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Keyblade war

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TearfulVentus, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. TearfulVentus

    TearfulVentus New Member

    Doubt this will ever happen, but a curious thought?

    What would a game focusing on the Keyblade war be like?

    would it be possible to bring in the crossover elements in such a game?

    I think it would be a fun idea personally...
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I think the Keyblade Wars would serve better as a PSP movie or PSV movie. Playing through the Keyblade Wars just doesn't sound like a good idea.
  3. TearfulVentus

    TearfulVentus New Member

    or maybe face the war via time travel, lol?

    As that would let you visit the war at least.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    According to the rules of time travel, they wouldn't be able to.
  5. TearfulVentus

    TearfulVentus New Member

    any idea how to work in the disney elements into something focused on the KEyblade wars?

    Just a curious question

    maybe Scrooge MCduck back when he was off trying to make his fortune.
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    My idea is bad.

    But I want a Kingdom Hearts MMORPG. The concept of Keyblade Wars would fit perfectly.

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