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Infinite Undiscovery

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Okie dokie folks. Another review from your friendly neiborhood reviewer!

    Okay, any fans of Star Ocean Till the End of Time, will love this game. I myself am a big fan of the game, and after over 400 hours of play, I'm still goin'.

    Okay, I'm going to start with the downfalls, since there aren't that many from my point of view. But they are there.

    First, the story. Its nothing you haven't seen before. Full of cliches and repeated scenarios we've seen in RPG's worldwide. But, its not bad, and it is interesting. You can just see what's coming before its there. As said in November's Game Informer review, "If you think she's a princess in desguise, you're probably right.", and it is true, no story spoiled. But its still deep and flooded with colorful characters.

    And second, the voice acting. There are times where you're like, "He's good", and others when you're asking, "Where'd they get this chick?" But overall, its a decent performance. Not all THAT ear-killing.

    Now the definate pluses. There's definately more pros than cons in this game.

    Graphics. Amazing. Animations are a little funny in cutscenes, but at least they're not talking robots, like in the last Star Ocean installment. Enviroments, character models, skill effects, everything is a beautiful sight to see. And I'll say right now, the final area, is truly one of the most beautiful environments I've ever seen in my entire gaming life.

    Gameplay. Action RPG, need I say more? The answer is yes. I MUST say more!
    The battle system is definately one of the best I've seen in a long time. There's no turnbased targeting, no scene changes, nothing like that at all. Unsheath, and pummel, but its not just a button masher. Your teqniques are key to keeping the enemy down, and you killing them. But I don't want to give anything away. Lets just say that the gameplay is where this game truly shines. And it shines brightly.

    And here's a little plus. The loading times are rediculously short. I mean, you going from town to field and back, takes less than two seconds to load. Its truly awesome. So no more impaitent waiting for you. :)

    I'd give this a 10 if it weren't for the voice acting problems, but it still gets a 9/10 from me. Just becuase Aya's H. O. T.

    For XBOX 360.

  2. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    By the way, if any of you need some help or get stuck, post here and i'll try to help. :)

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