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Kingdom Hearts II: Neo Organization XIII (O.O.C. & S.U.)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Reonarudo Butsuchiru, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. Story

    It’s been one year after the complete destruction of Organization XIII. Many Nobodies are still appearing and are simply wandering empty shells. However, a powerful Nobody by the name Reonax along with his other two companions, Chïx, and Butxuhiru are searching for ten more members to fill in the wide gap between the Lesser Nobodies and themselves. As time has past, Darkness has gotten so strong to the point that the Heartless are now fully functioning, organized beings with the power for some to take on human-like forms, increasing their powers drastically. These new Heartless have made their own group called, The Hollowed.

    The Hollowed can willingly manipulate Darkness and control the Lesser Heartless. The Hollowed have realized their strength and have began targeting people to gain their hearts and to make their own Kingdom Hearts, which will totally engulf all the worlds in Darkness, where they will roam freely. However, Reonax, Chïx, and Butxuhiru have their own agenda. They wish to do the same, as the Superior of In-Between once tried to do: to make their own Kingdom Hearts so that they will find their hearts and become whole again. This has caused a complete and total conflict between the two factions and they are now at a state of assembling for war.


    1. There are only ten more spaces left for the Neo Organization (Reonax, Chïx, and Butxuhiru have filled in the first three spots). Acceptation will be made if a character is killed off but only by me.

    2. The Hollowed have a limit of thirteen members also, so be aware of who is who. The same rule that applied to the Neo Organization applies here too.

    3. Every Neo Organization member is limited to control over one specific Lesser Nobody. Since there are only a certain number of Nobodies (including Twilight Thorn), co-ownership is allowed to one extra member per nobody. The leader and 2nd leader will have the same ability to call on them in a post.

    4. Every Hollowed member has total control over all known Heartless in the entire Kingdom Hearts universe. So calling on a Heartless will be no real problem if the user chooses to be a Hollowed member.

    5. Due to the fact that there is a high chance of a low number of members on the forum at the time the R.P. is progressing, it is recommended that each user have the limit of three characters in one profile. The characters can be apart of the Neo Organization or The Hollowed, it’s all up to what the user wants.

    6. You will notice that in the template there will be a category called “Ultima Form.” An Ultima Form (like Xemnas’s black and white Form in K.H.II.) is available for both sides. If you don’t want your character to have one, simply fill in “N/A” (without the quotation marks) to verify that the character has no Ultima Form (you can later edit this if you wish, simply inform me through P.M., V.M., or my other Contact info on my profile). Your Ultima form must be unique to your character and must be very descriptive when filling in that section.

    7. God-Modding is unfair and very bad for an R.P.’s posts. Don’t do it . . . just don’t do it. This also includes your Ultima Form. Be very careful of how you use to express its power.

    8. Profanity is sometimes good and bad for a post. The only real profane word that should be used is really the word, “damn.” However, any other profane words should be avoided unless absolutely appropriate to the situation in the R.P.

    9. The O.O.C. part of the thread is mainly for questions and the like. However, O.O.C. is another great way to have fun besides the R.P. Little jokes, spoofs, and comical discussions are allowed (as all O.O.C. are concerned).

    10. Romance always adds a good twist to R.P.’s so it’s definitely allowed between members of either side (The Hollowed or Neo Organization XIII). Make sure to keep it at a more suitable interaction (like a passionate kiss, a romantic conversation, etc.). Anything too explicit (sexual acts, touching, dirty language) is out of the question.

    11. Posting will be done in well-made; five sentence minimum (paragraph) form. It can be as long as you like it, make sure you keep it interesting.

    12. Bios will also be done in the same way as rule number eleven listed out. Follow it and no problems occur.

    13. A best part of an R.P. is to have fun with it. If you’re unsure of your post, use right judgement and post it. Make sure your post are very descriptive (not at a novelist’s level but good enough for an R.P.) so that the action, whether fighting or not, keeps the R.P. interesting and on-going.

    Character Template

    *Be sure to follow the exact template as it is made (without the parentheses after the colon mark in each category) below for your character. The appearance of your character is to be posted above the template. Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket is recommended for images of your character. Organization members will be wearing the Organization XIII robe, necklace, etc. Hollowed members will have on the clothes shown in the image of the character but they will be in black with a hollowed out heart-shaped symbol in their chest (hence the name Hollowed). You character’s true name is the name that they had before they became a Nobody or Hollowed, not your username.

