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Kingdom Hearts 3: Fate Decides

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Fate Decides​
    "Do you hear that?" Zol said to himself, "I hear it. It's nothing at all." He continued walking down a dark alley in the world that never was, it currently had an omnious feel. There was nothing there... entirely silent. Neon signs were the only thing that gave the place a feeling of life.
    "Wait! What was that?" Zol said. A man in a black cloak had just dashed across an opening up ahead. He started dashing towards him. The man stood there. As Zol approached the man dissolved into thin air.
    "Hmmmm..." Zol mumbled, "That was strange... I wonder who he was." He took another step into the opening, when the man reappeared. Thean began rambling about nonsensical things.
    "Don't you want to exsist? Why are you running away from us? We can give you a future." the cloaked man said.
    "What?!?! I do exsist I'm standing right in front of your face! And what do you mean 'us'? Who are you?" Zol said in confusion. He didn't even know why he was here in the first place. His memory only spanned back to a couple days ago.
    "You know what I'm talking about..." the man retorted, "come with me, I will give you new life..."
    "No." Zol said calmly, "Leave me alone. I am not interested in your affairs." With that Zol began to walk away.
    "You will regret your choice, Zol." And the man dissapated once again.

    OOC: Yeah same first post... so what it's the same character.
  2. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Malix came through a corridor of darkness, and was now in TWTNW. He walked around, observing the neon signs. He walked up to memory's skyscraper, wormed his way to the top like a dusk, and sat down. The worlds would be so easy to dominate, if only he had some other nobodies. Some stupid enough to be used as pawns. He summoned his keyblade, and threw it up in the air over and over again, catching it each time. Once he through it and didn't bother catching it, simply letting it fall. He promptly summoned it again, and resumed his throwing.He flew upwards, worming his way to the top of TCTNW. He sat at the edge of the altar of nought, and through his keyblade deep into the void. He didn't bother resummoning to yet, he had no need that it could fill. Boredom was positively the worst of his emotions.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao and Daxma were wandering around The Castle That Never Was, the Organization's base. They were bored out of there minds. Nothing to do.

    "Daxma," NitonXao began. "Where do you think Xalias is at?" NitonXao asked.

    "Who knows? Probably trying that one kid that keeps wandering around the below grounds," Daxma answered. NitonXao grew bored.

    "Ugh...that's a let down. I'm gonna go bug Malix." Daxma then laughed.

    "This oughta be good."
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Falix sat at the Alter of naught, sharpening his large sword as he always did. "Throwing it there will accomplish nothing Malix, you know that as well as I do. You might as well be just throwing it into the city below, it would still have no effect." He said, hood shadowing hs face as the stone in his gloved hand dragged down the blade. He then slid the stone into his pocket and drew out a polishing cloth, wiping the blade down thoroughly. "I'm hoping Xalias gives us a mission soon, I'm getting antsy, as you obviously are also." He said, standing and hefting the heavy blade into the harness on his back
  5. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Yeah, I am. We need to do something, kingdom hearts won't make its self. And even if I have a heart, I have plans for what to do with kingdom hearts. I could even tell you if you can keep my plans a secret. Not that you have emotions to persuade you to keep a secret, but still." Malix summoned the KoN, and threw it towards where kingdom hearts would be if that fool Ansem hadn't foolishly destroyed it. Obviously, it fell right down into the void below. The gravity of the world would probably put it on this world's underside. Malix wondered what was on the other side of TWTNW for brief moment, but then refocused his thoughts on the task at hand. It seemed having a heart wasn't always good. There were days that he would kill to leave some of his behind and quell his boredom, but he knew it for the gift it was. Why else would the organization have been founded?
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  6. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    A young woman passed though a crowd of people on the World known as Radiant Garden. Her name was Malissa, a somewhat wild raising girl that has been living on her own for a long time since her Parents died. She carried around a little purple stone that helped her easily, by being able to become energy blades shaped like keys, that helped her defeat heartless. She walked into a man with a gunblade and a cozzy black fur coat.

    "Who are you?" The man asked with his gunblade placed right over his shoulders, he had a curious look on his face too that screamed a question in a expression.

    "I'm Malissa, But just who are you" She asked with a meanful glare on her face that nearly made the man, Frighten. "I'm Leon, Malissa" Leon said and quickly ran to where the heartless were and drew his sword

    OOC- Leon is just a NPC not ever going to make a templete for him
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao and Daxma appeared through a dark corridor by Malix and Falix at the Altar of Naught. They both overheard what Malix said.

    "Secret plans?" NitonXao asked with a smile. "Sounds interesting! And what might you be planning to do with Kingdom Hearts?" NitonXao laughed. He always thought of Malix as a weak person.

