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Kindgom Hearts 358/2 Days

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Zerieth, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Yes I just went and did it. A review of a kingdom heats game. Zerieth has decided to stop fighting the norm and done something site related. No one here will like me after this. At least I don't think they will.

    Kindgom Hearts is a franchise that has grown in flame and glory since Kingdom Hearts 1. No one thought much of it at first, heck I'd never even heard about it until my grandparents mistakenly sent it to me instead of the actual game I wanted. Since then i have actually quite enjoyed the series. That is, until I hit this.

    Days, as we will call it, is basically all the events that happen during Chain of Memories, and then after. It all starts after the protaginist of every other game, Sora, goes and turns himself into a heartless. He's saved by love, blah blah blah, and now we have a new Nobody dude named Roxas.

    Essentially the thing about nobodies, not the ones in the school cafeteria by themselves, is that they can't have emotions because they don't have a heart. Odd that because I've lost mine a long time agoo but I have no problems with that whole emotion thing. Then again mine wasn't shiny like theirs was. Anyways that whole theme seems to drop since Roxas, Axle, and the newby Xion all seem to act very emotional indeed.

    I personally thing the guys at squre enix set to big of a challenge for themselves here. The only way to make a non emotional character is to make said character drone. That would make for a boring game so they tried to make them pretend they did have emotions. So basically they act all emotional, and we get all emotional, but they aren't emotional. They should have just skipped over that whole sha bang and let them be emotional.

    The rest of the game involves a very simple fighting system were you basically mash the X button a hundred times a fight and jump around like a ninny. Spells were limited by the number you brought with and I very much detested that system. I prefer magic to anything else. Hitting people with that over grown key you get for a weapon, more like a club than a blade, just doesn't do it for me. I prefer to either bake, freeze, electrifry, or crunch enemies under a series of wonderful flashy spells. I use everything I can to make that possible which means in this game if I want every spell imaginable I have to have no items or abilities. That sucks because the Kh franchise only makes the little guys suseptible to spells. The bosses are rarely ever good magic targets. Some just plain aren't affected and others shoot them back. In other words why Kh gave us magic in the first place I will never know but I suppose I can always go to my local lock smith and buy a bigger key to hit stuff with.

    The story was actually kinda good, aside from the emotional stuff. It answered virtually every question everyone had about the series. Roxas first popped up in Kingdom Hearts 2, and we had no one to relate to. Now I can replay that game and actually feel for the guy, after I go buy a shiny heart. The only thing I really didn't like was Xion. She appeared about one third of the way through the game but at the end they erased any bit of evidence of her existence. Why the heck make her in the first place? To give the moodiless more incentive to act moody? I was positive the two were making goo goo eyes at each other by the end. Some how I still managed to feel sad for the whole thing but still it seems like it was all a complete waste of time.

    Finally we have a brand new aspect the game brought to the series. Multiplayer. Yes the ability to log onto the internet and race around collecting points and the heads of your companions. Naturally the organization XIII members are your selectable characters and if you play like mad you can also unlock Goofy, Donald, Micky, and Sora as extras. Xion is in there to but she's essentially Roxas in female form. For a long time I have watched this game in the comfort of my chair on my bad tv and played the series over and over simply out of boredom. Now I can do something other than replay this game and go onto the internet to have a enjoyable experience online. Hurr, flipping, yay.

    Over all the game was kind of good, which is odd when you think of all the mean things I said. The systems were easy to learn, the tutorials comprehensive, and you even had the option of skipping some of the story stuff if story lines and cutscenes aren't your thing. A 3d game for the Nintendo DS was a huge thing on me, and I was actually quite happy to be smacking heads in this installment so if you are looking for some good story filler be sure to get this game if you haven't already.

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