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Kingdom Hearts 3D Trailer (No Actual Video)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Kit, Jul 6, 2010.

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  1. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Ok, so I've been doing some research. I am unable to find the trailer itself, as hard as I have looked, but I have found several descriptions of the trailer. Seeing as they all say the same thing, I'm going to have to assume it's true.

    Anyone else confused? I sure am. Especially since this game is supposed to take place BETWEEN KH1 and KH:COM. How is that even possible? The time between KH1 and KH:COM was...what, a day?

    Anyways, any thoughts? Opinions? Alliterations? Illusions? Seriously, throw me a bone here.
  2. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    I am just as confused as you are. I saw a screenshot of this game and it showed gameplay as RIKU. The f**k is happening?
  3. Kit

    Kit New Member

    Beats me. I saw a screenshot of KH1 Sora in the Second District of Traverse Town fighting TWILIGHT THORN. My opinion at this point? The ENTIRE GAME is one big MINDF*CK by Square Enix. Any objections?
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    we don't know when this game takes place yet. that is the only info out about the game itself besides the fact that it is not a remake of something but is an original game.

    judging by clothes alone only tells us that it takes place before 2 yet Coded/ReCoded has Sora in his KH1 outfit and that takes place at the end of 2 so costumes don't tell us anything.

    we don't know anything about this came and until some info comes out, this game will remain a confusing WTF? in the timeline.
  5. Kit

    Kit New Member

    True enough. As far as we know, this could be the continued adventures of Data Sora, now with Data Riku as a partner.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm thinking sine Kingdom Hearts revolves around hearts and memories, this probably has to do with Coded and memories. Coded has a virtual Sora and it's about trying to clean up the journal, I'm thinking KH3D probably has something to do with maybe a memory corruption, something along those lines. Though I was thinking and for me to check I'd have to hook up my PS2 again(right now it's unhooked because I'm waiting to create a hole in my cubby for wires so my PS2 will be wired through it) but I think Namine may have drawn a picture of the Twilight Thorn in Traverse Town and it's on display in the white room, I don't know, it's been a while.
  7. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    no there isn't dawn. there are plenty of pictures of the islands and a couple of traverse town. also there's only two or three pictures of riku so something involving namine is unlikely.
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I think this could be a what if kind of scenario because Riku was supposed to be the keyblade bearer. I think at this point, Sora is asleep and he is now contemplating what would happen if Riku was the keyblade bearer instead of him. I'm not sure...just an idea.
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    that could work. and it is a neat idea that many have considered

    (lord knows theres tons of fanfics like that on Fanfiction.net none any good either)
  10. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    yes, but we all know that (thus far anyway) when Square Enix makes a spin-off, they make it so that what happens in said spin-off is crucial to the central plot. It would be MUCH harder to understand what happens in KH2 (and probably whatever happens in KH3) if one did not play CoM, 358/2 Days, and probably BBS. I guess what I'm trying 2 get at here is that if 3D WAS a "what if" scenario, how would that be crucial to the central plot? I don't disregard the idea, they could probably think of a way to make it important, but I certainly can't.
  11. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Nomura even said that its something nobody would even ever thought of. I feel confuse now but I hope it'll be great...
  12. Raven

    Raven New Member

    This is great news for SE! When people are confused by the plot, you know it's good!
  13. Tetiro

    Tetiro New Member

    That's sometimes not the case but I agree with you for Kingdom Hearts.
  14. Raven

    Raven New Member

    Sarcasm is one of my close friends and we tend to work with each well - apparently that isn't a good example.. But yes Kingdom Hearts can be very confusing, especially you don't closely follow the series.
  15. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    I REALLY hope that`s not it, Riku has always been my least favourite in the series, so a whole game with him as the main..? Ugh, for me, that would be the worst possible thing that could happen to KH. I don`t like the idea of "what if" based games anyway, but then again, I was sure I`d hate 358/2 as well but it wasn`t as bad as it could have been...

    Guess we`ll just have to wait and see.
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