    "Yeah Malix. Tell us. I'm sure it'll be okay, seeing as you were going to tel Falix," Daxma cut in. Then he stopped playing around. "Like you would accomplish it anyway. Just because you have a Keyblade, that doesn't mean you're strong, unlike my brother here." Daxma began to laugh.
  8. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    "Need I remind you, My keyblade can CAPTURE hearts. I could, if I wanted to, take all of kingdom hearts within it and become very powerful. That isn't my plan, by the way, that is just a way to get you to realize how dumb of a statement that was." Malix said as he summoned the keyblade yet again, and pointed it at what little of Kingdom hearts they had already formed. "Also, you need a keyblade to form it. I can capture hearts and release them into there as well. So forget about any thoughts that I am not important." he said as he prepared to take it all back in. 5 black orbs came out, and a red beam came into his keyblade from kingdom hearts. All of KH was compacted into the keyblade, and then, he released it back into the sky, forming KH yet again. "Besides, you may even get in on even greater rewards then a heart if I decide to let you in on the plan."
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    YouTube - Kairi's Theme

    "Kairi? Kairi? KAIRI! SELPHIE TO KAIRI! GOSH! SNAP OUT OF IT!" "Huh?" Kairi stopped looking towards the distance on top of the paopu fruit as she stopped to look at Selphie and to listen to her. "Gosh. You have been like that ever since Sora and Riku left. You really shouldn't worry. It would be bad on your complexion. And what are those pictures? I just kept on seeing you drawing a lot lately." Kairi jumped off of the tree and started to smile. "Oh. I'm sorry. I just...I just love to draw." "Wow. A castle surrounded by flowers and glitters. How come you never told us that you can draw." Kairi looked down in embarrassment. "I...I don't know. I did not know that I can draw myself."

    Kairi started to walk with Selphie on the beach to the other side, chatting on the next ball tournament. "Well, Wakka and Tidus have been practicing a lot and ever since Sora and Riku left, they went and dragged me along into the mix. They are not even armigerous to the fact that I am a lady. So! What do you say?!" "Huh?" "You need to have fun every once in a while! No need to act like time has stop. PLEASE! Please please please! Join this team! I do not want to be the only girl playing on a boys team!" Selphie was so clumsy as she was speaking that she tripped and fell off of the pier. She had sand in her mouth but Kairi just giggled. "Sure."

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts 3 Soundtrack: A Promise Kept

    "Riku..." Sora turned around as he was on the train that would lead to Yen Sid's castle. He cannot help but just stare off into the distance...to be filled up by the bewilderment of the world. "I was just wondering. Who are the people that he meant by...those who were suffering?" Sora turned back around in his seat and just looked up towards the roof. "At least we have found a way to land on Twilight Town. You know...since you do not have the power to open the corridor of darkness anymore and you are not a part of it." Sora took out the wayfinder that Kairi has made and put it real close to his heart.

    "Do not worry. I will come back. I promise."
  10. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    OoC: actually, in my profile, riku regained that ability. I mean, nobodies can do it and they are shunned by the darkness. But anyway.
    IC: "Don't know. And actually, I am starting to learn how to do it without completely giving into the darkness, but it is... harder. If we were to use it when not in an emergency to much, it would erode our hearts." Riku said as he contemplated his dark past. "But I would never use it unless we had to. Just before we left, I promised kairi that I would never give in to the darkness again. And that is one promise I would never break." Riku said as he summoned way to dawn. "By the way, did you keep your keychains from our last journey?" Riku said. He was wondering if since his keyblade was one of darkness, the keyblades would have different appearances when he summoned them. But it wasn't important, only their power was.
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Xalias looked out the window at a large heart shaped pbject that also strangely looked like a moon. The name of it was Kingdom Hearts, with it him and all his comrades would be allowed to have hearts. Xalias looked at a stand in the middle of the room. He slowly walked over to it and touched a glowing orb in the middle. It would signal the rest of his members to the very room. Xalias had important plans that he had to inform the rest of the members of. The five of them... they were going to steal a King. Not just any King though, THE King, King Mickey. With that he had devised plans to steal even more hearts, and finally exist. Xalias remebered back to earlier at the noboy he had found and tried to get them to join himself and comrades. It angered Xalias that the nobody had such a strong conscience. He knew the nobody was powerful, and could one day help with the downfal of the Organization itself.

    OOC: Hey less abbreviations please (Example: KoN... TCTNW... TWTNW...) let's cut that out.
    Also if we could take the time to let some NON-Organization people to post that would be great...
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's shoes padded lightly on the carpeted halls of the castle as he strode through the hall quickly, knowing he was late for his lesson with Mickey. As he turned the corner he saw a group of the soldiers working in the hallway and he started to jog towards where his class was, feet now making a loud thumping sound as he turned another corner and reached the throne room door where he stopped and knocked heavily.
    Falix stood, drawing the large sword and getting into a battle ready stance before saying something. "Now, now, children. Am I going to have to break up another fight on the playground?" He growled, sword twirling as if it was light as a feather. They all knew he was stronger and had more experience with a sword and could beat them easily if he wanted to.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    A girl in street clothes with short pink hair looked up, her pink red eyes looking at the door in curiosity before smiling. She looked down at the weapon in her hand, a sword the shape of a key, know with a great name, a keyblade. She watched it dematerialized, disappearing right into thin air.

