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Kairi's own story

Discussion in 'Archive' started by twilight_roxas, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. twilight_roxas

    twilight_roxas New Member

    I know Nomura said that KHIII is after DDD but do you think they should have made one Kingdom Hearts game were Kairi is the main character traveling through worlds by herself set between DDD and III?
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... That would be nice... but I would rather prefer that Kairi's story is in "Kingdom Hearts 3".
  3. twilight_roxas

    twilight_roxas New Member

    as a only playable character.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Even if she is playable, I do not think that she would be traveling by herself (Or for most of the main plot that is) because of her position and status. Her traveling through worlds is not a problem to me. It is the fact as to whether it should be in between games or if it is during the game that she is traveling by herself (IF it is for most of the storlyline) is what I am more concern.
  5. twilight_roxas

    twilight_roxas New Member

    The idea of her story between dream drop distance and III is that she travels back in time and lock the keyholes of time in multiple worlds. Which is like her mark of mastery.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I understand that... but the point is whether or not we should even have another side-game until we actually get to the next main game. We can just merge Kairi's Mark of Mastery within Kingdom Hearts 3. The game may be longer, yes but I do not mind.
  7. Forever Hearts

    Forever Hearts New Member

    As much as I love playing as Sora, I would kinda like to see a game where you get to play as Riku and Kairi, maybe where something's happened to Sora and they have to work together to rescue him?
  8. eurdox2000

    eurdox2000 New Member

    Eh- honestly ...

    They are probably for Kari's mark of mastery just going to throw some cut scene in with her being a bad ass or some thing. If she were to have her own story it would just co exist with Sora's and Riku's not be separate. If it was up to me though it would be interesting but, unnecessary and kinda just piss fans off more then please them. XD but, it's an interesting idea maybe a end game thing for KH 3 who knows. :3 It is quite possible though I have no idea what they would possibly build off of for her. She kinda has just been the damsel in distress.
  9. twilight_roxas

    twilight_roxas New Member

    Its like if they made one game were Kairi is the only playable character it would be like Kairi is finally not going to be a damsel in distress. Plus she could go to other worlds that are old and new like Neverland and Dumbo's world.

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