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Is it hard to be a Kingdom Hearts fan?

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Epic Kirby, Jan 22, 2011.

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  1. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Let's take the example of a Zelda fanboy or girl, the Zelda fan can sit pretty tight in the knowledge that they will be able to enjoy all the Zelda games if they have the Nintendo consoles, Wii for the main games and DS for side games like Spirit Track or Rupee wonderland.

    However, when it comes to Kingdom Hearts the games are spread out among the consoles, if you wanted to own every game you would have to have: PS2, PS3, DS, GBA, 3DS, PSP, Wii? What's worse is that Kingdom Hearts games have a progressing story line.

    Tetsuya Nomura has said that KH3D will "shock fans" and that it's story will lead directly into KH3. Is it fair to fans who care about the story to put such an important KH game on the 3DS meaning KH fans will have to shell out for another console.

    It could actually be seen to be very fair as Kingdom Hearts is not a 1st party title like Zelda. And why should Kingdom Hearts limit itself to Sony consoles, for example (coded and 358/2 days be on PSP and KH3D to be on PSP 2)

    Should the series have been Sony exclusive to make the lives of KH fans a little easier?

    What do I think? No, unfortunately as I actually like how they are on Nintendo consoles :D (cough*note the avatar*cough) and it's a business so being a Sony exclusive wouldn't help them make money.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think so. Or if not Sony exclusive, just a few consoles exclusive. Like, instead of having Days for the DS and BBS for the PSP, make 'em both for the PSP (or whichever console lets them do more, I have no idea which is "better"). Then release Re: Coded on that same console.

    I don't mind telling people that I don't have a whole lot of extra money to go spending around. If I'd only had to buy a PSP (or a DS, whichever), I may well have picked one up and bought these recent side games. But not being much of a gamer anymore, I can't justify buying two or three different consoles for just one game each that I really want to play.
  3. zeno101200

    zeno101200 New Member

    Well for me, I've fortunately had all of the consoles ahead of time (except the 3DS of course). I don't mind being on different consoles, because it mixes it up a bit. But, it must suck for the less fortunate who, might only have the PS2, or the DS, ect.
  4. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I dont agree.
    My oppinion is that I love the games on all the consoles. Ya, it cost's more money but, I love the diversity of playing all of them on different consoles and how every one is different in it's own special way.
    I didn't plan on getting a 3DS but since KHDream Drop Distance is coming for it im starting saving now. For everyone who has a money problem just start early and reach your goal slowly. I make 12 bucks a week because im kinda young and earn money from chores and B-days and stuff like that. Im already at 50 bucks and can still spend some money on hanging out with friends!
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I would prefer the games to be on Sony consoles. The only games I have played on DS are Kingdom Hearts.
  6. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I agree with this, it would be far better and less expensive to have all of the portable Kingdom Hearts games for the same console. I'm lucky enough to have mostly all of the different systems (I don't have the 3DS obviously), but I had to buy a PSP just to play Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, and I bought Dissidia because it would be a waste of money if I only had the one game. My PSP was around 200$, not cheap.

    Same here, oh and Pokemon Diamond xD

    I think it would have been nice if the series would have stuck to Sony consoles only, but no matter what I'm still going to save up money in order to get the 3DS because I don't want to miss a KH game ><
  7. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    same here, I'm one of the lucky ones, but if it goes to Xbox 360 I'm going to tear my hair out DX

    Same here, I can't miss a KH game XD
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I can't miss a KH game either, even though I'm losing interest in the formula. I hate Disney as well...
  9. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    It's not hard to be Kingdom Hearts fan at all, because one main reason is KH is the most addicted game EVER!
  10. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Gameplay wise I like the fact that Kingdom Hearts games are on different consoles, money wise though I'm going broke from having to buy all these consoles. No lie the only reason I bought an Nintendo DS and a PSP were for the sole reason of playing 358/2 Days and BBS, I don't own any other DS or PSP games but those two and now that I've learned that I have to buy the new Nintendo 3DS just to play KH3DS me and my wallet are starting to get frustrated!
  11. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    There's other games which actually look pretty good with 3DS such as a game called Time Travellers and Kid Icarus. They're also remaking Ocarina of Time!
  12. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    Playing your favorite games with 3D. I think it's the best thing ever to enjoy playing your favorite game.
  13. Tetiro

    Tetiro New Member

    It's not that hard to be a fan if you're a working man/have money to spare. Though I know your pains. Though here's my theory. Due to the graphics of the 3DS being so close to the PS2, Im hoping they'll stick with PSP and 3DS
  14. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Thing is I don't own a DS!!! I useed my little brothers! So eather way I need a DS just for the sake of having one, cause I like Mario and Zelda games! So buying all these consoles is fine with me. And since im so young Video Games is all I ever really spend a lot of money on! Ya I go to the movies once and a while with friends, but at the end of the month I always end up having like 40 bucks to spend on video games!
  15. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    it can be hard sometimes cuz i play so many other games.funny how i still play KH 1 and 2 still.i think that the future KH games need to be like the KH2 batt;e system
  16. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    agreed future kh must have a battle sytem like kh2
    plus i also think all the systems JEEZ
    so much money
    PS3 most likely soon (which i dont have)
    BBS i can't get i dun have PSP
    hopefully they make one for WII even though Wii sux, still it'd be ok
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  17. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    You're a KH fan but you hate disney...? :confused:
  18. DragonElder1321

    DragonElder1321 New Member

    I agree with you on the subject of consoles, but I don't think that KH should end. I like the whole idea of a few more preludes, though; it would be interesting to see what Sora was like before the Keyblade.
  19. sora1186

    sora1186 New Member

    Yeah for KH games since they were created by Sony they should've beeen made for Sony consoles instead spread out among nintendo. You know you don't since Mario on Sony console. But for KH at least some of the games are backstories to original story.
  20. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Please don't post in threads older than one month

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