    Name: (example: Reonax)
    True Name: (example: Alan)
    Height: (example: 5”11)
    Weight: (example: 160 lbs.)
    Gender: (example: Male)
    Faction: (example: The Hollowed / Neo Organization XIII)
    Member Title: (example: The Ravaging Scythe)
    Member Number: (example: I, II, III, etc.)
    Birthplace: (example: Twilight Town)
    Personal Treasure(s): (example: Friends, Family, etc.)
    Weapon(s): (example: Katana, Gun, Shield, etc.)
    Ability: (example: Reflect Magic, Blizzard Magic, etc. or any other single ability you can come up with *All Hollowed characters have the Dark version of any ability, so Dark Fire Magic, etc.)
    Lesser Nobody: (example: Gambler)
    Ultima Form: (see “Rules” section for more)

    Name: Reonax
    True Name: Reonarudo
    Height: 6"0
    Weight: 180 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Faction: Neo Organization XIII
    Member Title: The Serendipitous Blade
    Member Number: I
    Birthplace: The World That Never Was
    Personal Treasure(s): His fellow Nobodies, his skills, his lost love (of which he can still remember).
    Likes: Writing, Studying, Kind hearts, Happy emotions.
    Dislikes: Ignorance, Heartless, Keyblades
    Weapon(s): Seven black and white Katanas (including sheaths to a total of 14 blades)
    Ability: Teleportation, Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Stop Magic, Time Control
    Lesser Nobody: Samurai
    Ultima Form: His seven katanas (not including sheaths) fuse into one black and white masamune as the other sheaths revolve around him. During this time he can use his Stop Magic to it's maximum potential in which he can also control Time and stop time, move at incredible speed, or simply make the sheaths appear to impale the target.
    Bio: During his time as a Nobody, he moved in the shadows hoping to find some sort of sign that would tell him that he would be okay in the world. However, while he searched for his solace, he witness a Heartless brutally massacre a group of child-like Nobodies. This lead to his decision to assemble another Organization XIII to preserve the beings called Nobodies and to recreate Xemnas's Kingdom Hearts so that all Nobodies can return to themselves. As he searched for the starting members of what would be his grand army, he stumbled upon two other powerful Nobodies by the name's of Chïx and Butxuhiru. With these new companions they will fight to give Nobodies another chance of becoming whole.

    Name: Chïx
    True Name: Chiisutofupu
    Height: 6"2
    Weight: 189 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Faction: Neo Organization XIII
    Member Title: The Ravaging Scythe
    Member Number: II
    Birthplace: The World That Never
    Personal Treasure(s): His "life", his scythe, his power
    Likes: Power
    Dislikes: Weakness
    Weapon(s): Lunar Scythe
    Ability: Berserk Mode
    Lesser Nobody: Berserker
    Ultima Form: His Berserk Mode increases to Lunatic Mode. Lunatic Mode allows him to achieve incredible strength, speed, and endurance. His hair becomes jet-black and his skin becomes paler. This form is increased even more in the light of the moon.
    Bio: Even before his life as a Nobody, Chïx was a violent individual. His random attacks on people as he was human got him into a terrible battle in which a Heartless appeared and devoured his heart. His bottled up rage and desire to become whole again influenced him to go along with Reonax for the soul purpose of regaining his heart so he could return back to life as a violent individual. However, when he learned of the new entity known as The Hollowed, his demeanour changed. He is now more calm, yet underneath his straight expression lies a much more savage nature.

