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Kingdom Hearts: Destinies

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ADogX, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    It was a bright windy night. Three brothers of the age of fourteen stood upon a cliff in the Fuedal Era world. The full moon gazed down on them as if the heavens cried to them. The four brothers, Antonio, Adam, and Leo, revised on their two year journey, before heading out to their final battle.

    "Antonio, are you sure about this? We could be walking into a trap."
    "Yeah, you're right Adam. We could be. However, we have to take that chance."
    "After all we've been through, it all comes down to this. The final battle between Dark Blood, NitonXao, and Alex."
    "Let's just hope we can get Alex back to his senses Leo. Less blood on our hands."
    "Yeah. Let's hope so."
    Bushes rustled behind them. They turned to see Craze, Spike, and Jessica walking towards them.
    "It won't be so easy," Craze began. "We've tried that before. You know what happened then."
    "Not to mention what happened between you two and Andrew in Mobius," Spike added.
    "I know. But we have to try. He's family after all."
    "This is just so heart breaking! Antonio, what if we lose?"
    "Don't worry Jessica, we won't. I promise."
    "Okay. But this won't be easy. We have to try our hardest no matter what."
    "I couldn't agree more..."

    "My name, is Antonio Fukishima. For the past two years, I've been fighting Heartless as a Keyblade user, protecting the five Worlds of Hope. My father, Dark Blood, has been behind this, and he convinced my twin brother, Alex, to join him. It's time to go back in time and relive my journey from the beginning. The beginning, of my Destiny."

    Kingdom Hearts: Destinies​

    In this story, we will be following the lives of Antonio, Adam, Alex, and Leo, as they begin their lives as the Destiny Warriors. You are to choose which character you would like to role as. However, some information will already be given



    Here are the characters with given information

    Name: Adam
    Age: 12
    Personality: You choose
    Abilities: You choose
    Element: Wind
    Weapons: Two large Double-Edged Flails
    Past: You choose
    Appearence: Green Sweater. The rest you choose

    Name: Alex
    Age: 12
    Personality: You choose
    Abilities: You choose
    Element: Darkness
    Weapons: Shadow Heart Keyblade. You choose the look
    Past: You choose
    Appearence: Black Sweater. The rest you choose

    Name: Leo
    Age: 12
    Personality: You choose
    Abilities: You choose
    Element: Water
    Weapons: Two giant Shurikens
    Past: You choose
    Appearence: Blue Sweater. The rest you choose

    More characters will be added later on. I will be taking over the role of Antonio.
    Any problems, tell me here.

    Future Characters:

    Dark Blood
    Destiny Guardian
    -Bleach characters
    -Naruto characters
    -InuYasha characters
    -Tokyo Mew-Mew characters

    Current Characters:

    Antonio: ADogX
    Dark Blood:
    NitonXao: ADogX
    Destiny Guardian: ADogX

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