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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Nova, Apr 9, 2008.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Ok, I have beaten the 2 Kingdom Hearts and all but now I'm trying to finish the journal and cant figure a fiew things out like the Jobs! I have gotten them all right except for the stupid poster drive! Does anyone know how to hang all those posters in under 40 seconds because its kicking my trash!
  2. Earindel

    Earindel New Member

    Omg really . . . Are you serious its so easy you go from the starting point down the stairs and around that shop in the middle of the round area and then under the smaller bridge and then up and then drop down, now under the bridge before and across from the trash cans, up over the cans, and up going right and finish.
  3. darkside

    darkside New Member

    i just leveled up my gliding and it came easy.
  4. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    Yup just get hi jump and glide it gets way easy
  5. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    level up so that you have glide makes it way easy
  6. Soras Other #13

    Soras Other #13 New Member

    Yer, glide takes a whole load off the shoulders
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Wait a minaute, I didn't think you could glide on KH2. Isn't it just the first one that you can glide on?
  8. Luke

    Luke Member

    No I believe you get it by leveling up Valor
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    No, I think it's Wisdom that lets you glide. And you definitely need it in order to hang all those posters in time. There's a path that you can take that makes it easier. I think you make a right at the start and just make a big circle, but I can't remember exactly. Try looking for a map on gamefaqs.com, I'm pretty sure there's one there. Good luck, this is a huge pain in the ass. I'd beaten all of the Tournaments before I'd figured out how to beat this job.
  10. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    No, its Final Form that lets you glide...
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