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KH3 evil Sora

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Venhot2, Feb 10, 2008.

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  1. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    I heard that Sora may turn evil in the KH3 which is for ps3, I wonder who we might play probably Riku or RoxasO.O:( wouldn`t it be cool for Sora to be evil, since he is always good.
  2. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Well as of right now there is no infomation about KH3, there is no released or anything. So where ever you got it from must be lieing.
  3. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    Its always possible,I would love an excuse to play as someone other than Sora.
  4. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    that would be crazy. Do you have a source for information or is it just a rumor?
  5. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    see that's namoru's trick he must know everyone wants sora to turn evil but he will never let sora do that so that everyone will be wiating for sora to turn evil... BTW he did turn a little evil in kh chian of memories...
    he siad he "heard" this so it is a rumor...
  6. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    Oh, well I just wanted to point that out though.
  7. magecrusader

    magecrusader Banned


    Evil sora is realy messed up looking to me!
  8. darkside

    darkside New Member

    i hope he dosn't turn evil, but other characters are still playable
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    To quote the illustrious "khfan"

    Well as of right now there is no information about KH3, there is no released or anything. So where ever you got it from must be lying.
  10. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    yeah it would be awsome to see him turn evil (don't get me wrong)
    but it will never happen :( it would be awsome to go smash donald and goofy with sora... hehehe
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Im sorry man but im with my boy KHFAN just a rumor. however i will add my 2 cents about that issue.

    If sora was to turn evil i dont think i would play kingdom hearts anymore. becuase he is the purest of heart in the series. and for him to become corrupt would ruin the series honestly thats just what i think. The only way id play is if i got to play as roxas as a "MAIN" character not a side character or playable plot twist. Even so if sora was to die at the end when you defeat him id hate nomura to the utmost of my ability.
  12. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    It isn't likely at all. Nomura secured the fact Sora would be a returning hero still in an interview.

    If Sora were bad I probably wouldn't play it. xD Unless the plot became highly compelling from the problem/change.
  13. Twilight Knight

    Twilight Knight New Member

    I think it would be cool to play as Riku and him have his own set of keyblades.
  14. sin746

    sin746 New Member

    its messed up but at the same time interesting, cause think,if sora were to turn evil at the start of the game then you would play as riku and maybe even have kairi in the party. also what if everybody hes ever helped from day one came to save the sora they all know and love. but its just a what if scenario.(big what if scenario)
  15. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    I think I'll prefer to play as the good Sora. But in KH1, playing as a heartless was pretty fun though.... I'll give evil Sora a shot(if there is an evil Sora)
  16. Grimboyjr

    Grimboyjr New Member

    that would be kinda cool IF it was a temporary thing, so that it happened only in a special drive form or something
  17. 1-up salesman

    1-up salesman New Member

    No info for KH 3. And it probably won't be for the PS3. PS3 SUCKS
  18. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I know when it comes out. In 4 months. At least thats what i heard.
  19. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    no dude, yea it is, there is no doubting that kh3 is for ps3. First of all sony is not going to want to lose a major title cause they are currently losing the console wars anyway and this would give them a boost. And it is not as bad as everyone says it just doesnt have many good games yet.
  20. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    no it wont come out for a few years since they probably have not started working on it. BBS might come out in 4 months but not kh3.
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