    "I think Will's here, master." The girl called out. The master, also the king of the castle they were in. The king important in the universe, the king known as only the great King Mickey. Not only was the king, a king, he was a keyblade weilder, a keyblade master really. He was the mentor and teacher to the girl and a fellow boy named Will.

    The girl walked towards the throne room doors not peering up at the very large and intimidating door as she pushed against the door and a small little door opened up.

    "Somebody overslept again." The girl joked. "Come on, you can't rely on Nikki all the time William." The girl teased the boy before moving out of the way.

    Nikki, that's her name, a name belonging to a girl with such a large mysterious past and a great destiny ahead of her, but isn't that how it always is?
    Remedy likes this.
  14. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Malix opened a corridor of darkness, and walked through to the room with Xalias, leaving behind the Keyblade of Nothingness so that it's heart wouldn't be eroded. "So what up? Do we have a mission? Kingdom hearts won't build its self." Malix said as he floated in mid air with his dusk-like movement abilities. He was curious about why they were being called here, as the memebers would be addressed on their individual missions unless they were all in one together. And they wouldn't be called together to kill a few shadows. He decided to have some fun, and take the shape of Daxma while Xalias wasn't looking. Knowing daxma, he would take ages to get here.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  15. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    "ugh...Xalias wants us? This better be good," NitonXao complained. He was hoping to mock Malix some more.

    "What a buzzkill. Always calling us when we're having fun." Daxma complained as well. "Let's go. Hope it's worth it." Daxma and NitonXao opened a dark corridor and walked through it, following Malix They entered the room Xalias was in, noticing there was another Daxma.

    "Well, well. Looks like Malix is doing it again. Taking your form Daxma," NitonXao explained. Daxma flew up to the fake Daxma and grabbed his neck, holding him higher into the air.

    "Unfortunately for you, you can't fly snd control Wind. And you're movements are so obvious," Daxma said. He then laughed, bringing out two giant double-sided Flails."Don't do it again, or I'll make you cry for eternity."
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned sheepishly as he entered and let his keyblade appear to him. The kingdom key, the one thing that had been with him since the start. A small warmth filled his hand as he called it to him. He started towards King Mickey, spinning the kingdom key beside him before flipping it up onto his shoulder, stride more confident with the keyblade in his hand. As he reached his teacher he smiled and said. "So what is today's lesson your majesty?"
    Falix just walked slowly to where Xalias and the others were, taking his sweet time as he reached there. His thoughts were going wild as he walked, wondering what the assignment might be or where he may be sent. He hated the castle, it was too cold looking, no life in the place but them. As he reached them he grinned, teeth flashing brightly from under his hood. "So what's the job today boss?" He asked Xalias.
  17. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Malix summoned the keyblade, with the only barely started Kingdom Hearts still visible out the window, and absorbed it into the keyblade. She struck his captors hard on the side, and turned his arm into a spear, stabbing it into the chest of his opponent. "Don't think it would be so easy." He said calmly as he dismissed the keyblade and flew over to his seat. He remained in the form of daxma, and recreated his flails. Of course, since he shapeshifted them, they wouldn't come off of his body. He decided to make his copy of Daxma more accurate, and made his face into the shape of a pig (not a pig's face, but a whole pig with the back blending into where the face would be). He summoned a third hand out of his head, and summoned the keyblade out of that. He returned the unfinished kingdom hearts to it's proper place.
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma just stared at his wound."...HAHAHA! You call this a wound!? And that pig look suits you well! It brings out your inner weakness, and it shows you're easy prey for the Heartless!" Daxma insulted. He then used the Wind to heal the small wound. He then took his flails and wrapped them around Malix, leaving him immobalized. "If I wanted to, I could kill you right now. I'm sure the four of us would be fine without you."" He then released Malix from his Flails. "Lucky for you though, if I did that, Xalias would kill me as well." NitonXao sighed.

    "Here we go again, my brother's dramatic act," NitonXao said. He was entertained but still bored.

    "Jus shut up NitonXao."
  19. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    "Shut up!" Xalias whipped around hearing the arguments, "Sit down you two."
    Xalias gave them all an angry glare. He knew they would all be hyper after this announcement, but he decided he would tell them anyways.
    "I have a plan. Today we attack Disney Castle, and steal the King. Thus drawing the keyblade weilder out of hiding. We lock the King up in our new location, which is going to be the Underworld, Hades is graciously lending some space to us. Then we kill Sora and we use our own keyblade weilder..." Xalias looked at Malix, "to collect us some hearts, Then we won't have anyone to disrupt our plans..."
  20. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao was excited. He didn't think the news would be to his liking.

    "Now THAT is something enjoyable! But, have you forgotten already?" NitonXao brought out his Keyblades, Oblivion and Void Gear. "I have Keyblades as well. Malix isn't the only one who can collect hearts!" NitonXao pretended to feel insulted.

    "If only Xelax and ÍsXelcasj were here. Then we would have 4 Keyblades users here," Daxma explained, mentioning his and NitonXao's other brother, and the Nobody of NitonXao's Somebody's girlfriend. "Now then, when do we begin? I'm excited!"

    "Haha! I see what you did there Daxma."

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