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Kingdom Hearts 3D News : New Disney World

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Tetiro, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Tetiro

    Tetiro New Member

  2. zeno101200

    zeno101200 New Member

    Saw the trailer and I'm so exited for it. May not be KH III, but still, it looks awesome.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Dream Drop Distance sounds kind of stupid.

    Awesome choice of a world, but too bad they wasted it on a DS game I'll probably never get to play. Hopefully they bring it back for KH III, when that eventually appears.
  4. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    How did they waste it on a DS game? This isn't coming out for the DS.
  5. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    Umm, yes it is? The 3DS to be specific. That's been revealed for some time now.

    Also, what in the good name of Kingdom Hearts does "Dream Drop Distance" mean? And did anyone notice that Riku was using Soul Eater instead of his Keyblade? I suppose that can be expected since it's his KH1 version, but I'm a bit disappionted since I liked him way better with a Keyblade. Oh and that last few seconds with Riku looking at Ansem and Sora looking at Xemnas? Awesome.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
  6. Tetiro

    Tetiro New Member

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  7. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Yeah I know, I'm not touchy about a lot of things (ok maybe that's a lie) but when it comes to the DS I am a bit and I don't like it when people call the 3DS an 'upgrade' or an 'iteration' of the DS in the way the DSi was, it's not.

    What you just said would be like me saying it is on the PS2 but actually the PS3 to be specific. See what I mean?

    Anyway back to the game, I skipped coded because I had high hopes for this game, especially the way they said the story would lead into KH3. I hope there will be loads of different worlds, no pixar but maybe KH3 will have them.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Dream as in I guess the sleep walking thing so I guess that this game will revolve around Sora and Riku's dream worlds which may be a reason their younger selves are in here

    Drop as in when they were bouncing across half the friggin screen lol there was a drop bar in the bottom right corner. Maybe the higher you are and the bigger drop you make the more damage delt. Or if you chain enough environmental grabs and crap they build more damage when it attacks.

    Distance as in.....umm.....distance from when you chain environmental grabs? Idk about that one
  9. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I have looked around and the story is about Sora and Riku taking the darkness away from their minds...
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Then I stand corrected about the dream part, seeing as that means they'll venture through their dreams to get rid of the Darkness I guess. And we all know who's not passing if that's the case! *cough*Riku*cough* That is unless Yen Sid is more lenient about Darkness
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    As far as I'm concerned, they're close enough to the same thing. And regardless if people consider the 3DS an upgrade or an entirely new console, it's still a waste to me because I doubt I'll be owning one to play this game.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Agreed on that, especially with a $300 starting cost. I'll probably have someon buy it for me in July for my birthday, seeing as the english version of this game won't be for a good while.
  13. Tetiro

    Tetiro New Member

    Erm actually....it's not gonna be out until at least winter. Official Nintendo Magazine backs this up.
  14. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    XD, you guys are really killing me here :p

    Please Toph and KOD let me convince you that it is much more than just 'oh here we go Nintendo ANOTHER DS' . It's so much more than that. As for you KOD Im going to start calling the other KOD the proper KOD if you don't start getting your facts straight :p .For Americans it will cost $250.

    The only people who have a right to complain about the price are Europe and UK who will have to pay $116 more than America.

    (sorry for such an off topic)
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, when you have bills to pay and you're on your own and don't make a whole lot of money, $250 is something to complain about, no matter how cool the 3DS may be. I honestly haven't looked into it at all because I know I won't spend the money on it. And I'm not much of a gamer anymore- I know KH3D would end up being like the only game I get for it, and it's not really worth it to me, especially it being a side game of sorts. *shrugs* [/borderline off topic rambling]
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    It kinda looks to me like their going with kind of a light and dark theme. Maybe how Sora and Riku's powers will be? I don't know but I like the fact they are trying to keep it fast paced like KH2.
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    The 3DS will be able to play Ocarina of time, as well as Resi Evil and MGS. It is a little beast in computing power. Anyways, what Curtis said makes sense given the canon behind it.
  18. Belovedness

    Belovedness New Member

    OOOOH 3Ds! Now it's a pun....how--interesting. Dream Drop Distance sounds like some Kingdom Hearts Yaoi fanfic AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
    Oh and also, nice world---if only I had liked Disney as a child and watched this movie ehehehe

    And the story sounds quite---familiar an alternate reality created in their own subconcious that is created for the soul purpose of being released from the darkness that resides inside of them...*cough*WHYDOESKINGDOMHEARTSKEEPTURNINGINTOSILENTHILL?*cough*
  19. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Fair enough, that's true, my friend said pretty much the same thing (except insert pounds), he's just going to get the Dream Drop Distance manga which I guess is a good option for people who feel like the 3DS isn't a good investment but still want to experience the story.

    I mean, 3DS console + KH3D = $290 but KH3D manga = $20? (not sure how much books cost in America)

    Anyways Im mostly interested in this because Tetsuya Nomura said it had a 'shocking ending' and that it leads directly into KH3.

    Also the gameplay looks pretty good and hectic, and I like opportunities to play as Rikku. The fact that it will be in 3D helps as well. :D
  20. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    the gameplay on this game looks amazing

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