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Inuyasha:Birth Of A New Half Demon(Roleplaying)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Oct 10, 2009.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Master! Master! I Have there has been a Half-Demon born"The Little short man Said."It can't be another one we seperated the Human's and demon's"The Man sitting on the throne said."So what shall we do Master?"The little man said."We shall find this half-demon and kill it....Before it becomes to Late"The Man Sitting on the Throne said."I will go on search to find it Master"The little Man said as he bowed down before the Man sitting on the throne.

    "Hush Child"The Cloaked Lady Said while rocking the baby to sleep."Ill never leave you Asorian No Matter what happens"The Cloaked Lady Said.The Lady Laid the child in a Hay bed and walked toward a small table and knelt down near it"One day your going to have to let her go"The Cloaked Man said."No i will never"The Cloaked Lady said in Response."She's a Half-Demon and if they find out the I am hiding hear I will be killed"The Cloaked Man Said."Ok.....we will get rid of her when she is old enough to walk and talk"The Cloaked Lady Said."As We Will"The Cloaked Man Said while looking to the ground.

    5 Year Later

    "Mother where are we going"Asorian said as her Mother woke her up out of her sleep."Somewhere safe where we can live freely"Asorian's Mother said.Asorian's mother began packing a bag with clothes and food."Asorian when we leave out run as fast as you can and don't look back ok"Asorian's Mother Said."Yes Mother"Asorian said sounding worried."Mother why are we leaving?"Asorian asked as soon as Asorian got done speaking the roof of there hut began to burn."Asorian lets go!"Asorian's Mother said as they ran out of the house not looking back.Furhter and Further they got but they were still being chased.Then Asorian's Mother fell "Mommy!"Asorian yelled out as she turned around began to go back for her mother."No keep running keep running! Asorian"Her mother said as Asorian turned around and kept running

    10 years Later

    "So Kibaru when will i be able to master tessaiga?"Asorian asked."Well i don't know"Kibaru said as he watched a bird fly by.Suddenly a army of men break into Kibaru's temple and began shooting arrows at Asorian.Kibaru see's the arrow's are aimed at Asorian and Jumps infront of them."Kibaru why!!"Asorian yelled as a tear rolled down her eye."I had to Asorian you have to master tessaiga"Kibaru said as he die's slowly in her arm's.Asorian get's up and run's into Kibaru's room and grab's tessaiga."You will all pay for killing My Sensai!"Asorian yelled as she began slashing and lunging through soldiers as if they were made out of tissue."Doiridia!"Asorian yelled as the Sword Tessaiga turned blue and made a huge flash.When the flash was gone the all the soldier's were on the ground dead or dying.Asorian went in her room and began packing her thing getting ready for her journey."Now i must find those Jewel Fragments Kibaru was talking about"Asorian said as he picked up he bag and walking out of her room.Asorian walked out of the temple and began running.​
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    There was fire, everywhere. An entire village was burning. People were either running, screaming for thier lives, or heading to the village center. Those headed to the center were carrying swords and spears. Upon reaching the center they saw what looked like a young man, with a giant crescent shaped blade on his back. But there was something different, a presence that seemed to come from just being closer to him. "Why did you burn our village?" One yelled.

    The young man looked at him, eyes blacker then night. "Because I was hungry."

    Before anyone could react the young man had impaled one of the villigers on his hand. To further horrify them the young man took a bit out of the man's shoulder. As the blood trickled down his cheeks the villgers finally understood. This man was a demon.

    They all charged at him weapons drawn. All aiming to kill the demon. But they couldn't. The demon was holding his sword in his left hand, the dead villager in his right. The others were frozen in fear at what he was going to do, at what he could do. Finally one of them charged. Quicker then the eye can follow he fell in two. The demon's crescent sword dripping blood. The other villagers screamed in terror and turned to flee. But the demon grinned, his sword glowing blue. He swung his blade and from the opening in its crescent a twister of silver and blue energy wss launched at the villagers. They all died on the spot.

