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Is it safe to show your face online?

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Ventus, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    With all the this internet fraud and kidnapping over online chatrooms and the COD4 Kid that was killed, after meeting his friend online in real life, I want to know this.
    Is it safe to show your face online?
    Scrutiny has been put onto people on youtube. I'll give you some examples

    Star Wars Kid- This guy's life has been filled with bullying and has been beaten up. It's terrible that this has happened.
    YouTube - Star Wars Kid

    COD4- This is when an American was constantly bullying a British guy. He cried at the end of the film and signed off.
    YouTube - Call of Duty 4 Pissing off BRITISH
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I think it's fairly safe, to an extent. Like agreeing to meet someone who you met on a online game was very stupid. Or making a video which was obviously embarrassing. The last video didn't have anything to do with showing your face on the internet. It was just some american kid showing how retarded and ignorant he was, by ragging on someone else because of their nationality.

    But for showing you face, i think its safe enough. Like on myspace and bebo and that sort of thing.
  3. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I agree with Sao,though the last video just seemed to show the Ignorance of most americans.

    This all comes down to responsibility,if you are sensible enough to say no to drugs,you'll probably good,If you have the sense to say no to smoking,again you're good,If you have the sense to say "no,I don't want to meet you in real life." again,you'll be good.
  4. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    OK thanks guys!
    I want to make reviews and stuff for youtube.
  5. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Oh course it's safe, there's undreds of pictures out there. So I don't
    think I kiddnapper would just stop and try to look for you, that's a waste.
    Also I hope you don't mean here as well, because this a kid site. I show my face all the time, so it's no big deal.
  6. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    It's safe just as long as you don't give out your address. Like I tell people I live in Tennessee but I wont tell my city and address. So it makes it hard for people to find me.
  7. Mike

    Mike Member

  8. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

  9. Mike

    Mike Member

    If you're that one user, it doesn't matter how many 'safe' people there are.
  10. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    But i'm not that one user. But for me it doesn't concern me putting up pictures. Their are well over a 100 billion pics of people online, I know it seems like going with the group, but what difference does that 2 or 3 or me on bebo make? For me, none
  11. Mike

    Mike Member

    This is the difference between the teenager mentality and the adult mentality.

    You think before it happened to that girl, she thought it would happen? No, because teenagers think they're invincible. That's why teenage boys pay the most for car insurance: the majority drive wrecklessly because the possibility of getting in an accident escapes them.

    Here is what one might say:

    "Who cares if 6/10 teenage males get in a car accident. That doesn't affect me."

    No, not until you actually get in a car accident...There's a striking resemblance to what you're claiming.

    EDIT: For clarity, another example...I have a feeling you'll say something like "But the probability of a car accident is much higher than being targetted." Yes, yes it is...so here's a much lower probability example:

    "Who cares if 1 out of every million people is killed by a serial killer. That doesn't affect me."

    Not until you're that one...but does that mean serial killers are safe?

    You're claiming the low probability makes bebo safe.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2008
  12. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Im claiming that if im not to give out my address and of the like, that it doesn't matter if i have pictures up on bebo
  13. Mike

    Mike Member

    And what's the causal statement? Why doesn't it matter if you have pics up?

    You're saying it's safe because you don't feel it will happen to you. The slim chance (low probability) that it happened to those other people has nothing to do with you.

    When in actual fact, as I've said, the mere fact that the danger happened to someone implies that it's unsafe. If there is any possibility of danger, it's unsafe. Like working in a machine shop, there's a minute chance that you might get your hand chopped off in a machine....it's happened to others...is a machine shop safe? No, but you'd probably take your chances, if you 'act intelligently' and take the proper precautions. But does this make you immune?

    Whether or not you're willing to take the risk is a different story...because that's all you're validating sao. I take (or at least took, when I was a teenager) the risk...but it's exactly that: a risk.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2008
  14. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Your theory is good one mike, salute. But you still forgot something:Same Face chances. All people wants to show his most good looks. So they put the best on it. But in fact, he is ugly as duck. His face scrubbed. So someone didn't realize that is him except, relatives and friends.
  15. Mike

    Mike Member

    Though that's true, it doesn't clash with a given person posting their picture. There are merely 2 cases:

    Case 1: The person in question is posting an honest, NOT done up picture that is actually them.
    -See my above post. Even if everyone in the world posts false pictures except you, my previous logic holds.

    Case 2: The person in question is posting a misleading picture, either in that it's someone else's photo entirely, or that you are unrecognizable in the photo.
    -This is not posting your picture on the internet...this is posting a picture of someone else on the internet: even if it's your own.

    It defeats the purpose of this discussion, in other words.
  16. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    In my opinion.. Sometimes it's safe to place a pic of you over web. But those kinds of stuff can be seen on Myspace and Facebook, which for me it's dangerous in an extent.

    If you add who ever you want, you don't know really who is behind the computer and you don't know what he or she is up to or can do.
  17. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Is it safe to show your face on youtube?
  18. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Yes,of course.Just a video won't allow people to trace you,unless you have a like a sign,or something and it's on the video.
  19. Mike

    Mike Member

    Again, it's a question of semantics.

    Is it safe? No, there's always some risk involved with the sharing or information...I mean it's not even 100% safe to type on this forum.

    The question is more, 'are the risks minimal?'

    I would say, go for it...take your chances.
  20. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Ya, I agree with Mike. There is always a negetive side. On facebook, defently no.. Well it's your choice. I mean, even though you place it as private as posible.. It's still a risk.. but less chance ;)

    Myspace would be the same thign as facebook.. But in youtube.. I woudn't go for it. I placed videos on youtube of myself playing the violin.. but if you notice, the camera doesn't show up on my face. Just the violin to the bottom.

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