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KH3 (PS3) Trophies

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by juliuxking18, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. juliuxking18

    juliuxking18 New Member

    Let's assume that the new KH will be released for PS3,which trophies do you think we could get on it?

    Heartless killer(you get it if u kill lots of heartless),Battle Skiper(if u run when enemies appear),Running Man(if u can finish worlds quick)...
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    My ideas:

    Master of Kingdom Hearts: Earn all other Trophies
    Keyblade Wielder: Fell 100 Heartless
    Keyblade Beginner: Fell 1,000 Heartless
    Keyblade Master: Fell 10,000 Heartless
    World Completer: Complete all basic worlds' first run
    World Perfection: Complete all basic worlds' runs
    Keyblade Collector: Collect all Keyblades in the game
    Ultima Weapon: Collect the Ultima Weapon
    Sniper no Snipeing: Defeat Braig
    Above the Moon: Defeat Isa with Lea
    Before it Happened: Defeat Young Xehanort
    After it Happened: Defeat Master Xehanort
    Poor Keyblader: Obtain 5,000 munny
    Average Keyblader: Obtain 100,000 munny
    Rich Keyblader: Obtain 1,000,000 munny
    Secret Enemy: Defeat one Secret Boss
    Secret Army: Defeat all Secret Bosses
    Dreams Never Fade: With the help of the Dream Eaters, reawaken Ventus
    Keyblade Mistresses: With Kairi, free Aqua from the Realm of Darkness
    The Seven Guardians of Light: Have Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Lea, Aqua, and Ventus as playable characters
    The Thirteen Seekers of Darkness: Defeat the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness
    Hero of Light: Beat the Game
    Final Fantasy: Defeat Sephiroth with the help of Cloud once and for all
    Beginner Master: Beat the Game on Beginner mode
    Standard Master: Beat the Game on Standard mode
    Proud Master: Beat the Game on Proud mode
    Critical Master: Beat the Game on Critical mode
    Master Sora: Reach Lv. 99 with Sora
    Master Riku: Reach Lv. 99 with Riku
    Master Kairi: Reach Lv. 99 with Kairi
    Master Mickey: Reach Lv. 99 with Mickey
    Master Lea: Reach Lv. 99 with Lea
    Master Aqua: Reach Lv. 99 with Aqua
    Master Ventus: Reach Lv. 99 with Ventus
    Level Master: Reach Lv. 99 with all characters
    Synthetic: Synthesize all possible items in the game
    Block Party: Block 100 attacks with each character

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