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Kingdom Hearts: 3D at E3 2011

Discussion in 'Archive' started by x3pic, May 23, 2011.

  1. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Old news, but I have yet to seen it on this forum, So i thought it would be fair to let you guys know. Its confiremd that we will see KH3D at this years E3 convention. it was announced last year at this same event, with very little information leaked. This year dedicated Kingdom Hearts Fans are looking forward to seeing more things. What are your thoughts?

    Things we need to see:
    -Information on Storyline
    -New Trailer
    -Release Date?
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    i wanna see more new worlds. I'm glad they have the Hunchback of Notre Dame world in there
  3. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I think i read somewhere, that none of the worlds from previous games will be repeated in this game.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I wonder if Pixar will be added.
  5. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Im looking forward to this game for one reason. To get it out of the way. In all honesty though I think Square will make a big announcment about KH3. It's eather e3 or TGS but this year is the year. I just know it!

    Anyway. Ya Im not buying a 3ds just for this game. It's sad because the 3ds was the lowest selling system.... EVER! If it wasn't I think I would be more interested in KH3D
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I'm pretty sure Travers Town is in it though
  7. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Now wouldn't that be the best thing since sliced bread. A Wall-E world XD

    I'm sort of excited to see a new trailer of the game because, depending on how good it looks, will either influence me to buy the game or to wait for KH3. The worlds matter to me also though because if it's a planet that I'd really like to visit to see how it was created than I'd most likely save up some money for this game >_>

    Man, I'm going to miss Peter Pan... Those green spandex never seemed to get old. But if they're not repeating any Disney worlds in previous games then aren't they going to run out of ideas? I don't see there being much that they can still choose from. Pocahontas... ...Pocahontas? Mind you, Pixar films would give more options.
  8. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Wasn't specific I meant Disney worlds
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    No worlds except Traverse Town, Mysterious Tower, possibly Destiny Islands, and thats it will be carried over. It'll be all new games.

    Square Enix awhile back rumoured of possibly doing a pixar world, just unsure of which one.(my guess honestly is Monster Inc or maybe Finding Nemo, Toy Story I see highly unlikely).

    I would imagine new video footage and since Nitendo 3DS has been release, I'm sure gameplay for Kingdom Hearts 3D will be out.

    Exact Release Date for NA and Europe are highly unlikely, however a month perhaps(aka December 2011 or something) might get announced.

    I'm waiting on more information which I imagine in a few days will be released.
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Well sense E3 is 8 days away, we will get more information there and hopefully we will get an RD ill keep you updated.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nah, I'm counting on leakage. After all we knew there was going to be a new never before seen Kingdom Hearts game shown at E3, it was leaked a weak before it started, I'm expecting some make leaking again.
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    4 days til still no info.

    I hope it's worth the wait!
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    wait no info? Well maybe it's gonna pop out of no where like Portal 2 did last year

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