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I finshed it :D

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Princess Seira, Jun 8, 2009.

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  1. Im so happy, finally i finished KH 2. ok on Beginners mode but Xemnas gave me a hard time :D im so happy:D:cool:
    to bad i couldn't save it at the end:(
    here is my battle report

  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    lol Nice TV.
    Great Job!
    I think I'll post mine here as well once I get a... Camera that can link to the laptop!!!
    Try get 100% next time ;)
    Or kick it up a notch to Normal or Proud mode :D
  3. thANKS Rawr, i do not think i can do that.
    but i couldn't save it :( so i still can do 100%
    and doing a milion times Xemnas, dang mymom helped by pushing the Triangle.
    it took me today 3 times. wha :O i got save Sora two times :D
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    U did good, but do teh gummi routes some more. real fun to do it that way. Stitch is my main summon than peter pan. U should do proud mode.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  5. ü

    ü 30•05•2010


    but two thing.

    Valor....................Peter Pan...............
  6. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    good job. I beat KH II a long time ago, but I can see you really tried. I didn't play it on Beginner, I did it first on Normal. Xemnas was actually pretty easy for me. I might have to post my status for it next time I play
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aweome Seira! :cool:
    I also finished KH II a long time ago. It's KH Re: COM that gives me trouble. -_- stupid Trickmaster and Riku.
    But then I always play on Proud Mode so that is probably where my problem lies.
  8. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Seems that i tell you how to beat Xigbar and Xemnas makes you could beat the game :D

    BTW: I have obtained 100% Completion in Proud Mode :D
  9. thanks guys, well i had a hard time on Demyx then on Xemnas.
    a long time i stoped because of Demyx and lets see a few weeks ago i started again.
    whoa:O i beat him today also jiust like Yesterday :D

    well i didn'tknew what came to me, when he had one long HP and started weird attack of him. i had no clue what to do. then second my mom did it and well i won.
    now today i figured out what you had to do. lol Triangle and X the same time -.-
    and yeah i won again :D

    im not sure if i ever do it on the next mode yet. I won at LV 47. I hate it that you can't save it at the end,
    maybe i ever can Finish KH 1. but i do not think so lol

    congrats Silver
  10. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    All the modes are pretty easy, I never really have trouble with any of them..You should be fine if you play on Proud Mode, just use the same Strategies that you have used before and level up higher to get past each boss. Only one I had trouble with on Proud Mode it was of course Xigbar.

    And Congratz on completing the game also, I really enjoyed it...
  11. thanks DarkSlayer
    well i think its to hard for me yet, im now doing the normal mode. its not yet hard but i see.
  12. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I've beaten the game on proud mode! :)
    There's a surprise for after beating the game. Go to Radiant Gardens and go to the place where you fought against the heartless. Go forwards and then you'll find the surprise. I'm not going to spoil it but be ready for a tough fight. It's fun though!
  13. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Heh heh, Actually it's before beating the game ;)

    Also if you finish the game on Proud Mode, you will unlock the Secret Trailer to BBS part one.
    Unless of course you have FM+, then you'll unlock the Extended BBS Secret Trailer.
    But if you finish the game 100% (Jimminy's Journal only, don't worry too much about Gummi Routes) in Beginner or Normal, that trailer will be unlocked.
  14. hehe, do ya also get something if ya finish everything? you know 100% all
    also how did anyone beat Septhoroth? or however you spell that name, he attacks ya. yo can't do anything and after 5 hits your dead:O
  15. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    I faced him on Normal. after leveling up to over Level 70. I also used the Ultima Keyblade and had alot of potions
  16. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Very nice,I dont have that much completed in the Journel yet.Wait till you get to the Paradox tournements. ;P

    Sephy aint too bad once you figure out his attacks.Triangle to block those hits,lots of elixers,a top tier keyblade (Ultima Keyblade does help alot),glide and hi jump powered up would be great.It is a hard fight though.Last time I tried him it took me 20 times to beat him at lvl 58.

    Oh,and Re.Com Trickmaster is hard with Riku on any level or mode!
  17. thats cool Legend
    I just tried one time the last cup, whoa two heartless deafting in 30 sec
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