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How to Become Riku -=The Mother of all Codes=-

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Redzonic, Nov 17, 2007.

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  1. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    The Time has Come:

    Riku is in the Main Slot : Enables Use of Riku

    -So, why is Riku crashing my game?

    Well, the thing is, Riku is designed to be in the main slot. However, a number of things occur in the final battle, when Riku is designed to come out. Therefore, the final battle sets certain variables in place to be flipped on/off when Riku is in the field.

    When Riku is in the main slot outside of that world (we'll call it finalbattle.map, and say we're on pridelands.map), and Riku is in the main slot, the game looks for the reference variables to swap on, which simply is not present outside of the final battle, causing the game to have a thought overload and crash. However, a small, but still important portion of the crashing is actually coming from the HUD, which we'll get into later

    While it isn't possible to add these references without modding, it is indeed still possible to trick the game into having something similar.

    -Okay, This is all done in one single code, right?

    Well, this cannot be executed in one simple code, as there is not one simple variable in the game that will enable your Riku. And you cannot just place Riku in the main slot and expect it to work.

    Therefore, this takes a series of codes as numorous things have to be changed, and many things have to be done.

    -Let's trick the game!

    First off, make sure the multi-sora crash fix code is enabled.

    Now, we're going to delve into the UCM.

    Slot 1 (Sora) : 0054

    Slot 2 (Donald) : 08D1 : This makes Slot 2, Riku

    Slot 3 (Goofy) : 081F : This makes the third slot, Goofy, Final Xemnas Clone.

    Slot G (Guest) : 08D3 : This makes the guest slot Playable Riku. *JOKER THIS!!!* *IMPORTANT!*

    Slot M (Mickey) : 08D3 <--- Mickey's slot is different than the others. You may have noticed little change when altering this digit, it is always Mickey. Right? Units like Mickey have special coding, as you may as well imagine, and have Sora as the main reference code. The programmers designed it so that if the assigned digit does not have the reference codes Mickey does, it changes all references to the digit back to Mickey. Why it does this? I wouldn't know. There was probably some type of glitch in beta testing involving the various forms of Mickey (Cloaked/Uncloaked). Anyway, the real playable Riku, 08D3, has these same reference codes. It's invisible in most cases, why? You'd have to look, and disect the cutscene in which Riku is called in the Final Fight. What I'd assume is when it shows a close up of Sora being zapped, is the game swapping Riku with the 08D3 Riku, which is when the 08D3 becomes visible. If the camera was focused on Riku for the entirety of that cutscene, you would probably see Riku dissappear then re-appear. So while that is taking place, they give you a little close up of Sora. How nice! Anyway, we are able to place the 08D3 digit in both of these spots. That is important to us at the moment. You'll see why later

    -How does this work in the game, anyway?

    During the final fight, you may notice while you're Riku, it still shows Sora/Riku in the HUD in their respective positions.

    Riku was designed to always stay away from Sora's slot...so, bad things happen when he's placed in Sora's main player slot. Actually, a variable exists to switch control from Slot 1 to Slot 2, which does not update the HUD. The code to modify this little value hasn't been found yet, because noone has been able to get their Emulator to the final battle and actually work on it. Thus, we have to work with what we got until they do get into that battle

    -You're saying the 08D1 Riku is PROGRAMMED To be the trigger for the 08D3 Riku? Prove it.

    Okay. This can be really noticed when in the last few battles. Put 08D1 Riku in your team, then use a limit, preferably Trinity. You may notice 08D1, the Final Fight Riku, dissapears, not coming back, sometimes (this most often occurs during boss events).

    Now, there is more going on that makes Riku poof than meets the eye.

