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Kairi as REAL Keyblade user

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by SoulzD4wn, Nov 20, 2011.

Kairi as a Keyblade Fighter

  1. Sure, It be a good idea

  2. No, she's fine how she is

  1. SoulzD4wn

    SoulzD4wn New Member

    I had a little bit of thought about Kairi and she apparently turns out to be the "Princess of Heart" which I missed out from Kingdom Hearts 1 which is quite bad for me lol.

    More importantly in Kingdom Hearts 2, She is wielding a keyblade that Riku (In Ansem form) gave to her to fight off the Nobodies. There I had a thought of "What if she was a female fighter?" like Xion and Aqua.

    If she were one, I'd say that she'd learn all her abilities and such from Riku and Sora. Not only that, some sort of individual storyline of her part of the entire series to create more variety and point of views of the game.

    She barely did much in Kindom Hearts 1 and 2 as she overall stood there and watched and cheered on the good guys. That and also a vital part of the creation of "358/2 Days" and "Chain of Memories"

    What do you guys think? If you said yeah, then explain specifically how she'd be a fighter. How'd she hold her keyblade, how her attack style be, How much personality would change out of her.

    Discuss =)
  2. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Well personally, i don't think she should become a permanent edition to the ranks. Of course, they may do it anyway in 3D but whatever. I never likes her character in the first place becuase of her raging Mary-Sue Syndrome. And her plotline has a few holes in it too. She got the keyblade in KH2 as an emergency solution in a life/death situation. If you wann be nit-picky with the deets, Riku and Sora summoned their own keyblades while she was handed one by riku.

    I dunno. I would love to see her character developed a lot more than have her just remain the face that launched 1,000 ships (or two keyblade warriors)
  3. xshotz

    xshotz New Member

    I don't think she should be a keyblade wielder, because sora and riku wielding a keyblade?(In DDD i think riku was wielding one) There should be only one keyblade wielder in the first place, then a third on.e. Yeah....no
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    And I also don't think EVERYONE has to be a keyblade wielder. That's kind of a KH pet peeve of mine- so many keyblade wielders in the series. If S-E could just give Kairi something to do besides wait and get kidnapped, without resorting to making her more of a Sue and randomly giving her super ass-kicking powers, I would be happy. Said powers would be very out of character, and just lazy writing. If she'd been on that path from the start of KH I, it'd be different. But she's been cast as the damsel in distress, and I think it's hard to write a character out from under that label believably.
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -___- I don't think that Kairi would even fall under the mary-sue category unless the company wants her to fall under that category. She can be the future and surpassing version of Aqua if possible. -_________- And I am tired of the "EVERYONE IS BECOMING A KEYBLADER" quote. Not everyone is becoming a keyblader. The only keybladers there are: Eraqus, Master Xehanort, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Riku, Mickey, Yen Sid (Formally) and Sora. Roxas is one because of being Sora's nobody and Xion is the same way. -____- That is actually a few right there. No one is going to jump up and go "LET US MAKE HAYNER AND OLETTE KEYBLADE WIELDERS! O.O AND EVEN QUEEN MINNIE!"

    Adding in Kairi would only make #12. Just a small group of Keyblade Wielders. 12. She is a Princess of Heart but even so, her being a Damsel in Distress at first does not mean that she should be crossed out for one who can have the chance to strike back and being able to fight on her own. Want to complain some more just because her Princess status should only allow her to only be a damsel in distress? Let me say this:

    Yuna: Got kidnapped a couple of times. Once in Luca, another time on the shoopuf, again when she was found on Bikanel, and again in Bevelle after being charged after the trail. Has great summoning powers; still get kidnapped.

    Rinoa: Kidnapped by Edea and put under a spell, then been put under a spell again by Ultimecia in outer space and then got kidnapped by an awakened Adel.

    Zelda: So original. Always get chased and kidnapped by Ganandorf. She is playable in the Super Smash series. Has mystical powers, healing and great wisdom. Can turn into Sheik; still gets kidnapped. Can become Tetra; still gets kidnapped. Can use Light Arrows against Ganandorf in Twilight Princess's final battle; still gets kidnapped and was possessed to fight against Link. All that power; still gets kidnapped. Even in the t.v. shows.

