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Jackie Chan Adventures

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Denki Wolf, Mar 23, 2011.

Did you like this show? (I am too trusting sometimes...)

  1. Yes, it was the Bomb!

  2. No. (Please, don't abuse your powers)

    0 vote(s)
  3. Never saw it

  1. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    This show was the bomb in all sense's of the word.
    Well, ok, the end theme was crap for the first season, but that doesn't mean the rest of the show wasn't good.

    If you have never heard of this show, let me fill you in.
    Jackie Chan, that kung-fu fighting actor we all know and love, got together with a few animators and made a cartoon for kids.
    So, what is Jackie Chan going to do a show about you may ask?
    A quest for magic talisman with the animals of the Chinese Zodiac.
    Each talisman have special powers, and when all talisman come together and form in the dragon demon statue of Shendu, Shendu will be unleashed to destroy the world.
    Shendu can do nothing along, so the Dark Hand help him gain the talismans, but Jackie Chan, Uncle, and Jade are there to stop them with the help of area 13 and lots of fun side characters along the way.

    Now, if I haven't lost you so far, the show lasted for quite a while.
    It went from 2000 to 2005, had five seasons, and two movies.

    This is a major nostalgia for me.
    I grew up on this show, and for a good reason.
    The story is, at least interesting, the characters aren't new, but not so much the same that there annoying, and the animation is surprisingly good, all things considered.
    I would watch this show, along side Showlin Showdown, another good one, on Fox's weekday showing hour.

    So what did you guys think about this show?
    Did you like it, did you hate, have never even heard about this show in your life?

    (Also, if you are wanting to see it again for old times sake, or think my explanation sounded interesting and want to check it out for yourself, you can find it on Netflix's streaming, with all 5 seasons.)
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DX It used to come on real early around 3:00 in the morning. Now it is extinct. Maybe they should have a show starring Jade.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I could've sworn we had a thread for this already.....

    But anyways, awesome show. Love it.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    We did Desert. I made one but the difference is that Denki made one with a poll and I did not. It shouldn't matter though. My thread never did had a post except from LDC and that's it.
  5. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    I just noticed there was no active topics about it, with any resent date, so I thought it would be fine to make a new one, to see if any one may not have seen it then, and wants to say something now, or etc.
    You know what I mean.
    But, when I was growing up, for some reason I thought there was only two seasons.
    I think it was from the fact that I saw the ending to the first season, but not any other endings.

    Also, I'm on the last two episodes of the first season.
    I'll be honest, some of the Talisman's powers, didn't make a lick of sense to me.
    Mostly as to how they match to there animal.
    Like, ok, the sheep, I got that one, you go to sleep counting sheep, so you can roam as a ghost and enter others dreams, but what about the Pig?
    It shot lazors from your eyes!
    I would be much more afraid of pig if they did that in real life.
    Could never have bacon again.
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i really loved this show. it's a shame that they don't air it anymore =(
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    it had to come to an end sooner or later. Besides, the whole Jade Team went and defeated all of the forces of evil for good. What else should be added?

    As for me, I would rather be the owner of the horse, rat, and the dog. I can always have immortality with the dog and the horse will help me negate any pain. The rat, well... ;D Think if it as my alternative way of making my own summons to come to life the way Jade did with her Super Moose action figure. YOU MUST LOVE THE SHOW AND JADE!!
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Unfortunately i never saw the final episode but was still a good series. I might just llok it up on Youtube now!

    P.S: Summoner you like summons way too much!(see what I did there?)
  9. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Summoner classes are awesome man!

    Anyways, I would go with the Rooster, Rabbit, and Monkey.
    Rooster, because it is very hard to stop what you can't see, Rabbit because speed is always helpful, and Monkey, because I like the power of Shapeshifting.
    Apparently, you can shapeshift into any item as well.
    Makes you wonder if you can change into something not real, but something you created...Hmm....
    EtherealSummoner likes this.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ^.^ but you know what is great: THE FIGHTING BETWEEN DIALON WONG AND UNCLE! ALWAYS A FAVORITE!! WIZARD AGAINST WIZARD! That beats martial arts any day!
  11. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    After watching a few episodes, a few as in up to half of season three, I think I know my favorite characters.

    Good guys being Uncle, Duh.
    Who can't like Uncle?
    I mean he is that fun old man that everyone has to love.
    And, as a bonus, he is a full fledged Good Chi Wizard, with awesome spells.

    Now on the bad side, I have to say Valmont.
    Don't ask me why, because I honestly don't know why.
    Maby because he is British, I mean no one can hate a British villain!

    And Neutral...DUH!
    Technical she is Neutral, since she started as a thief and it is never classified if she still is or not.
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That was one of those shows where the animation was bit weird, I recall, at least for a lot of the background work and such. But it was still the shizz. If there were ever any animated shows that I followed with any sort of intent or passion, this was one of them. For what it was worth, it had a strong plot, and reasonable variation through each story arc. Even if it wasn't the greatest show ever made, it was certainly a damn good piece of work.

    And one more thing... it's a shame it's not really on anymore.
    One more thing... ANGRY CROW TAKES FLIGHT!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  13. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    I finally finished the series.
    The ending was WAY too short.
    It would have also have been nice to have something left open for a possibility of a new season.
    Just if they ever wanted to go back to it.
    It was still a fairly good ending.
    It was at least interesting to watch.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    JACKIE! EL TORO! JACKIE! EL TORO! MAN! I wish that I can see a fight between the two of them sometimes. That would be nice!
  15. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    There was the episode where they met, but I guess that was little uneven.
    Though I would think it would be a lot like fighting Tohru.
    Him using his size to fight.
    Possibly a brains over brawns kind of thing.
    I say Jackie would win, easy.

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