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KH Spider Riders: Ledgned of the Arachna Riders

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DarkAngel, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    it has been four years sence the defeat of Xahenort, while at the same time the deafeat of the great threat Mantids. the keyblader's are no longer needed as the threat of all worlds has vanished, as the spider riders now live their normal lives aswell. but as the the worlds grow more peaceful, as dose the threat grow more great...for after four years of endless peace. thekeybladers and spider riders may be needed once agian to face the biggest threat either of them have ever faced...the heartless and invecteds have combined their power...now it is up to four earthens and four Arachnians to save both of their homes the inerworld Arachnia and the outer world earth for both hold the power to bring all worlds to darkness once agian and doom all worlds to the powers of a new threat...will they find their ture strangth in the power of teamwork? or will the power of darkness doom them all due to the missing presance of one member...

    ok so like the RP says the RP takes place in the "Inerworld" or the center of the earth, the Invecteds are basicly giant human like insects, need more info? Click here Spider Riders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    basic RP rules aply...all characters can wield keyblades(No super keyblades and not at the same time) and have a spider, manaold, and Arachna form(will explain later in the RP) the spider has to be armored and has to be able to turn into an arachnid of some sort, no Godmoding of anykind...non-listeners will be sent away, and over all...HAVE FUN SAVEING THE UNIVERSE:D

    Characters needed to be filled in:
    main protagonest: (Must be a combined form of Xahenort and Mantids)
    Big 8 member#1: (Must be an Invected person or a heartless of some sort)
    Big 8 Member#2: (Must be an Invected or a heartless of some sort)
    Big 8 Member#3: (Must be an Invected or a heartless of some sort)
    Big 8 member#4: (Must be an Invected or a heartless of some sort)
    Big 8 member#5: (Must be an Invected or a heartless of some sort)
    Big 8 member#6: (Must be an Invected or a heartless of some sort)
    Big 8 member#7: (Must be an Invected or a heartless of some sort)
    Big 8 member#8: (Must be an Invected or a heartless of some sort)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#8: Trio

    Spider/Arachna Rider#1: (keyblader and earthen)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#2: (keyblader and earthen)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#3: (keyblader and earthen)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#4: (keyblader and earthen)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#5: (keyblader/Arachnian/ Prince)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#6: (keyblader/Arachnian/Princess)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#7: (keyblader/Arachnian/ Oricales hand madien)
    Spider/Arachna Rider#8: Trio

    (We don't need all of them filled just need a few to start the RP)

    Charater template:

    Name: (can be as wierd as you want it)
    Species: (Human earthen, human Arachnian, Invected, or heartless)
    Bio: (basic history, needed for all characters)
    Weapon: (Spider/Arachna riders get theirs in their battle forms and their weapones must have a jewel somewhere on it, Spider riders will also get a shield)
    Keyblade: (Protagonists only)
    Spider: (Must have battle mod's on it)
    Spider's Arachna form: (also must be armored)
    Spider's name: (Note: can be human)
    Heartles and Ivecteds they controle: (antagonists only)
    Battle partner: (Protagonets only, one will not have one untill the eighth Spider rider is not under Invected controle)
    Outfit: (Battle suit and arachna suit for Spider riders must be included)
    Manifold color: (be spisificon everything)
    Powers: (as many as four. hand madins will have light in there arsenal)

    Name: Aqune (AH-cu-nehy)
    Species: Human Arachnian
    Bio: she remembers nothing of her past. the only life she remembers is that at the age of 5 she was raised by the invecteds, at the age of 6 she was kidnaped by heartless and at the age of 10 she saw her people fight along side the heartless to regain that wich they lost...their sun. she fights for the invecteds by her own will but only under the controle of a Persona mask dose she get very, very destructive. little dos she know just where her true cuse lies.
    Role: Spider rider#8
    Weapon: Weapon: http://www.deviantart.com/download/122291119/Ice_scythe_by_NaruXIno_FAN31.jpg (jewls are in the blade)
    Shield: http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/...er Riders FanArt/Sparkles4OracleKeyShield.png (It is black and white)
    keyblade: Sacrifice: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/099/5/f/Sacrifice_Keyblade_Redone_by_Krystal_Lily_Potter.jpg
    Spider: http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad266/raven050996/Din.png
    Spider's Arachna form: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/9021/scorponok.jpg (In black)
    Spider's name: Porteia (Port-E-ah)
    Heartles and Ivecteds they controle: Neo shadows and waspies
    Battle partner: none yet
    Outfit: raguler: http://images.wikia.com/spiderriders/images/5/50/Fc376337bc0dd7c16e4b1930a331bdb01274602949_full.jpg (Has silver hair)
    battle form: http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t119/Natsukira/Fate Stay Night/Rider/Fate_Stay_Night-24635.jpg
    Arachna forum: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c296/Sephie_/Spider Riders/AquneOracle3.jpg
    Persona mask: Google Image Result for http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2010/268/e/7/aqune__s_mask_by_panthers07-d2zfv8t.png
    Manifold color: http://www.freewebs.com/sadieyuki/sarahsteele3.gif (Just the manifold, look at the top of the image)
    Powers: light and darkness.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    After I watch some spider riders I just might join this.
  3. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    theres no rush...I just did this to pas the time...BTW I added Spider name to the profile. HINT: Spider riders can be seen on Netflix
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012

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