    Serah Farron: YES HER! FFXIII-2 protagonist. Has been captured a couple of times in the predecessor. GUESS WHAT?! It did not stop her form actually being able to learn how to fight and being able to have abilities that made her a main character in FFXIII-2. Not good for Kairi who is a npc to have powers but Serah who is a npc and has a weapon and powers too can? Hm. What is that saying I wonder.

    Princess Peach: Has been kidnapped several times. She races, plays sports and bakes; still gets kidnap for marriages, looked at as the villain's mama and more. Still didn't stop her from being in Super Smash Bros series and she even star in her own game where she saves Mario. Oh sure! Kairi as a Princess of Hearts cannot wield a weapon but Peach can with a puffy umbrella. -____- Now this is just wrong.

    Sophia Esteed: From Star Ocean: Till The End of Time. Was just a regular girl at first. Was kidnapped. All of a sudden, realized that she has the power of Connection. BAM!!! O___O And she has some spunky symbology powers! She's up there with Fayt and Maria. Fayt's love interest. Hm. You don't want Kairi to have some awesome powers but it is ok for Sophia to have awesome powers.

    And the list just keep going and going. I don't even see Kairi with a Mary-Sue Syndrome. She hardly had anything that can make her take the spotlight. In KH 1, she is central as a princess of hearts so her captive is what motivates Sora and Riku to find her. Chain of Memories shows Namine, her nobody. Kairi was hardly in there. Birth by Sleep, we only know that Kairi as a child with her grandmother, she met Aqua but she accidentally grabbed onto Aqua's keyblade, showing as to how she was even able to wield the keyblade that she used in KHII. In KH 2, all we know is that she lost her memories of Sora, regained them and she was only captured just so she can fuel Sora's anger. We only see her use a keybalde to fight off a couple of heartless.

    Kairi hardly did anything to take the spotlight (Love her theme song though) but yet, none of you don't want her to at least fight? All of you are ok with the characters that I had stated from above but would not give Kairi the chance to fight? Now this is what I call bull.
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member


    For the question, hell no. I personally hope that Kairi is not added to the future games as one of the main characters, she can stand in the sidelines. It would be much more enjoyable if the future games would concentrate on Sora and Riku. So no, I hope she doesn't get a Keyblade and disappears mostly from the story.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -____- The series was already focused on Sora and Riku. Kingdom Hearts 2, Chain of Memories, Coded, and 3D. Kairi only became important in Kingdom Hearts 1. Oh! Guess what?! Sora and Riku will still have a lot of focus in the last Kingdom Hearts game too! Kairi has already stepped on the sidelines after Kingdom Hearts 1. All that Kairi supporters and other people are asking is that she just wield a keyblade and is able to fight. Not like anyone is asking her to become a Keyblade Master; she is not a DISNEY Princess of Hearts. She's a original princess of her own self. Do not even care if she is just temporarily played or is a party member. That can be fine too.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    In all honesty, Kairi I don't think she should be a keyblader, for one she's more of a damsel in distress, the helpless princess meant to be rescued. If shes going to fight, I don't think she should have a keyblade but rather she learned magic and fought with it, or be just a side character with no story unless referring to the Princesses of Hearts.
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Don't be so butthurt all the time Brandon. Relax or use a lube next time.

    Long story short, it would be nice if some of the next games would be focusing more on Sora and Riku on their journey, and they would leave Kairi out of the action.
    Kitty likes this.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Not being butthurt; -__- Just a little bit irritated. Even so, Kairi can have magic or whatever. Her wielding a keyblade, that can be good too. her being helpless: I highly doubt that. She has a strong will personality and she don't even fear the heartless when she was protecting Sora as a Shadow in KH and even put ehrself in harm's way to even attempt to stand up for herself and Namine when Saix blocked their path. She don't act scared like all of the other princesses. Her character and personality shows that she is not as helpless as some of you wanted her to.

    And her story background: What more should we add along with it? She met Aqua at the age of 4, have a grandmother with a story on light and darkness, met Sora and Riku, used to live in Radiant Garden and she is a Princess of Heart. She might have more of a plot as to what she learned more from her Grandmother on light and darkness or have a little more of a tie in with Aqua but otherwise, what more can you add on to her?
  11. Darren42

    Darren42 New Member

    Wholeheartadly agree with this post the games made so many Keyblade wielders that the novelty really wore off towards the end.... Kairi is a pretty cool character from the point of view that it's her who spurs on Sors and Riku in there adventures. However making yet another keyblade master would deff annoy me.
  12. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Being a writer myself, I know how hard chick characters can be to write about. you have so many perosnality types to choose from and most of the time you'll just have haters in your fanbase devoted to outing them. My theory is that Squeenix is just flopping around like a fish out of water trying to actually do somthing with Kairi and not let her pale in comparison to her badass Final Fantasy cousins. Rather than making her a sacrifice to the dreaded Mary-Sue Syndrome, the creators are trying to save her from Wallflower Syndrome.
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Eh it honestly doesn't matter to me.

