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Interesting yet twisted roleplay?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Italia07, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Italia07

    Italia07 Life being a handful ¬_¬

    Here's an idea I've had for a good while now. Was going to write it myself but I don't have enough time to write on the side. So, thought that putting it here just in case anyone is up for a new original idea of some sort.
    If not, that's fine too.

    The roleplay/plot would be based around the idea of fairy tales involved in the modern day.
    There is no mythical creatures from these fairy tales, everyone is human.
    Meaning that you could pretty much catch sick with something, injured to a point of disability, bleed to death if help doesn't get to you in time, and so on: like the real world of course ^_^

    Now, the "Fairy tale" part of the roleplay is involved with your characters. Which I'll get to in a little bit :3
    From how the roleplay would play out is that a vast number of people (haven't figured out the limit yet, depends how many takers we get here) are in a type of "turf war" in a fairly large city.

    Yes, yes. You must be thinking "oh great, another 'gang war' of some kind", but I promise that it could be interesting.
    What might make this interesting is how your character(s) could interact with everyone else.

    And this is where the "Fairy tale" aspect comes into the roleplay.
    The characters will be involved in the turf war that the story is, pretty much revolved around (most of them should be. Don't want to have you killer other's characters off to invoke some type of "revenge" factor by pulling 'out of war' characters in and out of nowhere.)

    Getting back on target, each character is given an alias. These aliases will be of a single fairy tale character's name, depending on their life story, personality, etc.
    And no two people will have the same character.

    But if we do come to a problem as if there were a wolf in 2 or 3 different fairy tales, or a good fairy, you'd have to be specific as to what fairy tale story your character is from.
    I'd really like to not deal with that problem of mixing up people and characters, so try to look for another fairy tale or character if possible.

    Another thing I'd like to point out is that I am not having you base the fairy tale characters "background or personality" off of the "Disney standards" or with all of the happiest of endings that we have seen as children.
    I'm basing the fairy tales off of the original stories, from Brothers Grimm and so on. Which is probably be a bit of a stretch, but the horror and details of the original fairy tales might also make a character more interesting, deadly, or even an amazing character from how things play out.

    One last thing before you guy say anything.
    The character must have an item, being a piece of clothing, or a "signature" weapon/item that relates to your the "fairy tale" part of your character.
    I know that I said that this was going to be within modernized times, so I'll work more and explain the details about signature items another time, or on here when i get more time to write.

    So, that's my idea of my Twisted fairy tale war. Any questions or comments?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2012
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I like it!! It makes great sence in a lot of ways.

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