    Name: Butxuhiru
    True Name: Butsuchiru
    Height: 5"11
    Weight: 145 lbs
    Gender: Male
    Age: 13
    Faction: Neo Organization XIII
    Member Title: The Reversing Bullet
    Member Number: III
    Birthplace: The Wiorld That Never Was
    Personal Treasure(s): Friends, his family (that he remembers), his photos that he held onto
    Likes: Fighting, sweet foods, sodas, sea salt ice cream, jokes
    Dislikes: Heartless, Keyblades, cowards
    Weapon(s): Two white desert eagles with purple slash symbols on the barrel
    Ability: Gravity Magic
    Lesser Nobody: Sniper
    Ultima Form: His Magnums increase and can be made into a single sniper rifle with the caliber of an anti-tank bullet. He can drastically increase the gravity of the area and can distort specific areas of gravity to switch positions of the bullets, and change his position on the ground or in the sky.
    Bio: His life as a thirteen year-old boy was cut short in a scrimmage with a random Heartless in which his heart was devoured. Even as a Nobody, he never ceases in his immaturity and childishness. However, he kept his gift of being a great marksman with great eyesight. He joined Reonax after being told that he could regain his heart and become whole again. He has taken a great fondness of Chïx and sees him as a brotherly figure.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Xadrius (Za-dree-us)
    True Name: Darius Nikolaidis
    23 In full. 3 years as a nobody.
    Neo Organization XIII
    Member Title: The Soul of Naught
    Member Number: V
    As a Somebody - Olympus
    As a Nobody - Twilight Town

    Ever since the age of 12, which saw the start of his physical training. Darius (Now Xadrius) has striven to be as physically fit as he possibly can be. And by a look at his body today, he has more than achieved this goal. At a height of five feet ten inches, he has an almost flawlessly formed body, with the notable exceptions of a few minor natural deformities, which are so insignificant that they aren’t even worth the mention at this point. His muscles are clearly kept, and of course, strong even in their appearance, being akin to any Olympian athlete. His posture is one of a smooth and defined nature, and each movement his body makes is done so with a strong sense of purpose.

    His skin has a glossed, shined tan, which is rather on the dark side, though not very much so. The texture is generally perceived as smooth, and soft, which is a shock considering the amount of muscle tissue underneath. His chest, and his abs bear a series of rough scars indicating a rough past, to some extent, or possibly just one of a foolish youth. Either way, they are there. Upon his back, aligned perfectly with his neck, and reaching half way down, is a tattoo, which depicts a Spartan style shield, adorning the form of two oriental style dragons intertwining with one another.

    Detracting somewhat from his generally attractive appearance is his hair. Dark brown in color, it is long, wild, and untamed by anyone at this point. He also maintains a five o’clock shadow.

    His attire is not entirely consistent from moment to moment. In training and non-mission oriented affairs, he wears a more simplistic style of clothing, usually consisting of an open black silk made vest, a pair of semi baggy black sweat pants, and red and black martial arts shoes. Wrapped around his wrists, running up his forearms, are two leather made gauntlets. His hands are held within two leather-esque gloves with the thumbs and fingers all cut off.

    Personal Treasure(s):
    A mystical naginata that was left for him by his master prior to his death, and Darius' own fall into nothingness.

    Likes: Battle, Meditating, Thinking, Working Out.
    Dislikes: Fools

    ^The Weapon Depicted In The Picture, Not The Man^

    Ability: Astral Energy (Chi) Manipulation. To keep the explanation simple, Xadrius wields his somebody's ability to manipulate astral, or spiritual energies, both those of himself, and of the natural worlds around him, drawn from the spiritual essence of the worlds, and the energies of others. He can utilize this spiritual force as raw energy, amplifying his own physical strength, or manifesting them in raw forms. He can also feel out the spiritual presence of others, whose default output is powerful enough to be felt.

    Lesser Nobody:

    Ultima Form:
    The naginata that his former master left behind for him is more than just a weapon, or even a simple keep sake. It is a device that was forged some time ago by the greatest masters of the art of chi manipulation. The weapon itself is, unknown at this point, the very embodiment of spiritual energy itself. Through harmonization of his own chi with that of the blade, Xadrius imbues himself with the very spiritual essence of the worlds themselves, permeating this force through the physical worlds, shifting the astral energies into
    physical phenomenon of varying, often dramatic natures.

    (Coming up soon)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2009
  3. Your profile is accepted, just edit the area of your Lesser Nobody and your number because Butxuhiru took that spot if you read the rules properly. Other than that, you're fine.
  4. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    may I join?
  5. Sure no problem, simply copy and paste the character template and then fill it out.
  6. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    looks very interesting.And I dont mean to steal your idea in using a scythe.

