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Killian's Puppets

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Killian, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Killian

    Killian New Member

    Now, before I show you my characters (Oh no! She's gonna SPAM!), I must confess I like the idea of new Nobodies. Just because I like the ideas of Nobodies and don't quite understand how there can be so few Nobodies who remember. Then again, I can be very dense and overly curious so there we have it. This is all, of course, a warning about how I'm making a couple Nobody original characters.

    Now that the warning is through I'm going to explain something. I am normally pretty good with grammar and spelling... If you can't tell.

    Most of my characters are female. I write them best because I am female. If I make a male character and you find him completely ridiculous, tell me. Help me get better with these things. xDDD

    Oh, and don't be afraid to ask if you like a character. I'll be happy to join any RPG, I think.

    (Next post is a character. I want to give them each there own place. :3)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  2. Killian

    Killian New Member

    Deidre Nowling



    Depends solely on the RPG.

    She doesn't have her own unique one and it depends on the RPG. Though she will have more natural talent with magic and sai.

    Her only 'astounding' ability that might not be seen as normal is probably her determination and she occasionally has moments of brilliance where she can pinpoint weak spots. But only sometimes.

    Physical Description:
    Thin as a rail and suffers for it with a lack of physical strength. She has long legs and actually is terrible at running--why? Because she's bowlegged and her ankles give out if she starts off too fast or runs too hard. She's got chestnut hair that is constantly falling into her face--a bit wavy but she constantly straightens it--and it's layered with the longest reaching her midback and shortest just barely at her chin. Her eyes are a light brown that, in the right light, can appear either a brownish gold or hazel. She's got a bright smile that lights up her face and she walks with her shoulders thrown back and head held high. (And hopefully there will never, ever be this must description of her in one place every again).

    Steadfast in all she does. Her friendships, her goals, her morals, ect. This, of course, makes her an extremely stubborn person as well. However, she is not rude and tries to be open minded towards others. Sometimes failing and earning an enemy or two. She struggles with finding the right words when trying to explain things and can easily become frustrated with herself. Most of the time though she is a confident person who desperately wants to help others.

    She is a bit naive and trusting, as well as forgiving. On the otherhand, she isn't stupid and once fooled, she will become more cautious despite how she outwardly acts. She can get wrapped up with people she cares about and not realize whether they're good people. As long as they don't cross her morals in front of her, she normally won't notice and when she cares deeply enough for someone, she ignores it because she can't leave people she cares about.

    Nothing special with her. Just a normal girl growing up with a busy dad and a busy mom. Her mom spent the most time with her and for a period of time her dad actually lived in a separate house because of his job... However, she loves both her parents and her three younger siblings.

    She's had no traumatic experiences besides the Heartless/Unversed appearing and the death of her first and, so far, only pet, Chiko.
  3. Killian

    Killian New Member

    Axendra. (Somebody: Andrea Wolfe.)

    Somebody had been nineteen at death. Axendra herself has been in existence for three years.


    Herself, at the moment. It really depends on the RPG I enter with her.

    A whip. Despondent Lash. (No idea. xDDD)

    She has manipulation over shadows, using them to form shields and small fighters. She also uses it to hide and check on things before advancing--if she thinks that far ahead.

    Physical Description:
    Very, very short and has an earthy green shade of hair. Her eyes are a deep and dark shade of brown. She's curvy but also has broad shoulders and her hair curls, reaching only the very top of her shoulders. She's got an obsession with jeans and an even worse one for oversized hoodies.

    Brash, blunt, and sarcastic. Her name, unless she joins the Organization, is actually Andrea and she doesn't quite understand what's wrong with her, just that she doesn't care about things as much as she used to. She hates waiting for things to happen and prefers to find out and do things for herself and maybe help a companion.

    She does not accept pity. She despises when someone tries to help her. And she has an obsession with providing for people near her so she won't be offered help.

    Her Somebody had a rather normal life before Heartless came in and ruined everything. She was simply another random victim. However, her Somebody was a very, very stubborn girl and fought to the end--her strong will being the reason she exists.

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