    If I had to pick a side, i would say just give her the keyblade. Her character was heading in that direction from the beginning. Two of the Three friends were able to wield the keyblade. She was helpless and unable to protect herself. She had to relie on her friends for protection. Now it's her time to protect them.

    Female characters are developing into a more protective and combative role.
  14. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Just because two thrids of a friend circle are the warriors, it doesn't mean that they have to complete the circle. Kairi would be more suited to being a source of motivation for Sora and Riku. She's their friend, a better cheerleader and beleiver than a fighter.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    The two thirds of the friends circle became keybladers because they were fighting to protect and save her.

    If she's going to be like her final fantasy cousins she should be more like Aerithe.

    To me the only problem with Kairi is she's too sweet and doesn't have a back bone. That she'd be too trusting of everybody(coughAxelkidnapandwillinglycpughkidnapagaincough).

    Next Summoner,grammar much?
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Kairi does have a Sue-ish quality whether you want to admit it or not. But I'm not going to argue with you about it, because I know it's a waste of time. As for my 'too many keybladers' comment, I stand by that. The awesomeness of KH I was the idea of this chosen one, and now being a keyblade wielder, in my opinion, is just not that special anymore, whether there are 5 others in the series or 500. I don't think I've hidden my opinion on the forum that I don't particularly like the direction KH has been heading, and this is a part of it. And I don't care at all why the people you listed are keyblade wielders; the fact is that they are, and I don't think there really needed to be so many. The story could have taken a different turn. But again, not really gonna argue my opinion on this here.

    I never said that Kairi could never break away from the damsel in distress mode. I said that since she's been established since day 1 as such, it will be very difficult, in my opinion, for SE to write Kairi in a way that makes her more badass. She still has to stay true to character, or else it'll feel fake. I personally don't believe there is any way I could swallow a fighter!Kairi, no matter how SE spins it. And her being a girl or a "princess" has nothing to do with it. I love a badass chick, when it's done right *coughMulancough*. I'm not sure why you listed all those examples.

    She does?

    This is more the direction I think Kairi should go. Aerith never exactly kicked ass like Tifa or Yuffie did, but she had her own quiet strength and I never found her lacking as a character.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    What the heck!! Not once did any one of us who supports Kairi said that we want her to be a keyblade master. We said that she should have a keyblade and be a keyblade fighter. There's a difference!

    First off, Kairi do not even have to be like her "Final Fantasy cousins". She is her own, original character. -_- And Kairi is not "too sweet" and she does have a backbone. I can state to you the times where she actually threw herself in harms's way to save her and wasn't even afraid of some of the villains.

    KH: After waking up, she wanted to stay back and try to save Sora and stating that she does not want to leave Sora behind but Riku while holding the Heartless Ansem back told her to run away with Donald and Goofy. While running, she reveals Sora out of the other heartlesses as she was a shadow and actually threw herself in harm's way as the heartless attacks her and the Shadow Sora. Her light brought Sora back. She also wanted to go with Sora but was convinced by him not to go. Shows that she is willing to become a sacrifice in order to help her friends and that she has complete trust in them.

    KHII: Lost her memories of Sora because of Namine but even after regaining her memories, she still wanted to just leave the islands and go find them herself and to take action. Axel wanted her to come with him but she got bold and distrust him, going with Pluto than to trust him and jumped into a dark portal. After being taken by Axel in Twilight, Saix came and took her away from him. Once Namine finds Kairi, the two tries to escape but is encountered by Saix. She stood by Namine and was ready to go against Saix and his Berserkers with no fear but was supported by Riku. Kairi stood by Riku and found Sora. Seeing that Sora is attacked, she actually jumped from a long roof (O__O Really. A Princess who actually have good jumping abilities!) and she actually threw herself in harm's way again with no fear. Riku supported her again as he got rid of the shadows that was on top of her and gave her Destiny's Embrace. She then had more attack power and became bold again, fighting off the Shadows with Riku until Sora and the others came to help them.

