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In Between Worlds

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Cloaked Schemer, Nov 21, 2008.

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  1. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Chapter I • Where Nothing Gathers

    "Oax . . ." A voice called out as Oax faced her throne in Where Nothing Gathers.

    "Yes, Oax?" She asked in a solum tone.

    Roxas breathed against her neck, apparently he was standing closer to her than she thought.

    "I've been worried about you." Roxas didn't flinch and Oax didn't think of turning around to face him. Roxas propelled himself up into the air and sat upon his throne.

    "Oax . . . tell me . . ."

    Oax's head turned at a ninety degree angle, she sought to find the words to say, "Tell you . . . about what?" She said slowly.
    It had been obvious to Roxas that that was what he was going to hear.

    "About your life . . . your story . . ."

    Oax found Roxas's curiosity amusing and let out a hint of a smile under her hooded face.

    "What makes me obligated to tell you?" Oax smiled, testing Roxas on how much he was interested in her story. For Oax did not dilly-dally; if Roxas wasn't really interested in knowing, she did not waste time telling. It was a lost cause.

    "You're a mysterious girl . . ." Roxas smirked stupidly, ". . . I, I want to know more about you . . . of how you came to be one with no heart . . ." Roxas admitted sheepishly.

    Oax giggled, hopping into her throne, which was smaller than Roxas's, for she hadn't had done as many missions as him, "Alright then . . ." She smiled placing her hands on the armrests of the pearl-white throne.

    "It all started with an island . . . the Island of Rest . . ."
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  2. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Cool, good start. -^^- I'll be waiting for the continuation.
  3. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    That was cool!!!
  4. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Thankz! :)

    Chapter II • The Island of Rest

    Roxas smiled, "Please, go on." He assured her.

    Oax blushed and closed her eyes, "I was the Nobody of a child named Ao on the Island of Rest. we kept each other company . . . and . . . we made each other feel safe . . ." Oax stopped to inhaled some air before she went on.

    ". . . Well, the island was being overpopulated by heartless by the thousands, so, after everything I taught him, he evacuated everyone to a different islands in pairs of two. And . . . well," Oax gulped, "That's when the Organization was created, and to be honest, I still think that it's a horrible place . . . but it's the only place that will accept me." Oax smiled.

    "So, I want to hear what happened, what happened with Ao?" Roxas asked enthusiastically.

    A tear zigzagged it's way down Oax's cheek, "The power . . . of darkness, my . . . my heart would've consumed by darkness . . . if only I had one . . ."

    "Oax . . . I'm so sorry . . . what happened to him?" Roxas asked as he jumped over to the throne next to Oax's and placed his arm over shoulder.

    "I . . . killed Ao . . ." She admitted as she tightened the drawstrings on her hood.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
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