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Julius Boss Battle Guide

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by ADogX, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Hey everyone. This is my Boss Battle Guide on how to defeat the Secret Boss, Julius. This is my stradegy


    Curaga x4
    Balloonga x4

    Mode Levels:

    Beginner: Level 33+
    Standard: Level 40+
    Proud: Level 60+
    Critical: Level 80+

    Required Abilities:

    Once More, Leaf Bracer, Second Chance


    The reason you have 4 Balloongas is because it deals the best damage and is quick to use. You can obtain these from the Medals Shop in the Fourth District of Traverse Town by the Flick Rush sign up. Ballongas can be bought for 1200 medals. To get Curagas, you must obtain it once from one of your Dream Eaters's Link Board. Once obtained, you can buy them for cheap at the regular Moggle Shops.

    First off, to find Julius, beat the main story, and then head to Traverse Town: Fountain Plaza. A scene will begin with Sora/Riku walking past a giant Sewer Door on the ground. Julius will crawl out of it and the fight will begin. Julius has the max possible health an enemy can have. When attacking, make sure you use your Balloongas carefully. When playing defencive, use your Curagas carefully. When Julius attacks, he might do an Uppercut Juggle combo, meaning he was will Uppercut you in the air multiple times before you can get free. Mind you, trying to break free can be difficult. Next, he will also try Body Slam you. After he hits you, do not try to use any of your Balloongas. There's an 80% chance he will Body Slam you again, which cancels the spell. Another annoying attack is when he grabs you. He will breathe Toxic right at you which cause 1 of 3 status effects: Poison, Confusion, and Blindness. It's nearly impossible to know when it's coming.

    Another attack set is his Multi-Punch combo. He spins and throws quick punches that deal massive damage. It's easier to dodge when on the ground. His final normal attack set is him "Slowing Down" to control his movement. During this attack, The classic sound of feet trying to stop running will be heard, and if you are by his feet, and your hit, he will continue to slide 2-3 more times for continuous damage. Stay in the air for a better chance to avoid this attack. Julius also has normal punching and elbow attacks, to watch out for those too.

    In the plaza, there are upper ground areas which you can jump to if you want to avoid some damage. However , he will jump up there when he can and deal damage if he jumps on/near you. Thiere is a chest on the right side platform, and you can grab it if you want.

    Now comes the annoying part. When he's down to about half health, he will begin to go what I call, "Lightning Mode." When he enters this mode, some lightning bolts will attempt to hit you, but won't do much unless hit in succession. After the lightning has subsided, you will notice that his fists have become surrounded by electricity. Now Julius' attacks are stronger. Avoid confrontation as much as possible when he is in Lightning Mode. When in Julius is in this mode, there is chance he will temporarily "Disable" your commands. This can only happen to a command that is selected for use. When Julius is in Lightning Mode, have a Balloonga as the Next-to-be-Used command. You will need your Curagas during this time. When Disabled, the command will take about 3-4 times as long to recharge. To avoid Lightning Mode damage and commands disabled, stay airborne with Flowmotion. This can definitely help in the long run. After some time, Julius will turn off Lightning Mode. Lightning Mode will turn on and off as the battle progresses. Repeat this process every time and you will be able to defeat him.

    After you win, you will see a cutscene of Julius running back in the sewer. After the scene, you will receive the Ultima Weapon Keyblade. Once beaten, you can re-fight Julius any time you wish. Good luck and have fun!
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2012

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