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KHDDD's Worlds were a missed opportunity

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Derek, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member


    This is a bit of a branch from my last tangent on KHDDD. (see here) In the old one I focused on characters but honestly this also extends to the worlds as well.

    For example, why rehash Notre Dome? Instead, why not make it a very dark and warped Notre Dome that focuses on Quasi. You dont need to copy the movie, have this world be warped into a nightmare by Frollo.

    Hell the worlds being empty could’ve been excuses in some cases due to distortion. Like, perhaps the people became nightmares themselves.

    Imagine Wonderland as a nightmare world or imagine Phantasia (Symphony of Sorcery) being a world separate to Yen Sids tower. No real premise, it’s just a very trippy but dream like place.

    Looking back, I wonder why they even threw in Yen Sids tower in order to access Phantasia.

    There was so much room for creativity here, I don’t understand why it wasn’t taken. This title had the excuse to do far more with worlds than any of the past titles and it was wasted. (perhaps Disney was restrictive?)
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm unfamiliar with this game and its development process, but I would imagine that you are correct in that Disney is restrictive. I'm sure they probably have strict rules about what their characters can do and how the worlds can be represented. Offended parents won't buy merchandise for their kids or spend thousands of dollars on Disney theme park vacations, after all.

    Now, probably that isn't the only reason why the game is the way it is- perhaps it is as the developers intended, but I would assume all of the games have had to balance S-E's creative vision with what Disney would allow.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    What saddens me is that you're probably right. Granted I don't envision a hellscape when I think of a warped world but I was wondering as I made that post if Disney would even let a distorted one exist.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Rehash how? The world of Notre Dame seemed to be, to me, an incredibly abridged version of the movie. Being that abridged makes sense given the size of the game. The way the world works seems to follow the same formula that the Disney worlds had in KH2 (And bits of KH1, but not nearly the same). The Disney worlds in KH2 were basically "Follow the movie's plot but throw in Sora, Donald, and Goofy." I want to say KH1 did the same, but not really. The only one that truly followed that formula was Agrabah (Side note, since Agrabah followed the formula in KH1, it seemed to stray from it quite a lot in KH2. That, or my knowledge of Aladdin 2 is worse than I thought). Then Tarzan kinda sorta followed the formula, but hard to say given it cut out half of the movie's content (Understandably so).
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    KH I might not have followed the movies as strictly as KH II, but the Disney worlds in that game didn't take very many liberties with the source material either, in my opinion. I don't know how the worlds are in the handhelds, but I'm guessing the reason the Disney characters and worlds are in the games at all is for the nostalgia and the built-in Disney fanbase, otherwise S-E would have released the series with all original characters and worlds. In that case, the characters and locales would need to be clearly recognizable in order to get people's attentions (and their cash). A very dark and warped version of a Disney movie, while cool, might not have as broad appeal to customers (especially if parents are buying the games for their snot-nosed brats; I feel like the series is still targeted at kids, despite those who originally played KH in '02 not being so young anymore).

    So I think the stories in the games are probably how they were always intended to be. Plus, as I mentioned, Disney has a reputation for being extremely aggressive in regards to their trademarks, to the point of absurdity at times. I can't see them allowing the use of their licensed characters (especially the Disney princesses and Mickey Mouse) in a way that could potentially hurt sales. I think everything goes back to sales.
  6. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    That's how it's a rehash, it's a shortened version of the movie. KH2 also had this problem which added to the "filler" complaint many have. KH1 was more creative in it's uses for the most part, mostly because it added the smaller worlds, at least somewhat, into the larger plot.
    Nah, KH2 Agrabah was the same. The basic plot of movie two was Iago getting out, befriending Aladdin then being forced to help Jafar only for it to all turn around. The only real difference this time was Sora destroyed Jafar rather than Jafars lamp falling into lava and melting which killed him.

    It followed plot points of Tarzan, some stuff was understandably cut. Can't exactly have Claton hang himself in the game like the movie. lol

    The handheld games will vary. Chain of Memories had somewhat new plots but they were very short and often skipped. Riku's disney worlds didn't even have plot at all. In Days, you were supposed to be unseen so the plots were mostly original but not exactly huge ones. Mostly just Roxas and Xion stumbling around behind the scenes and watching the Disney characters from afar in the times they actually appeared. BBS was like KH1 to a lesser extent, some of it's worlds were KH2 copy and paste, some were KH1 level alterations.
    Chi just has a bunch of filler missions and explains it's disney worlds away as "illusions" crafted by the foretellers books....which brings up the question of how the wielders are gathering light or even fighting heartless when it's all an illusion/lie.

    I don't think they'd let it go hellscape as I said before but looking back on Disney in the past you're possibly right. They may not even allow small changes. As for the series target audience, I'm unsure. Nomura has said before it wasn't buuuuutttt it's also half Disney so even if not intended, people are still gonna get it for that aspect.
    "My son wants a game, what do you have?" "We have this lovely disney series!" "Sold!"
    Kitty likes this.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That's definitely not what I was thinking when you said rehash. I was thinking that by calling it a rehash you were implying there were a lot more liberties taken with the story's plot. Olympus Colosseum, by my interpretation, would be much more of a rehash than what they had for Notre Dame. Definitely gotta agree with your point on KH1 though. I'm really hoping they do that again in KH3. At the very least it seems possible they're going to with Olympus. Maybe. Hopefully.

    Also a little hard to have both young and adult Tarzan.

    Well they had Fantasia world so they definitely could've done more with Chernabog and his segment of Fantasia. I do find his boss battle in KH1 really cool, even though it came out of nowhere, but his boss battle in DDD left much to be desired.
  8. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Oh lol, point of mistranslation then. I would agree KH2 Olympus was a rehash of Hercules on the second visit but not KH1, but that's me. I really hope they do as well, it's something small but it goes a long way for a cross over universe. The fact we can explore outside and see the rest of Hercules' world is enough for me to be a little hopeful. Even if it's just using the "hades invades mount olympus" idea from the first movies final act.

    Agreed! Fantasia would've been a good excuse for lots of things given the movie itself. I think that's because Chernabog in KH1 was not only a surprise but a true boss battle, as a kid that had seen it, seeing him appear there was imposing to me at 12.
    His fight in DDD was just...a mini game. A three hit mini game at that. If DDD wanted to use him in such a way a better ideal would've been making RIku's drop sequence into the world that first fight then having a truly full boss fight later.
    Desert Warrior likes this.

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