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KH Birth By Sleep Final Mix Problem

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by PhipsisX, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. PhipsisX

    PhipsisX New Member

    Alright,4 days ago i downloaded KH BBS Final Mix and patched it with an english patch.I finished all three characters storys and final episode in Proud mode and i still haven't got the Trinity Trophy,Blank Points and Secret Episode .What should i do ?
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    probably because it's not the actual copy. just one that's downloaded and english patched.
  3. PhipsisX

    PhipsisX New Member

    its ok! It seems i had to obtain all stickers to unlock the blank points along with the secret episode and when i finished the secret episode i got the trinity trophy too.

    PS:A mod could delete the other 2 topics I made because my browser stuck and i had to press the button more times in order for it to post.I am sorry :S
  4. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    My suggestion to u, do not download games, cuz, #1 ull fuck up ur system, and #2 its a illegal copy, and their is a high chance that the game is infected......ur not the only one who did that b4, i've done it with new games, which it was Halo Reach and MvC3

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