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I'm Back, Too.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KingdomTarts, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    Hey, it's Tarts. I have had a shiza load of work rested on my shoulderd so i couldn't be around as much as I would of liked. I'll do my best to stay consistent but again, I still have a plethora of annoyances to deal with and I'm trying to slowly knock them off my list.


    My birthday was on the 29th of January.

    I got a new XBox 360...

    Actually... that's about it.

    See you around, guys.
  2. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Hiya Tarty:D welcome back
  3. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    welcome back
  4. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Welcome back! :) And hopefully i'll see you around!
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Stay on some more next time! We would love to see you communicate with us! :D AND CONGRATS ON THE XBOX 360 AND GOD BLESS YOU FOR GETTING OLDER! XD
  6. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    Thanks everybody. Again, I had a falling out. I peeked into say hi to the above. It's late here so I'm going to check some posts and I'll be AWOLing again. Lol.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Haha I noticed you were back. Don't leave again!!!
  8. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    ^I'll do my best, mon ami. Just gotta make sure something important doesn't creep up on me again.
  9. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Tarts, I'm going to go all Kingdom Hearts on you and say, 'We won't ever be truly a part. I'll always have you in here' *Points at heart*

    Don't be gone too long, you're one of my favourite newer members. Not to mention that you used the term "mon ami". My French side is thoroughly impressed ;)

    By the way, I still love your username.
  10. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    >Feel so appreciated.

    Thanks you guys, you make me feel so welcomed.

    I'll be back for sure, I can't pass up such generosity.

    KH-Planet = Awesome Sauce.
  11. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Ah yes Tarts is back,
    welcome back to our humble website.

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