    Yes, she has a caring and loving personality but on top of that, she is a heroine who does not mind to throw herself in harm's way and she is bold enough to even stand up to villains even though she does not have a weapon. She is not even like the other six Princesses who screams and act all helpless like a true damsel in distress but with Kairi, she don't scream. She stands up to whatever gets in her way even though she might end up getting captured again. Her courageous will and feelings allows to keep on fighting.

    The ones that I had bolded, yea. No offense but if you are not going to tell me what makes her "Mary-sueish", then you might as well drop it all together. I just don't see what makes her all Mary-Sue and for a fact, almost all characters have a little bit of Mary-Sue elements in them no matter what. In all honesty, Sora and Riku are more of a Mary-Sue than Kairi; please read the characters that I have stated in my very first post here. And no. It is not even hard for her to break away from the damsel in distress. As I have stated above, she actually had a sacrificing and bold personality against danger and it has greatly increased from KH to KHII. And her strong will personality, I answered it from just now in this post. And her being another Aerith, heck no. She is her own character. You want to cry about her staying true to her character, yet you want her to be like Aerith or any other final fantasy character? Do realize that I stated of her personalities that she carries within her and what she did. Also, I think that some of you do too much KH roleplays for all of you to say that there are too many people becoming keyblade wielders. XD 12 is still a small number within the group. For me, I was thinking that it is a good number for a group. 13 would be the max.

    Like Keybladelegacy said, she was heading towards that direction from the very beginning just from what I had stated. Why, Kairi would become a party member at the World That Never Was if the people actually allowed her to.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2011
  18. Darren42

    Darren42 New Member

    Ok then to put it another way I would not like to see her being a Keyblade user :p. They keyblade is not like a sword.....It's not a weapon that anyone should be able to meerely pick up and begin to fight with. There are enough keyblades on the go as it is without Kairi taking up arms as well.
  19. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Wow o_O We seem to have a lot of strog opinions here. Especially you Brandon. I agree with Kitty, there are just more keyblade weilders than necessary and that's kinda rubbing me the wrong way. But what Kitty didn't mention is that they killed off a lot of the old ones. I haven't played BBS yet but my friends rant enough about it for me to know that Aqua is in the world of darkness, Ventus became a part of Sora, and Terra was taken over by Xehanort. Not sure about Eraqus cause i don't really know who he is, and I'm pretty sure Vanitas is dead, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Off topic for a little bit, what I think SE should do in this 3D is kill off Yen Sid. Just a thought, back to the debate at hand.

    Kairi DOES have qualities of a Mary Sue, it's true and if you put her through the Mary Sue Litmus Test (link below) then maybe it's spark deeper thinking. But what you mentioned about her being bold and dedicated and not afraid to run into danger is also true. However, it just wouldn't be a good idea to make her a keyblade weilder, because her special place within the group as a motivator would be lost. And even though she can fight for a little bit as seen in KH2, Sora or Riku would have to stay back and teach her how exactrly to use the keyblade and magic.

    The Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    If Kairi didn't grab hold onto Aqua's keyblade while running away from the unverse, then it would've been true; too bad that she now has the capability to wield one because of her light and now she touch it. XD She went through a Keyblade Inheritance Ritual unintentionally so you have Aqua to blame for having her keyblade out. And having a lot of keyblades does not depict how many keybladers there are.

    As for the fighting part and learning, -__- why in the world do she needs training? Sora and/or Riku do not have to stay back and teach her how. Sora and Riku learned how to fight by themselves. Kairi can be self-taught and she has magical-latent abilities. She can learn better as to how to use magic from Merlin or Yen Sid than those two.

    And as for the test... Uh huh. I did the test for Kairi and in all honesty, that is a terrible test to pertain to Kairi whereas to Sora and Riku, they fall under a lot of those categories and Part 1 only refers to game characters. This is what I listed Kairi in my own eyes in Pt. 1 (Since that is the only section in relation to game characters only:

    1. Impervious to darkness because her heart has no darkness.
    2. She has grown with wisdom and knowledge. Also in KH, she shared her memory of her grandmother talking about light and darkness.
    3. She can fairly fight with Destiny's Embrace quite fairly fast in KHII.
    4. She has the powers that a Princess of Hearts has, making her abilities unusual and unique.
    5. Riku is not no magical being but before BBS came, we all did assumed that Destiny's Embrace belonged to him so the weapon was given to Kairi.
    6. Princesses of Hearts can be seen of noble status. Kairi may not have been born noble but with the status of a Princess of Heart, she can be seen as one.
    7. Belonged in the prophecy of being one of the seven to open the final keyhole. What? Is true.
    8. This one "Desueify" her. Yes. She tend to rely on Sora and Riku to help her fight off enemies regardless of her bold she is.

