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KH-3.Net Christmas Media Contest

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by Nitro, Dec 9, 2007.

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  1. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    Take part in our media crazed Christmas event!

    The festive season is amongst us, and here at kh-3.net members of the community are encouraged to take part in our media competition! Our competition consists of various mediums, enabling the widest range of user activity and we strongly encourage you all to take part, entrants are open to enter into contests comprising of AMV movies, Wallpapers, Fan Art, Fan Fiction and lastly a Star Member contest!

    So what will you enter in?

    Animated Movies - AMV
    Enter an AMV to the contest, must comprise of your own work and related to Kingdom Hearts of course, you can explore various video effects, be it basic or detailed all videos are welcomes. Try and be unique :)

    Design a kingdom hearts based wallpaper, masters of photoshop or a beginner, all are welcome. Try to avoid plain brush usage and create some true master pieces. This is for the graphic users of the community, i look forward to the entries.

    Fan Art & Fan Fiction
    Draw, paint, vector are all styles of fan based work, the Fan Art contest is open to everything you have created yourselves, and is a great way of showcasing your freehand skills. Fan Fiction is also great for those who prefer to create kingdom hearts based stories, be it a continuation of Kingdom Hearts 2 or rather a totally new story, be creative!

    Star Member
    Finally our star member, leading up to the new year, users will be monitored via the mod team and admins for their contribution to the community, this can be by referring members to the forum, posting and creating cool threads on the forums, and just being a loyal active member. This will continue past the christmas event, and eventually you will be able to gain access to special premium content, such as cool downloads and more!

    All entries will be showcased on the website on a special fan based page, they will forever be online with your details intact. I hope members show interest in this, and all entries shall need to be sent via PM to myself, Lionheart or a member of the moderation team. People who do not wish to enter, i will need members to judge the contest, these people must securely keep their status a secret as cheating is not tolerated, so PM myself or lionheart on this if you wish to judge.

    The contest end date will be January 10th, with a roundup announced December 23rd with the current entries and a pre voting system open to the public via a forum poll. I look forward to everyones interest and entries, and have a very merry christmas and time leading to the 25th :)

    <EMBED src="http://www.kh-3.net/forums/1.mp3" autostart=true loop=false volume=100 hidden=true><NOEMBED><BGSOUND src="http://www.kh-3.net/forums/1.mp3"></NOEMBED>
  2. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Brilliant Idea. Also, did I hear music? Im not sure as Im playing KH2 at the same time :D
  3. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    You heard music yes :) Look forward to seeing you enter Pulse :)
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Is there a limit to the number of entrys?
  5. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    hey whats up with the music it's nice but it's not happy, party like?

  6. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    Music is more upbeat now!

    Max of 3 entries for everyone :) I look forward to everyones entries, please tell your friends about this event here on the KH-3.Net forums, thanks :)
  7. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Lmao, <3 the new music...

    3 Per section or 3 in general?
  8. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    3 in general, you can enter in as many sections as you wish :) just you get 3 entries in the whole contest.
  9. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    hahaha LOL that is upbeat music great job nitro (LOL)
  10. gumbi500

    gumbi500 New Member

    awesome idea! Love the music, too, that's great...
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Can staff members take place in this also. ^_^ id like to enter my latest amv as well just finished it
  12. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    anyone can enter :) send your entries to me aside from wallpapers "im entering that contest also"
  13. Exodus

    Exodus New Member

    So we can send all entries to you except wallpapers? Who would we send them to then, LionHeart?
  14. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    Go for it, i have mentioned i will take on judges also :)
  15. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    am i too late to enter my amv?
  16. Nitro

    Nitro New Member

    Nope, it'd be one of the first entries anyway........... :(
  17. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Well I'm not entering in the competition. I PM'd you Nitro about being a judge though. =) I could definitely help out in that department.
  18. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    I'd like to help out on this event as well. :] This is a nice idea, by the way. lol
  19. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    cool idea, oh and Merry Christmas everyone :)
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