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KH- Backstory of Vanitas

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Vor, Feb 18, 2011.

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  1. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    (Author's note- What if Vanitias existed before Ventus here is how i would see it, Also flashbacks are in qoutes might update more than some because of lack of ideas)]

    chapter 1- The master

    Matthew T. Pobocek, a 15 year-old boy who wears a white polo shirt and kacki pants alot. His keyblade is called Heart Thorn, he is also a rival of a famed swordsmen Vanitias.

    Matthew was enjoying lunch until he had noticed a dark pattern forming on the floor almost reaching up to people. "Damn it Vanitias" he thought as he dissapered and watched his friends get captured in dark chains unable to move, Vanitias standing in front of them all. "Now then where can i find Matthew T. Pobocek" He said summoning his keyblade Oblivion and going up to someone and cutting their thoarts. "Vanitias" he said coming down and slashing his right check making him bleed because he had no helmet to protect him and yet he looked like Matthew, only that his hair was darker.

    "How does this honer our master the one who taught us to fight" Matthew said putting his keyblade in a backwards stance. "Always about protecting others aren't you grow up in this world the strong eat the weak and it's about time i'm able to kill you" Vanitias said slashing forward kinda fast. "Our master wanted peace but you want the death of your homeworld, how selfish can you be!!!" Matthew said blocking his attack. "Hmp even i remember Rahnard the old bastard" Vanitias said

    "So what you think the master liked me more than you that's a negitative, he liked us both the same no matter what progress you had, you eventually beat me as well" Matthew said remembering the fight

    "Yes i do bastard now if you value these lives, then fight for real and hold on a sec CURE!!" Vanitias said, a green aura covering him and making his wounds dissaper. "So shall we" Vanitias said holding out his blade in a traditonal opening stance that most of their fighting schools used. "Okay lets" Matthew said grabing the sword

    (Author's note- So tell me what you think of this story thought of it at school
  2. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    theme- YouTube - Hyper Extended Edition: Before the Mighty One (Arc Rise Fantasia)

    chapter 2- why he chose his path

    Matthew took his hand off of Vanitias's blade and summoned his own keyblade and went into his sword stance, back handed. "Remember our rules, no magic and skills just our attacks"Matthew said holding out his hand and Vanitias grabbed it and they both cartwheeled back giving each other room. Vanitias charged towards Matthew with his blade next to him ready to block and Matthew striked, but Vanitias blocked and striked Matthew on his right check making him bleed in anger.

    "Anger and rage those are signs that you are giving yourself up to darkness, well give yourself into darkness now"Vanitias said closing the distance between them. Matthew took the oppertunity to strike Vanitias in his chest and made him throw up blood. Then he striked him in his knee making him fall down on his back. Then Vanitias jumped back up despite his broken knee and summoned his keyblade and threw it far and it went into a circle and struck Matthew on the back making him cry blood and cough up blood as well.

    "Hmp let your guard down never thought that would happen" Vanitias said jumping back a little and floding his hands when he got there. "Just tell me one thing why did you turn to darkness" Matthew said getting up and sumoning his keyblade. "Well it's because of a mysterious figure i met" Vanitias said remembering how he turned to darkness's side

    "What blackmailed you where is the Vanitias i know" Matthew said getting his keyblade in postion and stared at him visously. "You know inside of my heart you fight good and i'm happy. I might have a use for you but until then your on probation" The figure said walking though a dark corridor.

    "Who is that" Matthew said throwing his keyblade up in the air which sparkled a light and made him covered in armor and then he threw keyblade up in the air and made it into a keyblade bike which looked like a platform rider colored blue(bbs reference towards ventus's ride) and he took off to find him and his search took him towards Mt. Everest where he follewed the dark outburst to.

    hope you like rate and comment please
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