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If you could change one thing about the Kingdom Hearts series...

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Luke, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Luke

    Luke Member

    I think mine would be to downplay the disney aspect.
    I love all the original aspects of the game, but the disney points get on my nerves some times.
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    That Is Exactly what i was going to say. The Disney portion of the games were extremely annoying to play through. I felt that the parts with Disney were meant as fillers....
  3. Luke

    Luke Member

    Totally glad im not the only one that felt this way haha.
  4. DaFreak

    DaFreak New Member

    The gummi ship minigame. It was horrid in the first game, and they did make it better in kh2, but I don't like the linear levels, I mean if your in space you should be able to fly wherever.
  5. Xehanort

    Xehanort New Member

    The Disney was fine in Kingdom Hearts 1 and wasn't filler.

    For me, bring back Billy Zane as Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness.

    Richard Epcar is an awesome Xehanort whole-form, but he isn't really a great Ansem IMO. Some actors are replaceable. Some are not. Try as they might, they will never be able to replace Billy Zane. I wouldn't mind so much if he was done away with after KH1. I can live with that. But they just keep bringing him back. The more they bring him back the more it just reminds everyone how much his original VA rocked. He turned a completely cliched villain into one of the most memorable KH characters with just his voice, that's powerful. It's just such a shame that they really tapped into something so amazing with that character and his voice, only to do away with it out of sheer laziness. Zane isn't exactly A list these days, so I can't see him being too busy to just voice a few lines of dialogue.
  6. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    I would have kingdom hearts 2 final mix have a battle system more like kingdom hearts bbs
  7. kingdomride12

    kingdomride12 New Member

    I would put neverland in kh2, cuz that was my fav world in kh1. And I would put more explanation in kh2, with the whole Roxas is Sora's Nobody and Namine in Kairi's, because I didnt really get it at first, then at the end when Roxas and Namine come back in I got it.
  8. venomblade

    venomblade New Member

    ^ this

    I was never really a fan of it :/
  9. sora1186

    sora1186 New Member

    Gummi Ship so pointless, it's like a stupid space game. That's why I can't wait until I have the command to just transport to a world.

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