    She came up with a 16-1=15. She would end up in the 17-21 part if I was actually was attracted to how she looked. Still, she is either not even a mary-sue or she can go either way at this point. Everything else about sex and such, meh. Kingdom Hearts is not even Teen or Matured contented so most of Pt.1 don't even count. If all of you want to go on and still bash on her and try to say that she is a Mary-Sue, let me be the first to bash on Sora for being more of a Mary-Sue (And I will take Noz's comment as to how he wanted those two to be the main focus even though they are anyways.) We can all then have the best debate on Kairi's fate ever and if that is not enough, I can bash on Riku too!

    1. He has been in a lot of fights; NEVER HAS A SCAR! Oh wow! What a strong lil' boy!
    2. Has cool clothing! Went from that funny farmer looking clothing to some great wardrobes in KHII and KH3D. His clothings has nothing to do with the situation really.
    3. During the very beginning of the scene of Deep Jungle, he fell from a great height. O.O HOW DID HE SURVIVED THAT FALL?! He can even carry boxes and the like without strain.
    4. He has somehow been enhanced magically with super powers through drive forms and can go into his Anti-form and do "YOU BLOW MY MIND!" tricks when doing team up abilities with other people or just by himself in the game. He just continually gain new powers.
    5. Noz wants him to be the main focus with Riku! "Do people like xir better this way?" OH YES! NOZ SURELY DOES!
    6. Sora always speak against the villains. As always with quacking Donald and goofy Goofy, he is always right and justified against villains. As he said to Jafar in KHII "DON'T MESS WITH STREET RATS!"
    7. He has a sharp tongue. "DON'T MESS WITH STREET RATS!" XD what a classic.
    8. Sora is always getting into fights. Backing up Alice to save her. Going in and making sure that Hercules is alright. Trying to help Mulan stay in the army and get into a fight just like that. Trying to help Hercules prove that his heart is strong and fight a big, three headed dog. The list goes on and on!
    9. The Rules of the KH Universe has been broken sadly. Ventus was not able to become a Keyblade Master yet because of his age but with Sora and Riku (mainly more with Sora), this has been broken only because to stop Xehanort. Oh well.
    10. He has accomplished a lot of things that would be unusually be impossible for a 14-15 year old. HE GETS TO TRAVEL WORLDS! HE GETS TO FLY LIKE PETER PAN! HE SINGS! HE COMPETES! HE FIGHTS AND SAVES PRINCESSES! May I need to say more?
    11. He picks up skills so fast. INSANELY fast. There's two more checkmarks right there. He didn't even train for them. He just learn them just like that. OH WOW! Maybe it is just the keyblade doing all of the work.
    12. He has earned a lot of compliments and thanks. Still, all he has to say is "No problem" or "It was nothing." Three marks right there.
    13. Oh my gosh! HE CAN SING WITH ARIEL! -___- Who threw in singing anyways (CoughS....Ecough.)
    15. In that battle against the 1,000 heartless, he wiped them out. :p SORA IS BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!!
    16. He uses a weapon that is magical: The Keyblade. I don't even know what ornate means.
    17. He is the boy who is tied up to everyone, the boy to stop Master Xehanort, the boy to save Terra and Ventus and Aqua and the boy to blah blah blah blah whoopee doo. Now that is a lot of prophecies that he is in than what Kairi is a part of.
    18. A LOT OF VILLAINS JUST ADORE HIM! Maleficent, Xemnas, Heartless Ansem, Hades, Braig's nobody, Saix, Axel. :D LOVED BY BOTH GENDERS!!
    19. Riku is envious of Sora. He is jealous of his abilities and Sora is of RIku, which is why they tend to compete against each other.
    20 The "Desuifying" qualifier. I am not all that mean. Without the keyblade, he has to rely on the wooden sword. XD And his magic.
    21. :D His trinket is the keyblade and it can seal a lot of things.

    And he has a 47. I wish he hit 50! That would make my day!

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