    Name: Reaper

    True Name: Zell

    Height: 6'1

    Weight: 176

    Gender: Male

    Age: Time of death/becomeing heartless- 20, currently 33

    Faction: The Hollowed

    Member Title: Eternal Death

    Member Number: 5

    Birthplace: Both alive and heartless- Radient Garden/Hollow Bastion

    Personal Treasure(s): His ability to think for himself again

    Likes: Quietness,night sky,New Moon

    Dislikes: Keyblade (dark or not),Neoshadows

    Appearance: Wears a jet black cloak that can blend in with shadows and the night
    easily.When not covered with it he wears a dark,long sleeved shirt with dark purple flames adorning the sleeves,along with dark fingerless gloves.His pants are just a simple black.Black boots (ever seen the shoes Zero from Megaman Zero wears?Looks more like that,but I dont know how to explain those good.)Has brownish-black hair and yellow eyes.Their is a scar running from the bottom of his left eye to down below his neck.

    Weapon(s): Jet black scythe around 5'0,the blade having a dark blue streak going through the middle of it.

    Ability: Death (Slightly improved over regular death,can hit more then one person.thing,but can only damage those with a strong will,which includes the Hollowed/Neo Organization,though if characters do die then if their will is weak at a time he uses it it can kill them.Can still miss even low-leveled Nobodies/Heartless),time magic (haste and slow only),Dark,Darkra,Darkga,later on Darkja.

    Lesser Nobody: N/A (heartless)

    Ultima Form: His cloak becomes frayed looking and also becomes bigger,causing his hands to not be visible along with his feet.He levitates in this form at all times,only does not when a powerful attack grounds him for a minute or he is knocked out of the form (alive or otherwise).His scythe remains mostly the same,except the dark blue streak become a dark red.He is constantly hasted and his Death spells have a better accuracy,and when ever they hit but do not kill,they instead damage the enemy.He also can now shoot beam waves using his scythe.

    Bio: Once a civilian in Radient Garden,he was of numerous people to become a heartless after the attack on it over ten years ago.For most of the time he was a Dark Ball,suprising for one with only an average amount of darkness.As the darkness became stronger after the deafeat of the original Organization XIII,however,this Dark Ball soon begane to morph into something human like,soon becoming human in appearance.When this happened Reaper regained his memories and felt what anger at what had happened,but soon let it go,for he knew it was in the past and now he needed to do something.He was no longer bound to just finding hearts to continue the excistence of the Heartless.As he looked on at the worlds though he felt disgust at how most humans acted,how they used the light to shield themselves away from lifes problems.He was soon approached by another heartless in human form with an offer to show the humans true despair,and through it true life,and he accepted the offer.

    I hope to be a part of this,and if needed,I can create more characters.
  7. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    May i join?

    Name: Sorrow

    True Name: Noah Deicius

    Height: 5"11

    Weight: 135 lbs

    Gender: Male

    Age: 24, 21 is when he become heartless

    Faction: The Hallowed

    Member Title: The Miseased Fighter

    Member Number: 9

    Birthplace: Radiant Garden (Somebody) Traverse Town (Heartless)

    Personal Treasure(s): His mask, and a glowed flower
    The pics of mask and flower

    Likes: Being alone and rains

    Dislikes: Crowds, smiles (he hates it), and cowards

    Weapon(s): A gauntlet that similar to Yoz AC in left hand, and bare hands

    Ability: Strength and Agility beyond humans, a great martial artist, Dark Thunder, Dark Thundra, Dark Thundaga, Dark Thundaja.

    Lesser Heartess: Wight Knight

    Ultima Form: His skin becomes darker, much more like Anti Form. His gauntlet disappear and the hands become claw and wings appeared. He attacks much more faster and dangerous, and his speed increased and still could using Dark Thunder spells in this condition.

