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KH: Days: Betwixt and beween

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by DarkAngel, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    this is a story I desided to make up as a Fan fic for what happened in the days of KH: Days that we didn't see...it will be from others memories including Roxas, Xion, Axel and A new member(Will be reveiled why he never made it to the final cut in the story) this is a fan made story of my own, I never have, never will, but will always want to own the characters, licenceings or games.

    Chapter1: Day1; Roxas

    I don't know much of my first week of life, but A pereantly I was acting like a "Zombie" acording to Axel. the only things I remember is what the Organization told me happened so I guess I will start there.

    I woke up in the middle of nowhere, A mansion wth a padlocked gatetowered infront of me. Where the hell am I? I thought, I didn't know where I was or what was going on. I stood up and walked up to the lock and examined it. Am I a prisoner? I asked myself. I turned around and saw that there was a town. maybe I'm a jailer... I thought but...ajailer for what?

    not knowing what to do next I walked to the town through the forest. it was way too quite, the town seemed empty, not that I could see anything with the huge wall in my way. I was just about a way in through the wall in the forest when the wall turned Bright red. I jumped out of the way just the wall burst open in an explosion, sending a black creature flying into a tree and Debris rained everywhere. One nearly crushed me and I dodged it with tremendous speed.

    I don't know how I did it but I didn't have time to question as I dodged an attack from the black creature and grabed a stick to defend myself with. I blocked the creatures next attack and was sent flying into a tree, my stick obliterated from the attack. The creature raised his hand and I closed my eyes readying for the final blow. then I heard a CLANG like the type when you collide two sords together.

    I looked up and saw a thin man in a black cloak was holding what looked like open spiked shilds that couldn't block anything. then he looked at me with his hood up and yelled "Get out of here while you can!!! this thing is dangeros!!! you need to get to the mansion!!! THE MANSION!!! Got it memorized?!?! NOW GO!!!" not wanting to argue with someone who just blocked an attack that I could not I ran to the Mansion and didn't look back.

    As a Ran I heard an explosion. I was wanting to help that guy, but...I had to find out who I was first. thats when I saw him. a man in a huge black clack just like the other. I didn't want to fight so I just stood there waiting for my end. thats when it hit me. I didn't fell scared. come to think about it, I didn't feel scared when the creature tried attacking either. what was wrong with me? the man stood right in front of me now. he just looked at me and said "You seek ansers." I was suprised...or at least as much as I could get to that...that he knew what I was thinking. I nodded my head in anser to this.

    He waved his hand infront of my face and the letters S O R A came infront of me. who is that? I asked myself in my mind. "I can give you purpose..." the man said as he waved his hand again and the letters started to swirl around me and I couldn't see anything. then he placed his hand infront of me and the letters stopped with a huge X in the middle. the letters formed into one name and I read out loud, "Roxas..." the man smiled at me and said "That is right...the new you..." He put his hand on my shoulder and walked me to the portal he came out of...thats when...my life changed forever...
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2012

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