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KH:FM and KH:FM2

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix + / 2.5' started by Mandy Samano, Sep 23, 2008.

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  1. Mandy Samano

    Mandy Samano New Member

    I'm curious of anyone has played? (I didn't look around the forum to see...)
    I'm also curious...a long time ago, when KH:FM was coming out to Japan, and we first heard news about it, I started a KH:FM petition online, I had a website and everything, 1,000+ people signed it, and joined my msn group online, it was pretty sweet. Obviously nothing came out of it, but it wasn't time wasted. I made lots of friends :D
    I was just curious if anyone on this forum were petition-ers! that'd be so crazy!
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