    Bio: A resident of Radiant Garden who forced to move to Traverse Town because of Heartless Invasion, many of his friends died because of the invasion. Only his sister that he have. Then he began to study the art of martial artist in order to revenge his friends and protecting his sister. One day his sister gave him a flower he never seen before, a unique one that glowed with light. He shocked until he know that his sister died not long because another heartless attack in Traverse Town. He went rampage and willing to eliminate all heartless. Consumed by hatred, he eventually become one of them. The period of him as Wight Knight ended as the defeat of original Organization XIII. Until he regained his memories, he hates himself and believing he was a monster. He hates to see humans who live in joy. Believing how cruel the life he got, and hate everything including himself. One day, he found another heartless in human form and joined them to spread Sorrow to all worlds and relieve his hatred.
  8. Very good stuff all of your profiles are accepted. We'll be starting shortly so makesure you log on. I'll be sending a P.M. or a V.M. to tell you that the official R.P. has begun.
  9. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Name: Faust

    Real Name: Nero amora

    Weapons: Masamune

    Height: 5'2

    Gender: Male

    Age: 23

    Faction: Neo Organization XIII

    Rank: 7

    Title: The Frozen Angel

    Apperance: White hair, blue eyes, black cloak, ring with his rank on it.

    BirthPlace: Land of Dragons

    Personal Treasure: Masamune, ring, snow flake necklace, angel feather

    Likes: peace, snow, and angels

    Dislikes: Vegatables, fire

    Ability: Compete contruol over ice and snow.even more better then Vexen. Dark blizzard, dark blizzara, dark blizzaga

    Ultima Form: Really pale skin, ice freezes hair into Needles, Ice creates wings, cloak turns into white, eyes become violet.

    Nobodies: Berserkers

    Bio: WHen he was small, Nero lived in the Land of Dragons. He used to go up into the mountains and make snow angels. He loved angels. He was always fascinated by them. One day, a group of heartless attacked his town and destroyed. The heartless captured him and took his heart. His heart was so strong that he kept his human form and later joined Neo Organization for unknown reasons.

    Personality: Calm, cool, playful, dark
  10. All right, your profile is accpeted. We'll be starting tomorrow.
  11. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Thats cool.
  12. Last edited: Oct 17, 2009
  13. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I realized that we need more characters for Hallowed characters, especially its leader?

    Or would someone volunteer to play as its leader?
  14. That's right . . . we do need the leader to be known. I've exceeded my character count. You may make another one if you wish. But for the most part we might have to sort of "spread" the word on the R.P.
  15. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I would like to, but i'm just busy with life >.<

    I will be more focus on this if i got another breaks.
  16. All then. Maybe I'll tweek the rules a little bit.
  17. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    If noone makes one I can try to make one,though not for a bit,just to give others a chance.
  18. All right thanks. I think I'll also add the idea of a prologue due to the fact that we don't have a full R.P. yet. So right now we're in "Prologue: The Gathering of Powers." It'll be gone until we get more people or if I decide to just tweek the rules and have an extended amount of characters.
  19. If position No.XI hasn't been taken I'd like to join.~

    But I think I can do with just about any other position, that is of course, if you have any room left. :eek:
  20. [​IMG]

    Name: Roxel (ROh⋅zel)

    True Name: Lore

    Height: 5'10

    Weight: 125lbs

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Faction: Neo Organization XIII

    Member Title: The Avid Harbinger

    Member Number: XI

    Birthplace: Realm of Naught.

    Personal Treasure(s): Memories.

    Likes: Nothing.

    Dislikes: Nothing.

    Weapon(s): A translucent sphere with the Nobody insignia located in the dead center.

    Lesser Nobody: Assassin.

    Ability: The orb can serve as a center of gravity or magnet capable of pulling and pushing objects. This also includes the compression and the combination of matter; where, for instance, rocks and other small objects are pulled together to create a larger one, which can then be jettisoned at the enemy. As to compression, were any object being pulled towards the center of gravity is decimated into atomic proportions.

    Ultima Form: The sphere grows into gargantuan size, anyone pulled into the worldly structure will fall under the gravitational command of Roxel. Within the sphere are objects such as cars, large rocks, etc... Which Roxel uses to damage her opponent. Because you can't move up down or to any side, the only way to break free is to ricochet the objects being flung at them, back at Roxel; who is also inside flying around giving the commands to said objects. She will then flinch and lose control, yet instinctively create an invisible platform where she and the enemy can land on, from there run towards her and strike while she's still stunned.

    Bio: During a massive wave of darkness she lost her Heart to the abyss. The carefree youth no longer walks the realm of light, wrought, her Nobody whose most valuable possession is her newly acquired existence. That, and her beloved memories.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009

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