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I'm Axl... Not Axel ewe

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Axl, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Axl

    Axl New Member

    ... Hello, I'm Axl. I'm from Chile and I don't speak english, but, I like this forum, so I register. I really love Kingdom Hearts :p... And... I want to know new people :3... Oh, and... I'm not Axel, my name Axl because I have a Original Character whit that name, and I really love to write about him :3... Well, I like to write, read, the music (I play the guitar and sing... But, I don't sing very well). And, I don't use translator, so, iff I have one, or two, OR MORE errors in my posts... I'm sorry, but, I think this can help me a lot whit my english... And... Don't kill me, i'm going to learn more english eweUU
    The first KH game I've ever play was Kingdom Hearts 2 (I love it :B), the second was Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories (But... I don't played too much... Only one or two worlds, because I wanted to play Kingdom Hearts 1 first ewe), Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Re Chain Of Memories... And I want to play Kingdom Hearts BBS and Re Coded.
    My favorite character is Roxas, because... I fell represented whit him.
    Thanks for read... And... I'm sorry if I have too much errors. And... That...
    Oh, if someone want to talk whit me in msn or something:
    Msn: frsaavedra@hotmail.com
    Facebook: Francisco Saavedra
    Twitter: I don't like twitter -w-
    YouTube: XZERUTO3
    I think that's all ^^U... Bye~
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Hey Axl, nice to meet you. People here call me Knight.

    <------- My youtube name is the same so you should check me out sometime. anyway, have fun, post often. but remember to follow the rules. Make plenty of friends.
  3. Axl

    Axl New Member

    Thanks, Knight. I'm going to post so often I can. And I think:
    Kingdom Hearts= Fun
    So, don't worry about that =D
    Thanks you for the welcome.
  4. Noir


    The name "Axl" reminds me of the character from Megaman X7 - X8.
    Welcome to the forums, our dear KHPlanet.
  5. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    welcome, im one of your fellow newbies at kh planet :D
  6. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    welcome welcome welcome to the forums :) i hope you enjoy your stay here and make plenty of friends ^_^
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome. Hope you enjoy the forum.
  8. Axl

    Axl New Member

    And Command Mission too :D...I'm in a megaman X forum... So, everyone think my nick is Axl because of him. Well, i love that character, but my nick is for my original charater... That's one of the reason behind the explanation of the reason of my nick :D
    Thanks to everyone :)
  9. Noir


    Oh, okay.
    Well have fun and you can add me as a friend, if you wanted to.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    And I am Brandon. ??? But what do you write though? O_O You speak Spanish.. THAT WOULD BE GREAT! I wouldn't mind speaking Spanish to you! I am taking Spanish IV in the high school this year.
  11. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Welcome! I think joining a forum site is a pretty neat idea to get help with your English ^_^ Well I hope that KHPlanet=Fun XD

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