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Jack Sparrow with a Keyblade.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Twilight Knight, Mar 10, 2008.

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  1. Twilight Knight

    Twilight Knight New Member

    I was wondering what if Jack actually got Sora's Keyblade in KH-3 or his own what would it be like.
  2. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    hmmmm...... (5 minutes later) mmmm....... nah. lol... well, maybe. i dunno. we'll see.

    if jack atually does have keyblade in kh-3, i bet it'll called 'rum keyblade' and when it hit heartless and it probly cause heartless become drunk. :B
  3. temujin07

    temujin07 New Member

    LOL! I guess you're right about that... some heartless comes towards him..."Parley?"
  4. Twilight Knight

    Twilight Knight New Member

    ha ha that is true
  5. There's actually an ARMAX code that can do just that. *Begins searching through countless text files to find said code*
    Found it!

    01CB9DF6 00000001


    You can buy an ARMAX at Gamestop if you don't have one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2008
  6. Xehanort_Riku

    Xehanort_Riku New Member


    I rather hve a code where i can play as riku but in his xehanort heartlessform where he has coat that would be kool
    And jack wouldnt get a keyblade
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