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Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - Volume 2

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Arnheln, Feb 13, 2011.

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  1. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member


    At the end of KH:BBS Final Mix, is a teaser trailer for the next KH game. KH:BBS - Volume 2. The game will take place after the events of Birth By Sleep but before Aqua arrives at Deep Dive.

    There appears to be a new world/castle in the video. This suggests that the game may be similar to Chain of Memories. It may of course, just be the Castle of Dreams, which would fill in a lot of plot holes throughout the series.

    I'm including the link to the full video with english subs. Enjoy.

    YouTube - Birth By Sleep Final Mix Secret Ending Complete English [HD]
  2. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    wow another BBS game? i didn't think that was gonna happen.but what i think they should do is make 2 KH games that revolve AFTER CoM and BEFORE KH2.1 of them takes place during Riku's journey that leads up to the ending of 358/2 Days.the other takes place with Sora while he's sleeping.basicly,and adventure of him getting his memories back.
  3. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    hmmm 1 character
    i might play it if they DO make it
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    now I'm confused by this, I watched the video and everything but I thought we weren't supposed to see Aqua and Ventus (and maybe Terra) again until Kingodom Hearts 3DS came out, I'm assuming BBS Volume 2 will come out after KH 3DS but story wise that seems a little backwards to me, still not any less excited though :)
  5. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    ...omg...I when will it come out...now another game to buy must get
  6. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member

    What do you mean 'if they DO make it'? They ARE making it. They've already released presskits.

    I think it's likely that it won't be released until Spring/Summer 2012. They've already got the game system coding from BBS so they can just use that to make volume 2.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011
  7. Yuna

    Yuna New Member

    This looks so interesting...I was very excited to see the Xehanorts expect Master Xehanort...I wonder if it will bring clues or connections to Kingdom Hearts 3. Either way I want to buy this one too ^^
  8. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

  9. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    Well now I`m confused... There`s like ten different 'secret endings' for BBS in youtube and they`re all confusing as hell! But anyway, I really, really hope they cancel this or something, I didn`t really like BBS and the idea for this game seems even less interesting. Ugh. I hoped they would just make KH3D now that re:coded is done and then go to KH3. I`m t-i-r-e-d of these spinoffs. No actually interesting new info or characters or anything, just stories of what he and she and them did while someone else was doing something else. Yay.
  10. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    the spinoffs fill the plot holes. I like the spin offs and what Square does with them. They are more often than not, the funner games to play plot wise.
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