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Important Notice to Those Posting Here, Version 2

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kitty, Feb 19, 2010.

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  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm going to be blunt here, guys, this section is a mess. Just about every thread I read through in here is full of off-topicness and conversations between a few members that are better suited to visitor messages, social groups, or private messages. I think it makes the forum look childish and makes all of us look bad.

    What I'm talking about, for example, is someone posting in the Member Pictures thread saying they will post pictures soon. If you aren't posting a picture or commenting on anyone else's pictures, why are you posting in there? Or, members making posts telling other members not to spam. Uh, that's spam too. I could keep listing examples of the posts I've deleted over the past few days, but that would take all evening, and no one would keep reading.

    If the thread you are posting in has a topic (What Are You Currently Listening To?, for example), then your post should concern that topic.

    And since myself and other moderators have tried quietly deleting spam posts and posting warnings to try and get people back on topic, to no avail, now we're going to start handing out infractions if it continues.

    So please try harder to stay on topic and make quality posts. The section may be called Spam City, but it is not supposed to be a free for all.

    Thank you.
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