    The demon looked around at the carnage he caused and grinned. "None escape Hyomaru. And now I have a feast for myself." Hyomaru sat down and grabbed the man he had first killed, and began to eat.
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian jumped into a tree to hide from the angry villager's."Maybe they won't find me up here"Asorian said softly so no one could hear.Asorian watched the people run past with there weapon's in hand.Asorian began to cry"Why did i have to be a half-demon.....why did i have to be born?"Asorian said as the tears ran down her eye's.Asorian jumped out of the tree and began runnig back towards the temple."Kibaru!Kibaru!"Asorian yelled"Please still be alive i need to know i need to know"She thought.Asorian jumped over the fence and ran into the temple."No! she said as she had seen Kibaru's dead body laying there.
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    In the Fox Demon Village lived a demon named Arashi. He was one of the best fighters in the village and took down many demons. One day Arashi was in his hut sleeping. He was dreaming about his childhood. Especially the day when a giant demon attacked his village. He was little and playing with his ball. Then all of a sudden a giant demon came out of nowhere and was about to attack him. As the demon was getting closer, Arashi and a few seconds later he was conscious again. THe demon was dead. "WHo killed him anyway?" Said Arashi in his sleep.
  5. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Gereth walked slowly into the villiage, he found Hyomaru, his master and his mentor, he stood over him "I asume the hunt went well, Master?" He asked bowing his head in respect. "They didn't seem to put up much of a fight..." He said chuckling. He looked around at all the blood on the ground, the dead bodies pleased him, he always loved the smell of raw flesh.
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian looked at her Sensai."I will avenge your death Kibaru!"Asorian yelled out.Asorian began running towards the village.Asorian was in the deserted village all the villagiers were gone.Then Asorian heard someone."Who's there"She said.Asorian walked into the hut that she had heard the sound from.As she walked in she had seen a little girl."Hi"Asorian said to the little girl."Hello"The timid little girl said.Asorian helped the little girl off of the ground."Are you ok?"Asorian asked the Little girl."No my mother left me because...because.....I'm a Half-demon..."the little girl said."So am i"Asorian said picking up the little girl and leaving out of the hut."Im going to take you with me ok"Asorian said."Ok"The little girl said holding onto Asorian tightly.Asorian smiled and began to run into the woods.
  7. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "hehehehehe." Could be heard through the woods. Majora watched as a women with a little girl ran through the forest, his forest. "hehehehehe." He repeated and it echoed once more. He jumped through the trees and teleported from here to there until he was in front of the women and child. He hung upside down in front of them. "do you know what happens to little girls when they get lost in the lost woods?" Majora lifted his mask to show a scarecrow looking face. "You turn into one of me." Mjora then lowered his mask. "You should aslo be careful older girl you will turn into a skeleton soldier that will stalk these woods for eternity. hehehehe, Now I am in a good mood today, now I ask that you turn back around and leave my forest. If you refuse, I will have to use force or worse kill you both."
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian pushed Majora out of her way and kept running."Dont pay him any attention ok"Asorian said to the little girl.The little girl shook her head.Asorian began to jump from tree branch to tree branch."Hold On!"Asorian yelled to the little as she gripped Asorian tighter.So was going to fast that she didn't notice the sign the said a town was coming up ahead of them.Asorian began to think about the weird little demon who they had encountered."I wonder if that thing was a demon or a soul?"Asorian thought.
  9. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi was now up and out of his hut. He walked around looking at the village. "It looks peaceful." As he kept walking he heard a loud sound from the entrance of the village. "What was that?" He ran towards the gate to the village to check it out. Once he got there he was shocked. It was a giant tiger like demon that is attacking the guards of the gate. They turned to him and said "Lord Arashi of the Yokos." "Save us!" Arashi looked at them and said "I will my friends."
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian had made it to the village and was sitting in a tree with the little girl."So whats you Name little girl?"Asorian asked."Im Not a Little girl how many times do I have to tell you"The little boy said."Oh sorry we must have been in a hurry when you were correcting me.....So whats you name?"Asorian said smiling."Korin"The little boy said while looking at Asoria.Asorian pulled out Tessaiga and began to look at it.
    "Wow this actually used to belong to the first half demon."Asorian said sounding amazed.Asorian wiped the blood of the sword and put in back into it's holder."Korin im going to teach you how to wield a sword ok"Asorian said."Ok Asorian"Korin said sounding happy.
  11. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Arashi charged at he beast with great speed. The tiger saw coming so it tried to crush him with its paw but Arashi was smarter than the beast. He dodged the attacked and jumped on its back. "Here kitty kitty." "Trt to get me up here." He then started charging power into his right claw until it was red. "Take this." "Burning fang!" He then slashed the beast on the back and jumped off. The best was now severely injured. "Ok." "Now leave and never come back." The beast agreed and left the village's gate. A guard walked up to Arashi and said "Why didn't you kill it?" Arashi turned to him and said "I didn't need to." "It was only in search of food."
  12. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "hehehe?" echcoed through the forest as the women and the child pushed pass her. He watch her jump into the trees and hope from the trees. "hehehehe." echoed once more through the forest. He jumped through the trees to catch up with them. "I suggest you not go into that village, there is a demon hunter there. I know this from experinaance. Now I ask you to leave my forest, I turn those back so they do not end up like me. No one should have to be what I am." Majora lifted his mask and showed her the scarecrow face once more. "Though if you chose to enter the village I will have no choice, but to follow you."
  13. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Hyomaru had ignored Gareth. He found him to be annoying at times. But he couldn't deny his skill, which was the only reason Hyomaru didn't slay him on sight. Gareth irritated him, but he let it slide because he was useful.