    Once again, you'd have to read deep into the game to find out exactly why Riku isn't coming back, but once again, think about how 08D1 Functions in the final battle. After a cutscene, or should I say during, 08D1 is forced out of the battle. However, 08D1 is never called out of the final battle in the first place, unless he's being swapped with 08D3. And he isn't called back unless Sora is saved. So, when the limit (Trinity) forces all party members out, a procedure (proc) is used to call them back in at the end of the limit. 08D1 simply does not want to come back after the limit is done, because the game is still having a thought overload of wanting to place 08D3 into the match, which is NOT there. It cannot check the variables to see if 08D3 is being called, and is just hanging. Luckily this didn't cause a freeze, as it was just only one simple matter. Thus is the cause behind 08D1's not wanting to come back. So, you'd figure the game would cooperate if 08D3 was present...which is in fact the cure for dissapear-o syndrome.

    -Okay. Let's do it then! Where do I start!?

    Enable the digits above, then load up a game in BEAST'S CASTLE BEFORE THE XALDIN BATTLE. Now, head into the cutscene and skip the cutscene. Now, the Xaldin boss battle is loading. AS SOON AS IT BEGINS LOADING, ACTIVATE THE JOKER For 08D3 to appear in the Guest Character's Slot. Now it's going to take a while to load, as the games processing all sorts of stuff for you.

    Ok. It loads. The game ''SEEMS'' perfectly normal. Now, let Xaldin kill you, and pray to god the Mickey white screen comes up. Become mickey, then save Sora. Now the game's mickey digit is thinking and buzzing. Once you're Sora, use Trinity! Once it's done, the game's going to freak out for a minute camera wise, then you'll notice it's focusing on Riku. You'll notice the command hud change

    Try walking around. =)

    -Your Welcome, Redzonic
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2007
  2. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    ill test it a little later right now i'm busy(just thought you should know for some reason):confused::confused::confused:
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    wow. thats alot. thanx dude =]. ill try it out, but when is ur vid coming out? and can i post a link to this at kh-vids? if u dont want me to let me know
  4. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    sorry DjC he'll probably never get the chance i think he's banned permanently:(
  5. DjC

    DjC New Member

    no i said can I post a link at kh-vids. oh and ansem, aim time?
  6. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    1. oh sorry

    2. sure *logs on*
  7. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    Experimental Mickey Mod Code: Die, and have Mickey save you.

    Version 1 : Only activate ONE Version, it will crash if you activate both, pay close attention to the command menu. One of these may crash, the other may work
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010004
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0040
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400

    Version 2 : Only activate ONE Version, it will crash if you activate both, pay close attention to the command menu. One of these may crash, the other may work
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010004
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0041
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400
  8. DjC

    DjC New Member

    cant we just use that code and the play as mickey code?
  9. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member


    Mickey has to be called in normally.

    Because with the ''Play as Mickey'' code, you don't get the Mickey command menu
  10. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    hmmm...i'll test out the code when i get a new gameshark disc or when i borrow it from my nephew again.

    EDIT: oh yeah and if the code is jokered, whats the buttons to activate it?
  11. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    armax format would be helpfulerer
    and great thinking redsonic
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2007
  12. Redzonic

    Redzonic New Member

    eh? what do you mean?
  13. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    he means how do you activate the joker? what buttons do you press to start it?
  14. DjC

    DjC New Member

    redzonic never posted a jokered code. btw i did everything u told me to do, i got a bsod. same with mickey =/
  15. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

  16. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    hmmm....you know, red sonic kinda gave me an idea for a code, but im not sure the code will work though...i need the complete code for the guest riku and maybe some others, but i dont know what they are yet.
    its just an idea so it has a low chance of working....:(
  17. DjC

    DjC New Member

    well do what some other people do when they dont know how to really hack. just mess with the umc digits till u find something new, and u can do the same with ps2dis. but u really should learn how touse ps2 dis be4 u try doing anything. thats what im doing. once i learn more about ps2dis im gonna start trying to do some very minor hacking.
  18. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    ps2dis? is that another program? if it is then can you give me the link in a PM? :)
  19. Lurker77

    Lurker77 New Member

    I know have a 6 page thread on some other site of flamming because of you...

    i hate you
  20. DjC

    DjC New Member

    what did ransu do to u? or r u talking about redsonic
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