling him to pass a message on to Yuffie; "This is my phone, and she has no right to call it".)
    3. Be serious and somewhat rude (EX. In the Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII featurette, he speaks on the phone with Cloud, telling him to pass a message on to Yuffie; "This is my phone, and she has no right to call it".)
    4. Act like an outcast. Stay away from social groups, and be the kid who sets alone in the corner while the others are up and talking to their friends. After all Vincent's name comes from the Latin Word "vincere", which translates into "to conquer, outlast, defeat".
    If anybody ever asks what your favorite color is, say "Red and Black" (for obvious reasons). It also helps to wear Red and Black.
    5. Wince at that thought, sight, sound, anything involving love (Vincent has issues with love.)
    6. Be a decent fighter
    7. Be calm. This is the most important thing to do to act like Vincent.
    8. Be a good person (at the semi-hero level).
    9. Take any 'sin' or negative action out of proportion and 'punish' yourself for it (Ex. Stay inside of 2 days, forbid yourself from doing something you like for 2 days to a full week).
    If your friends start asking you are you alrite? give a slight nod. But if they keep asking again slight nod and a yeah.


    1. Stay out of people's way.
    2. Help people with small things here and there.
    3. Try to help someone out of a situation to the best of your extent (Ex. your friend gets in trouble, help him out).


    1. Don't take your role too seriously -- don't try and kill anyone.
    2. Another example of dont take your role too seriously - Don't get into too many fights and don't try flip around.
  2. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    that's remind me about doujinshi on my fav megazine
    coz he too quite and like an outcast he don't have cellephone
    and save his money to buy one
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    that almost sounds like me........ALMOST
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    dude,i should do that for a week or two to freak people out
  5. worbs

    worbs New Member

    cool vincent is a cool bloke so that would be good to be like him
  6. chibiviva

    chibiviva New Member

    Hee hee... I never wanna be like him, because no one can be the second Vincent who I love the most!
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