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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Derek, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Anyone else watching this? I know the anime series is recent and that the manga is 30yrs and still going strong but how many are following?

    I've been following the anime with mixed feelings.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I've watched one episode and it was the hammiest anime episode of anything I've ever seen.

    I don't really follow the anime or the manga, but as it has been explained to me one reason why the manga still manages to run strong after 30 years is because it is always something new. Part 4, for example, is a murder mystery. Couldn't tell you what the other parts are about though since I don't know them.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Well you've been told true. Each part, while a part of a bigger story, is also it's own self contained part with a different story. Part 1, a vampire story not unlike Dracula. Part 2, explaining the origins of the stone mask and the mysterious humanoid predators "Pillar Men". Part 3, spiritual/physic powers are introduced in the form of stands. Part 4, murder mystery, ghosts and possibly one alien. etc.

    I wasn't too fond of Parts 3 or 4 but I can see why the series would be 30yrs old. Each part is something new, Araki makes likable characters and he kinda overturns conventions. Like no character is safe from death, when you die you dont come back and very much like real life when a character dies in JoJo it's quick, without warning and sad.
    The characters could literally talk to a person one minute and they die not long after without realizing that'd be the last time they saw them.

    Most characters seem developed or at the very least likable with a personality as well. Plus when you go from vampires, to zombies, to sunshine powers, spiritual embodiment's, ghosts and so on then stop to think all of these exist in one world it kinda gives a feel of how big the universe is.
    Desert Warrior likes this.

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