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KH: Fates Revearsed (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    The sun hung low in the sky over Twilight Town. There were no clouds in sight, and a warm breeze blew through the late, summer air. The clock tower at the train station began to toll to signal evening to the people living in the village. At the very top of the tower stood a lone man.

    His long, brown hair moved in rhythm with the breeze, and curled around the man’s face. His arms were crossed, and covered by the tan poncho that he wore. His good eye was trained on the town, lost in thought. The other eye was covered by a black piece of cloth that served as an eye patch, as it was damaged long ago. On his belt was a sheath that carried a sword, with strange runes down the hilt.

    “Twilight Town, maybe this is where I will find them?” Domynek mused to himself. He had been searching for the three chosen ones for a long time. He wasn’t sure how long he had before the Destroyer would make a move, so he knew he had to work fast. Yet after five long years he hadn’t come up with anything.

    Domynek leaped from the tower and plummeted towards the ground, however before he could land, he yelled out “WIND!” as he said this, a gust of air cushioned his fall, and he managed to land without hurting himself. The hermit who he had met had taught him a bit of basic magic, so controlling the wind in ways like this was nothing, however he could only perform basic spells. Domynek wasn’t meant to be a magician, he was a warrior, and so he often relied on his sword to do the fighting. Magic was a last resort as far as he was concerned.

    “Now then…where to look?” he asked himself, setting off towards the town.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The return of light

    Darkness... is evil. It must destroyed! If he lets it roam free... he may as well kiss his brother goodbye. He got careless, and was imprisoned in the void... The heart of all worlds. Kingdom Hearts... but now... Now is the time! The time for light to overcome the darkness. Now is the time... for the return of SHIO! Kingdom Hearts shone brightly, the doorway was once again open. An armored individual appeared from the massive heart, an aura of pure light surrounding him. "The light has returned."
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Umm...sleeping beauty is this your stop! Twixt said nudging the lady who had fallen asleep on him. She abruptly awoke confused and scampered off in a hurry. "Hah. People, you have to love them." "Now arriving to Station Plaza" said the conductor. Twixt grabbed his bag and bolted. "Elmina should have some excellent items for me today!" he thought. The rays of the sun refreshed him so. "I still have a while til sunset" Twixt thought while stretching. "Okay enough thinking" he starts to sprint in the direction of Tram Common. An eerie feeling begins to set over him.

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