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KHthree threoy

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3' started by Answer Man, Feb 7, 2009.

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  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    ello everyone. well you already know that this is going to be long but I will always do long ones if I can. So this one is about kh3 as you know cause of the title. Now I like to think away from the box and this may seem far off but it's not. It's mostly like everybody eles. so hobey ho lets go!

    So we all think it's called keyblade wars right?! I belive that they are going into the past to fight MX as the fainl boss but there going to be in the past for awhile i think. Now i made a thread saying bbs was in the future but that was kinda stuiped now that I think about it. So I think the meassege in the bottle was wrning them that somethink big was bout to happen and that they need to get ready to leave the island again. Now I said it was going to be in the past but I don't think the whole game will be like that. I think that MX is coming to the future as well. i belive there going to be in the three warriors are in disney castle,( there was a video about it i saw with sora fighting the one of the warriors in the csatle but i don't know how to upload a link for everyone to see.) becasue in the past that's where they where at in the picture. know in the picture and when you meet minne mouse the floor looks the same, now I going on the floor but i think it is. and so MX get there and there and the wariorrs whink he might be working for MX and that's why they where fighting him. also why you shall in the throne room aqua on the ground beat up with MX in mickeys throne. now some might not know what I'm talking about but sry for not able to bring pictures up and videos link so bear with me pls.

    Now i think MX got there from the portal in kh2fm when you go to fight treaa and that's why he was in mickeys chair and becasue he had to no mickey before becasue I think that who the three warriors worked for mickey or minne which ever and that's why they fought sora becasue they thought of him as a inturder! now the piont of kh3 is so they can stop MX from finishing what he tried to do with the princess. he found malafainct in the future and that's why she was following ansems orders becasue he looked like MX and she thought he was just darker and had more hair. Then they beat MX becasue and got him back to the past. now with diz making the heartless i think it's becasue MX brought so unbriths i think there called, or chasers and asem the wise found one and tried to make more of them and that how heartless came to be exparimental. them the guy that took dizs real name had to rember a little bit about the heartless ansectors and that's why he was so keen to keep exparimenting.

    now this wasn't really a whole what's is going to happen in kh3 but it was just somehting i put together with what i noctied and what i've read. so hope you enjoy it.:D
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i feel so stuiped for making this! it makes no sense.
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