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Discussion in 'Audio and Visual' started by FatewithFury, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    Eeh i just got my hands on photoshop for a first time in a long time. tell me what u think. took like 5 mins. didnt put too much effort into it, i just wanna know how i can average with sigs. and sorry if its too big i dont know what the site limit is... i forgot lol.


    EDIT- im sorry but what uploading site should i use so i can post my pics at better quality? i have no clue.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  2. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    You seem to use .PNG file type already so I guess it can't be because of that. I haven't ever used tinypic, but I guess that can render the picture a lot worse than what it really is. I use imgur, it's simple and good uploading site that keeps the quality of the picture at it's best. Once you've uploaded, just copy the link on the right (DIRECT LINK, no other 'cause bad things happen) and post it like you've used to, should be good quality.

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    And what about the picture then? I think that you need a lot of practise my friend, I don't see too much anything here that I like - the font is too noticeable as it doesn't blend to the picture (has a feeling that it doesn't belong there at all, placing is just horrible), Xemnas sticks out too much from the BG and I notice that you've been trying to fix that with some blur but it just makes it look more disoriented, kind of unsuccessful creative chaos happening in this picture.

    Did you try out Photoshop just like that without trying to get the hang of it again through tutorials? My recommendation is that you'd Google "photoshop signature tutorials", "photoshop text/photoshop signature text tutorials" and some basic things like that so that you can get to the hang of it.

    Good luck my little friend, the path of GFX is not so friendly but it rewards you greatly once you learn the basics.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I can't say that I've ever really noticed a difference in the quality of my sigs when I've uploaded them to different places, but maybe I just don't have a good eye for it. I use photobucket mostly, but I've also used imageshack and some other places too now and again.

    As for the signature, I'm gonna pretty much echo what Cameron has said. There's not really any flow to the background, and Xemnas isn't integrated into it very well. Try using the lasso/feather tool to blend, rather than the blur tool. Or you could try smudging, if you do it easily. The font placement isn't great and the style is a bit boring, in my opinion. I would have picked a bolder font and moved it down and to the right some.

    And I would definitely echo checking out some tutorials. I'm a major tutorial whore. You can really learn a lot that way, and it's also a good way to build up your resources. deviantART has some that you could take a look at, or as Cameron said, google search would probably point you towards some gfx sites with tuts and advice.

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