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Is Vanille Awful?

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIII' started by EtherealSummoner, Oct 26, 2012.

IS Vanille Good or Bad?

  1. I love her. She's good.

    3 vote(s)
  2. Vanille is bad.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Meh. Neutral.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Three words: Vanille and Chocolate. XD

    1 vote(s)
  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ok. So I was watching this one video clip of how this one player absolutely hates Vanille and gave reason why:

    Vanille is the Worst Character EVER - YouTube

    Ok. I understand that Vanille's voice is nowhere near Australian but still, what do you guys (Who actually played Final Fantasy XIII) think of her? I just need to play the game myself (XBOX 360 maybe) but she looks like she is a good character.
  2. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    Personally i think she is a bit annoying, she's way too optimistic and bubbly like I dont think anyone can be that happy. But sometimes she's alight but for the most part she is just very unrealistic to me. I haven;t finished the game though, so maybe she will change her attitude? I dont really know.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... I do not mind her being optimistic. Vanille wasn't optimistic most of the time but if you ask me, I love her trying to be optimistic. She is like another Yuna to me. "Guardians, don't forget to smile", "I want my journey to be full of laughter" and all of that. Both of them try to act like everything is alright yet they have burdens that they carry. -.- I don't know why no one do not want to complain about Laguna ever being so optimistic. He is ALWAYS optimistic (Especially in Dissidia 012) yet people love him.

    I don't think that Vanille should get bashed on because Vanille has reasons to try to smile because she has regrets and do not want to show them as oppose to... a happy, bouncing gun-shooting Laguna who do not have any regrets at all (Except maybe losing Julia and Lenore).
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    There's being optimistic and then there's being obnoxiously optimistic. I haven't played XIII, so I don't know, but if that's what people complain about with Vanille, she's probably the obnoxious type (and for VIII, I would say the obnoxious bubbly character was Selphie, not Laguna.) From what the guy on the video said, I have a feeling I'll dislike Vanille, too, if I ever get around to playing this game. Because I think the same way about this type of character that pops up in FFs.

    And I know this is off topic, but who is Lenore? Is that an alternative name for Raine or something?
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< Sorry about the Lenore/Raine part. I got the names switched up with Rinoa's romanji name and Laguna's and Raine's last name made the confusion even worse. *Sigh* So much knowledge in my head... gosh.

    ... But Vanille is not obnoxious. She is always preppy and cheerful. She never shows one sign of being upset until later on in the game plot. I highly doubt that there is a final fantasy character that I know of who 100% stays happy all the time because those who usually are optimistic usually ends up showing a side of grief (Selphie shows a sign of grief when her former garden school was blown up and I usually do not have a problem with her). To me, I would rather back up Vanille because she has many reasons to stay happy in opposition to Laguna who has no reason to be happy but yet still does (And he is sometimes clueless).

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