    Hyomaru stood up turned to him. "Lets get moving. I don't want to be here when those pesky demon hunters show up. I'd rather get back to the hunt for the shards."
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Asorian saw that the little thing was back."So you wanna tag along huh?"Asorian said.Asorian jumped down from the tree as did Korin.They walked into the village.Asorian looked around to see all the people staring at her Korin and Majora.Asorian walked up to a vendor and asked"Do you know where i could get a sword?""No I don't now leave this village you demon"The vendor said rudely.Korin looked at the man"You know your a real jerk!"Korin said to the Vendor while sticking his tongue out.Asorian grabbed Korin and Walked into a Hut had a signed that said Weaponry."Hello sir umm do you have any swords that this young boy here could wield?"Asorian asked."I think I have something" the vendor said as he showed her the Sword.Korin had recognized the sword."Thats the Cresent Moon Blade"Korin said."You must be Korin then"The vendor said handing him the sword."Thanks you sir....here's my money"Korin said handing him a bag of money."No need Young Master the sword was your's anyways"The Vendor said.Korin smiled."So Mister how do you know me?"Korin asked."I am your guardian"The Vendor said."Whats your Name?"Korin asked."My Name is Kazoo"The Vendor Said."Well since your my Vendor why don't you come and travel with us?"Korin asked curiously."Im your guardian not your travel companion Master Korin."Kazoo said as he handed Kazoo a bag that a had three Jewel fragments in them."You must find all of these Korin that way me and you can return."Kazoo said."Return where?"Korin a said."You will know when it is time."Kazoo said.Korin and Asorian walked out of the hut and headed back towards the woods.
  15. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "hehehehe. That is not very nive to talk to a little child like that." Majora picked up the person and had him float in mid-air a little. "Now I think you should wach what you say." Majora put the scaired person down. "for your own sake. There are those demons that won't waste anytime in killing you. I can be one of those that do, but I am in a good mood. So I will let you go human. Hehehehe." Echoed through the village. Majora notice that the women and child had finally come out of the hut and were heading back through the forest. He floated along side of them. "So what is it that you demons are looking for? I my not look it, but I have a vast amount of knowledge of all these parts that could maybe better you in your search for whatever it it your looking for."
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "We will call you if we need help"Asorian said.Asorian went further into the forest then stopped where the light was shining brightly."Ok Korin draw your sword so we can train."Asorian said.Korin drew his sword and got in his battle stance."Have you done this before Korin?"Asorian asked looking surprised that he knew the proper battle stance."No this is my first time actually holding a sword"Korin said.Asorian began t teach him the basic's after a few hour's Korin become stronger with his sword."We will pick up tomorrow but for now lets just rest."Asorian said as she took off he bag and put the jewel fragment in there."Im going to make us some food ok"Asorian said to Korin."Ok Asorian"Korin said still training.Asorian started a fire and began cooking there food."It's Done"She said.Korin put his sword back into his holder and walked over to her and sat down.Asorian handed Korin a huge peice of meat."Eat up"Asorian said as she began eating her food.After a few minute's Asorian was done but Korin was still eating."You have to eat it all so you will have strength for tomorrow.Korin ate the rest of his food.Asorian set up there tent."Korin we will sleep in here tonight ok"Asorian said.Korin smiled"Ok"he said as he climbed up on a tree.
  17. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "I am owner of this forest, so that goes on in this forest is my business." majora said as the two walked off. He climbed up a tree and watched them train. He then watched them eat, they started a fire. Majora was againest this, the forest could be burned down, his forest could be burned down. Though he thought it better to let his un welcomed company do what they wanted. Though When the child climbed up a tree. Majora sprung into action. He hung upside down infront of the child. "I am allowing you to stat in this forest, and stay the night here. you sleep on the ground with you mother. The other skull kids will grow angry if you sleep in the tree. for all the trees are our bed and we do not take kindly to unwelcome guest in our bed. Now off you go to the ground or else I will force you to the ground."
  18. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "Yes, master. Where are we going now? I hope the place has humans...I'm iching for some meat..." Gereth said. He walked along side Hyomaru keeping an eye out for anyone that could pose a potential threat to two demons.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Tieni & Marina was smiling, starting to play in the waters while Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango,Shippo & Kagome was enjoying themselves bathing in the sun & relaxing. "MARINA!! STOP CHEATING!!" "I'M NOT! THIS IS CHEATING!" Marina lifted her hands & made a scroll appear. " 水大砲 ! WATERCANNON!" Marina shot a several balls of water at Tiena & she started to run away screaming as Marina was laughing. Their parents & grandparents started to laugh & started to enjoy themselves of them duking it out while the other children was playing in the trees. "Inuyasha. I think it's been a while since we was rowdy like them don't you think." Inuyasha then started to chuckle. "Sadly, I'm still in my young form & you is so smelly & old. You old people smell like garlic." Kagome then was offended & stood up screaming. "YOU DUMB MUTT!!! SIT BOY!!!" Sango & Kagome then started to beat up Inuyasha for saying something offensive while Marina & Tiena was too busy playing. Shippo then sighed. "Sadly, he never did changed. Just because us demons lives longer does not mean for him to be mean. He's still immature even after all these years."
  20. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    "Hungry?" "What do you mean?" Arashi looked at the confused guard and said "It was looking for food." "I saw this tiger before in the forest with its offspring." "It was just searching for food." "It was being a good parent."
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
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