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Kingdom hearts Haters

Discussion in 'General' started by StrikeReaper, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. StrikeReaper

    StrikeReaper New Member

    Kingdom hearts is my favorite game franchise and i hate when people talking sh*t about it and sometimes i watch Kingdom Hearts on youtube, some of you may think screwatack and think they good but you are wrong, they are idiots, when i watched one of there videos of the worst water level they put Atlantica KH2 there which kinda piss me off bt not a lot but my hatred for them came from the video of game that should die, THEY PUT KINGDOM HEARTS 4TH PLACE!!!!!!! just cause they didn't gey the story, this is make me hate them instantly beacause not oly they said they didn't get the story but they didn't even aid why they didn't get the story, i know the story is hard to understand but if you play the games you have most of it and it's much easier then.
    but i don't loved them much before beacause they talk sh*t on other godd games too like the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion and other great games. Tell me what do you think beacause the only thing i watch in screwatack is the death battles, they sould open there own channel.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Meh. I never knew that Screwattack existed. Atlantica can be deemed as the worst world (Which I can agree since all you do on there is... *epic moment* SING!). I really don't care. They do not bother me.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Can't really bash people for having their personal preference in games.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    The Kingdom Hearts series is not perfect. And I've not made it a secret on this forum that I don't quite like the direction the series seems to be taking since KH II. But that's my opinion. You're entitled to your own.

    This is entirely valid criticism. Even the most adamant KH fanboys admit Atlantica sucked in both games.

    I'm not overly familiar with ScrewAttack besides watching a few AVGN episodes, but I youtubed their top ten franchises that need to die video and I pretty much agree with them. 'Course, I think they were exaggerating a tad with the "no one knows what's going on", but then, I think part of the point is to be trollish and rile up fanboys. And mission complete, judging by your post.
  5. StrikeReaper

    StrikeReaper New Member

    Wait you got me all wrong with the thing beacuase i had hard time explaining this, i never ment that atlantica KH2 was good, it's pretty bad and i avoid playing in that world unless needed, but what i ment was even if you have an opinion you never should just said something this extreme about anything without proper explanation, they think the franchise should die it's still piss me off and that's ok beacause i have an opinion like them and some of their videos are good when they don't talk sh*t about games but still i'm impressed by their bravery beacause they knew that this videos will make their viewers angry and if they were only a little more smarters they would understand that they can avoid some of the hatred if they were only explaining in a more detailed way why they hate the game or any other games and show us i think that my hatred not gone but will be very little. Last thing is that i want to ask you a two questions, if you watched the video tell me how much the reasons for wanting a franchise to die for any game there were explained well and wouldn't that be better if they had diffrent name for the video beacause there's bravery and opinion and there's being a douche.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, Kingdom Hearts is the only series they bitched about that I'm familiar enough with (I'm not much of a gamer), but essentially, they said that the first KH game was a simple, charming story, but then S-E decided to try to cash in on the franchise, and they've made sequels that lack that simple charm that the first one had. And they make a point about how long it's been since KH II, but there's still no KH III coming any time soon. And I agree with all of that. I don't think they were overly cruel about this game- they just think it's time for the franchise to start wrapping things up before it outlives its usefulness. And I agree with this too. I don't need ScrewAttack to spell any of this out for me because it's everything I've been thinking for years.

    I honestly don't see anything offensive about the title for the video. They probably chose it because it's catchy, and short.

    I doubt it. Fanboys get irate any time someone criticizes their beloved fandom, no matter how rationally you do it. Besides, like I said, riling fanboys and being trolls is probably part of their fun.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    You really should not worry anyway. There are videos on youtube that does the same thing and I tend to see many youtube comments that bashes on games. Saw one video where the person completely hates Vanille of FFXIII (And was very amusing I must say), the same person who bashes on Tetris, the list just keeps on going.

    Whoever bashed on the Kingdom Hearts franchise, oh well. Can't blame them. One game can be better than the other. Unlike the Final Fantasy franchise which comes out with many different kind of games and have many type of series, Kingdom Hearts only has one series for now and since Square Enix is heading many projects, who knows when gamers will give up waiting patiently on Kingdom Hearts 3. In all honesty, I did not play Kingdom Hearts in months except Birth by Sleep. Didn't touch my Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2. It has been a while and the only game that can hold my interest is Birth by Sleep. THAT is how much the series is fading.

    I wonder what were the top three games that beat Kingdom Hearts. -_- Please don't say World of Warcraft.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    10- Angry Birds
    9- Dynasty Warriors
    8- The Lego series (ex Lego Star Wars)
    7- Call of Duty
    6- Dragon Ball Z
    5- Dance Dance Revolution
    4- Kingdom Hearts
    3- Madden
    2- Final Fantasy
    1- Halo

    I quit watching after KH the first time, so I didn't notice FF on the list, too. But I have to say I agree with them here, too. I don't necessarily think the franchise needs to end completely, but I do wish they would go back to the way things were when the classic games came out and quit milking every storyline for all it's worth with crappy sequels.
  9. StrikeReaper

    StrikeReaper New Member

    I have to tell that as much as the story get hard to understand the more i like it enjoy it and there are more games to have fun, i already played all the PS2 games and love them and even if i didn't understand why Sora slept in the pod i figured it out after playing Re: CoM, i love the series so much that some of the other games i played on emulater on my PC and sometime just for fun (i play other games too), the point that i'm trying to pass is that i like KH and that this sole reason of not understanding the story is kind of lacking since the story is well explained through playing the games. Some may think i'm too protective and it's true, but i di narrowed the reasons to make it more about kingdom hearts, they are just not just syaing KH is bad beacause as much that i like KH i can't hate someone about one game series but they say sh*t about other great game for no reason in there videos and it make me angry and it souldbeacause i love those game too. and one last thing, the only reason that it piss me off that they hate Atlantica is beacause i love button mashing but that all there is to it.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't understand why you take someone else's opinion about a video game so seriously, especially considering it's people you don't even know personally. Everyone likes and dislikes different things, sometimes for good reasons, sometimes just because that's how they feel. It makes the world interesting.

    As far as KH goes, I haven't played any past II, partly because I don't have the consoles to play the others, but I have read summaries of the games. And I wouldn't so much say it's hard to understand, but that in my opinion the story is needlessly convoluted, and I preferred the more simplistic storytelling of the first game.

    The entire game is button-mashing. You can have button mashing in a game and still put in the effort to have a decent level and good storytelling. There's really no excuse for the atrociousness of KH II's Atlantica. And KH I's is only marginally better, in that there's no singing.

    Like I've already said before, a lot of times, part of a reviewer's schtick is being a troll. If you don't like the way the contributors on ScrewAttack write their videos, just don't watch them. Why should their opinion matter to you at all?
  11. StrikeReaper

    StrikeReaper New Member

    I don't like Atlantica KH2, i'm just saying that i like button mashing. what i said was too much beacause i don't hate them that much in fact i thought they are pretty good without insulting any games and if only they were less insulting games and more praising others they were lot better.
  12. angelwings

    angelwings New Member

    Screwattack has a habit of dissing the KH and Final Fantasy series a bit. It's annoying but yeah like others have said opinions are still opinions. But I do find how they're too scared to admit their opinions how they don't like these games annoying. Don't hide back from the worry of flamers because you might loose viewers. Just come out and admit that you don't like the series.

    And the way insult KH and FF is annoying too. But oh well. Some of Screwattack is great like Brentalfloss.

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