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KHDDD Was a missed opportunity for Roxas, Xion & Namine

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Derek, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    Dont you worry this is no rant.

    I mean I could rant for hours but let’s talk some more constructive criticism. Namely a missed opportunity.

    So anyone that still lingers on a forum, what few that still thrive, or perhaps someone with just attentive eyes likely knows of the salvation bit of KH3.
    But in case you dont what it basically boils down too is this plot point that in KH3 Sora will be the one to bring back all of these other main characters lost.

    If you wish I’ll give you some official clarity:


    So your likely wondering what does this mean exactly? Well in blunt terms the idea for Sora to save the others is to use the data Riku got from the digital Diz in Dream Drop Distance and use it with some kinda “key” he has to find in KH3.

    We dont know how this process will work or what kinda “key” it is. Is it a keyblade or person? Dunno. Regardless this is supposed to be Sora’s job in KH3 while Mickey and Riku do other tasks.

    Meaning it’s the magical plot device to revive fallen characters.

    Now given all the lore Nomura keeps deciding to add with KH Chi, Unchained and *groans* concerts I feel it’ll make Kh3 rather cluttered unless it’s gonna be three times longer than any previous title.

    At the time of writing this I’m not sure how these lore threads will end but for now, given how we know the Keyblade War ends, everyone in Chi/KHUX/BackCover has one of two fates;
    1) Die in the war
    2) Survive to set up the current system of keyblade masters and worlds

    So unless something changes for the worse that leaves KH3 to focus on Aqua, Terra, Ven, Xion, Namine and Roxas to save.
    Aqua and Ven are easier than most by comparison and I already have a theory on Terra.

    It’s stretching it imo but it may be just long enough to cover them all but this is why I feel KHDDD was a missed opportunity because Nomura could’ve lessened this load even more and saved Roxas, Xion, and Namine during KHDDD itself.


    Ah? What’s that? Dont be shy I seen that ear perk up with curiosity just then.
    You likely racking your brain “But DEREK! How the fuck!?” easy. I refer you to the image above. Ol Joshua there. He’s the key but before I explain why I must warn you-

    If you haven’t played TWEWY and plan to this is your only warning. I’m using spoilers to the plot.









    Still there? Okay then if your sure you see ol Joshua above there isnt’ human as you see in Dream Drop Distance.


    I’ll save you the play-by-play of TWEWY’s plot but the spoiler in question is what Joshua is. You see The World Ends With You revolves around the Reapers Game.

    The reapers game is referenced in KHDDD by Neku and the others but in TWEWY what it is is a game of revival. A person dies and they get a chance to play a game to be revived.
    The reapers run this game and have a hierarchy. At the top is the Conductor however what most dont know is that there is a being above the Conductor known as the Composer.

    The Composer is a being of kinda like demi-god status. They run the Reapers Game and if someone wins they give them the option of being a reaper themselves or giving them a new chance at life.

    Granted the metaphysics of KH and TWEWY are vastly different and a discussion all of it’s own but the fact that the KHVerse has it’s own version of the Reapers Game and Joshua implies that it’s still possible for Joshua to fulfill this role.

    It’s even stated in KHDDD by the TWEWY crew. Something happened to the KH versions of Neku and crew so Joshua takes them to The Realm of Sleep to play his reapers game and get a chance to be brought back.

    AH! I can see it! Your lil minds exploding with realization! Yes yes if Joshua can revive Neku and the others then he can also revive Roxas, Xion and Namine.

    “But wait! Namine merged back into Kairi and Roxas+Xion mearged back with Sora! :O”


    While it’s true they merged you also have to remember it’s that because they merged that the hearts of Namine, Roxas and Xion now sit within Sora and Kairi.

    Better yet the Realm of Sleep is where hearts lost to sleep gather. While Sora was there Roxas, Xion and even Namine literally manifested before him.

    So you see what I mean by missed opportunity by now-
    You have the Realm of Sleep where lost hearts gather and can even manifest like with Roxas, Xion & Namine
    2) You have Joshua, a angelic being with power over life & death

    This was LITERALLY one huge wasted opportunity! Riku’s story was focused but Sora’s story was kinda bumping around while young Xehanort and Xemnas talked cryptically which somehow sent him into sleep since he felt all of these peoples vast pain.

    Nomura could’ve taken this chance to use Sora’s story. Have him encounter Roxas, Xion and Namine rather than Xehanort, learn their stories, learn their pain and eventually be the one to set them free.

    You could imagine it how you wish, for me I’d see it as a final scene were Sora goes back to talk to Joshua then we see a final screenshot of child versions of Roxas, Namine and Xion.
    I’d uses this chance to resolve them as characters and give them reborn lives as true human beings. Free of the keyblade and Xehanort’s schemes.

    However you could do this a number of ways in any form I feel Nomura missed a great chance here to resolve some characters so he’d have even more time to focus on Xehanort, the war and TAV in KH3.

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